9 research outputs found
Time-resolved measurements from speckle interferometry
We present time-resolved measurements by speckle interferometry of the light scattered by a liquid medium. Measurements were performed by use of reflectance geometry and are compared with results obtained in the same conditions with a femtosecond laser and a streak camera. The setup was also tested in vivo on the forearm of a human volunteer to demonstrate the potential utility of such a setup for biomedical applications
Mesure de la dĂ©rive lors dâapplication phytosanitaire par hĂ©licoptĂšre et avion sur bananeraies. Version : 2
[Departement_IRSTEA]Ecotechnologies [TR1_IRSTEA]INSPIREThe struggle in Guadeloupe and Martinique against yellow Sigatoka of banana is amandatory fight is essentially carried out by application of treatment product by air. In order to comply with an EU directive establishing a ban on aerial spraying except in special cases qualifying for exemption, the EB requested by the professional bodyof Union Group of banana producers told the Cemagref OPTIBAN the project. This project includes the completion of investigation to propose technical solutions from a reliable aerial application and also to provide alternative ground spraying solutions when the waiver cannot be implemented. This report presents the results in terms of drift and deposition on vegetation obtained during application by plane or helicopter of Banole or water on a banana plantation. Different configurations were tested for the type of nozzle, the boom length or the use of baffles. The results indicate that improvements are possible for helicopters by choosing certain types of nozzle. The use of baffle for aircraft can also provide room for improvementLa lutte en Guadeloupe et en Martinique contre la Cercosporiose jaune du bananier est une lutte rendue obligatoire qui est essentiellement menĂ©e par application de produit de traitement par voie aĂ©rienne. Afin de pouvoir respecter une directive europĂ©enne instituant l'interdiction de l'Ă©pandage aĂ©rien sauf cas particulier ouvrant droit Ă dĂ©rogation, la DGAL sollicitĂ©e par l'organisme professionnel Union des Groupement de Producteurs de BANanes a confiĂ© au Cemagref le projet OPTIBAN. Ce projet comprend la rĂ©alisation dâinvestigation pour proposer des solutions techniques permettant d'une part de fiabiliser le traitement aĂ©rien et d'autre part dâapporter une solution de remplacement terrestre lorsque la dĂ©rogation ne peut ĂȘtre mise en Âœuvre. Ce rapport prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats en termes de dĂ©rive et de dĂ©pĂŽt sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation obtenus lors dâapplication par avion ou par hĂ©licoptĂšre de banole ou d'eau sur une bananeraie. DiffĂ©rentes configurations ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es concernant le type de buse, la longueur des rampes ou le recours Ă des dĂ©flecteurs. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que des amĂ©liorations sont possibles avec les hĂ©licoptĂšres en choisissant certains types de buse. Lâutilisation des dĂ©flecteurs pour les avions permet dâapporter aussi une marge dâamĂ©lioration
A New Insight into Biospeckle Activity in Apple Tissues
International audienc
Scattering spot imaging for the determination of optical and dynamical properties of viscoelastic media
International audienc
Propagation d'impulsions ultracourtes dans les milieux diffusants. Application au diagnostic médical
International audienceP. 9. PrĂ©face / Pierre Laporte et François Salin P. 11. Introduction - Le rĂ©seau des technologies des lasers femtosecondes. La mission ressources et compĂ©tences technologiques du CNRS / GĂ©rard LeliĂšvre et Catherine Leblanc Communications P.27. Technologie des sources femtosecondes historique et Ă©tat de l'art / Charles Hirlimann et François Salin P. 47. Applications industrielles et mĂ©dicales pour les lasers femtosecondes / Jean-Luc Tapie et al... P. 53. GĂ©nĂ©rateurs paramĂ©triques en rĂ©gime fs / Rysvan Maleck P. 65. GĂ©nĂ©ration et dĂ©tection d'ondes acoustiques par des impulsions laser femtosecondes / Bernard Perrin P. 91. Impulsions Ă©lectriques femtosecondes:techniques optoĂ©lectroniques et applications / Jean-Louis Coutaz et al. P. 107. Mesure de la phase spectrale d'une impulsion ultra-brĂšve / Christophe Dorrer et Manuel Joffre. P. 123. CaractĂ©risation et contrĂŽle de la phase temporelle des impulsions femtoseconde / Jean-Paul Chambaret et al.. P. 141. CaractĂ©risation et contrĂŽle de la rĂ©partition d'Ă©nergie et du front d'onde d'impulsions femtosecondes / Gilles ChĂ©riaux et al.. P. 157. MĂ©thodes de spectrocopie non-linĂ©aire / Claude RulliĂšre P. 159. Spectroscopie Raman de rĂ©sonance picoseconde / Guy Buntix et OlivierPoizat P. 183. Artefacts dans une expĂ©rience pompe-sonde / Stanislas Pommeret et al.. P. 209. Le ContrĂŽle cohĂ©rent / Bertrand Girard et al.. P. 223. Les composants spĂ©cifiques Ă la manipulation d'impulsions femtosecondes / Vincent Baqnoud P. 239. Technologie des lasers de puissance de durĂ©e femtoseconde/ Catherine LeBlanc P. 257. Z-scan rĂ©solu en temps et autres mĂ©thodes de dĂ©tection liĂ©es Ă des variations d'indice / Jean Etchepare et Olivier Albert P. 269. Technologies de camĂ©ra Ă balayage de fente femtoseconde / Jean-Claude Kieffer P. 281. Fluorescence rĂ©solue en temps et molĂ©cules d'intĂ©rĂȘt biologique / Jean-Claude Brochon. P. 295. Propagation d'impulsions ultracourtes dans les milieux diffusants. Application au diagnostic mĂ©dical / Sigrid Avrillier et al. P. 311. Applications biologiques de la microscopie nonlinĂ©aire / JĂ©rĂŽme Mertz et al. P. 319. Nouvelles sources lasers femtosecondes / Patrick Georges. P. 335. Lasers femtosecondes appliquĂ©s Ă la mĂ©trologie des frĂ©quences / Christian Chardonnet et A. Amy-Klein P. 361. GĂ©nĂ©ration d'Harmoniques et Applications / Pierre Agostini Posters P. 385. Acoustique Picoseconde Ă longueur d'onde variable / Arnaud Devos P. 389. Ătude du panache plasma crĂ©Ă© par ablation laser femtoseconde du carbone et dĂ©pĂŽt de couches minces de DLC / Florence Garrelie et al. P. 393. Diffusion d'un puise laser court par une particule sphĂ©rique / LoĂŻc MĂ©Ăšs et al. P. 397. Micro-usinage par impulsions laser ultra-courtes / Emmanuel Baubeau et al. P. 401. Ătude par Spectroscopie laser femtoseconde d'une base de l'ADN : la Cytosine en solution aqueuse / Eric Renault et al. P. 405. SystĂšmes femtosecondes pour l'Ă©tude des milieux hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes compartimentĂ©s absorbants et diffusants / StĂ©phane Mottin et Pierre Laporte P. 409. SystĂšmes femtosecondes pour la mesure intracĂ©rĂ©brale de marqueurs fluorescents comme la E-GFP - StĂ©phane Mottin et al. P. 413. Projet Teramobile: propagation des impulsions terawatt dans l'air et application Ă la dĂ©tection par lidar des pollutions atmosphĂ©riques / J. Yu et al. P. 417. Liste des participant
Ultimate spatial resolution with Diffuse Optical Tomography
13 pagesInternational audienceWe evaluate the ultimate transverse spatial resolution that can be expected in Diffuse Optical Tomography, in the configuration of projection imaging. We show how such a performance can be approached using time-resolved measurements and reasonable assumptions, in the context of a linearized diffusion model
Bimodal Fucoidan-Coated Zinc Oxide/Iron Oxide-Based Nanoparticles for the Imaging of Atherothrombosis
A polyol method was used to obtain ultrasmall ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) doped with iron ions and coated with a low molecular weight fucoidan in order to perform in vivo MR and ex vivo fluorescence imaging of athrothrombosis. During the synthesis, the early elimination of water by azeotropic distillation with toluene allowed us to produce NPs which size, determined by XRD and TEM, decreased from 7 nm to 4 nm with the increase of iron/zinc ratios from 0.05 to 0.50 respectively. For the highest iron content (NP-0.50) NPs were evidenced as a mixture of nanocrystals made of wurtzite and cubic phase with a molar ratio of 2.57:1, although it was not possible to distinguish one from the other by TEM. NP-0.50 were superparamagnetic and exhibited a large emission spectrum at 470 nm when excited at 370 nm. After surface functionalization of NP-0.50 with fucoidan (fuco-0.50), the hydrodynamic size in the physiological medium was 162.0 ± 0.4 nm, with a corresponding negative zeta potential of −48.7 ± 0.4 mV, respectively. The coating was evidenced by FT-IR spectra and thermogravimetric analysis. Aqueous suspensions of fuco-0.50 revealed high transverse proton relaxivities (T2) with an r2 value of 173.5 mM−1 s−1 (300 K, 7.0 T) and remained stable for more than 3 months in water or in phosphate buffer saline without evolution of the hydrodynamic size and size distribution. No cytotoxic effect was observed on human endothelial cells up to 48 h with these NPs at a dose of 0.1 mg/mL. After injection into a rat model of atherothrombosis, MR imaging allowed the localization of diseased areas and the subsequent fluorescence imaging of thrombus on tissue slices