1 research outputs found

    Genetically Engineered Strains: Application and Advances for 1,3-Propanediol Production from Glycerol

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    Propilen je jedan od najvažnijih kemijskih spojeva što se koriste za sintezu nekih komercijalnih proizvoda, poput kozmetičkih i prehrambenih proizvoda, maziva i lijekova. Iako se može proizvesti kemijskim procesom i biosintezom, biosinteza propilena je ekonomičnija, ekološki prihvatljivija i jednostavnija. Propilen se može sintetizirati transformacijom glicerola ili sličnog supstrata s pomoću bakterija kao što su Clostridium butyricum i Klebsiella pneumoniae. Međutim, moguće zapreke primjeni mikroorganizama su loša produktivnost i usporavanje procesa zbog nastanka međuprodukata. Da bi se ti problemi izbjegli, posljednja istraživanja fokusiraju se na razvoj novih sojeva modifikacijom genoma različitim metodama, poput mutageneze i genetičkog inženjerstva. Primjenom genetički modificiranih sojeva dobivenih različitim postupcima postignut je bolji prinos, te su izbjegnuti neki problemi prisutni u proizvodnji propilena s pomoću divljih tipova bakterija. U ovom su radu prikazana nova postignuća u razvoju tehnologija proizvodnje genetički modificiranih mikroorganizama za primjenu u biosintezi propilena.1,3-Propanediol (1,3-PD) is one of the most important chemicals widely used as monomers for synthesis of some commercially valuable products, including cosmetics, foods, lubricants and medicines. Although 1,3-PD can be synthesized both chemically and biosynthetically, the latter offers more merits over chemical approach as it is economically viable, environmentally friendly and easy to carry out. The biosynthesis of 1,3-PD can be done by transforming glycerol or other similar substrates using some bacteria, such as Clostridium butyricum and Klebsiella pneumoniae. However, these natural microorganisms pose some bottlenecks like low productivity and metabolite inhibition. To overcome these problems, recent research efforts have been focused more on the development of new strains by modifying the genome through different techniques, such as mutagenesis and genetic engineering. Genetically engineered strains obtained by various strategies cannot only gain higher yield than wild types, but also overcome some of the barriers in production by the latter. This review paper presents an overview on the recent advances in the technological approaches to develop genetically engineered microorganisms for efficient biosynthesis of 1,3-PD