6 research outputs found

    Use of the Method of Socratic Circles in Teaching

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    Ideja o metodi Sokratovih krugova nastaje između 1910. i 1940. godine, a danas poznajemo različite varijacije i primjene. Ipak, temelj metode su rasprava i metarasprava. Metoda potiče razvoj vjeÅ”tina i sposobnosti potrebnih prilagodbi brzome, suvremenom svijetu i razvoju učenika u aktivnog, demokratskog građanina. VjeÅ”tine sluÅ”anja, izražavanja, analiziranja, kritičkog promiÅ”ljanja i uvažanja različitosti miÅ”ljenja i stavova, ciljevi su nacionalnih kurikuluma, ali su i posljedica primjene metode Sokratovih krugova. Glavni čimbenici metode su nastavnik, adekvatan tekst i učenik, no uspjeÅ”nost metode ostvaruje se tek uspostavom međusobnih odnosa.The idea of the method of Socratic Circles has been born between years 1910 and 1940. Today it is known in different variations and applications. However, the method is always grounded in discussion and meta-discussion. The method fosters the development of skills and abilities needed for living in the high-tempo modern world, as well as the development of students into the active, democratic citizens. The abilities of listening, expression, analyzing, critical reasoning, and respect for different opinions and standpoints are embedded in the national curricula, but they are also the results of application of the Socratic Circles method. The main factors of the method are the teacher, suitable text, and the student, but the success of the method lies in the establishment of their interrelations