26 research outputs found

    Dioklecijanov ā€œcarski dvorā€ u Duklji

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    The aim of the paper is the re-examination of the ā€œforumā€ of late antique Doclea (Dioclea), the interpretation of which has never been finished, although so information been collated during the past 131 years. Through re-examination of the complex with its distinctive features this paper offers answers on some of the still unresolved issues. A primary is- sue was to resolve who was responsible for its arrangement. After an onomastic analysis only one conclusion asserted itself ā€“ the ā€œforum complexā€ could only have been erected by the Emperor Diocletian, who was obviously responsible for the rearrangement of the whole town of Doclea (Dioclea), his hometown. Further analysis of the concept, architec- tural arrangement and vocabulary used in the ā€œforumā€ and adjoining ā€œbasilicaā€ only corroborate that it was precisely Diocletian and his ā€œarchitectural schoolā€. Without a doubt, the Doclean (Dioclean) ā€œforum complexā€ was innovative and original in many ways, along with its importance as an ā€œimperial forumā€, the ā€œDiocletianā€™s imperial courtā€, will re- main in the collective memory of the Montenegrins for centuries to come. The paper also represents an effort to clarify Diocletianā€™s background and the ā€œmodus operandiā€ of his ā€œarchitectural schoolā€ whose presence in Doclea (Dioclea) has already been noticed.Cilj je rada preispitivanje kasnoantičkog ā€œforumaā€ u Duklji, čija interpretacija, unatoč mnoÅ”tvu podataka prikupljenih tijekom proteklih 131 godinu, nikada nije dogotovljena. Rad nudi odgovore na pojedina nerijeÅ”ena pitanja proizaÅ”le upravo iz njegova preispitivanja. Prvenstveno pitanje bilo je vezano za naručitelja te gradnje. Po onomastičkoj analizi zaključak se sam nametnuo ā€“ ā€œforumski sklopā€ mogao je dati podići isključivo sam car Dioklecijan, koji je, po svemu sudeći, bio zaslužan za uređenje i pregradnju svojega rodnoga grada. Analiza koncepta, specifičnog arhitektonskog rjeÅ”enja i upotrijebljenog vokabulara samo je potvrdila prethodni zaključak. ā€œForumski kompleksā€ je nesumnjivo bio inovativan i originalan, a sjećanje na njega kao na ā€œcarski forumā€, ā€œDioklecijanov carski dvorā€, zadržao se u kolektivnom pamćenju Crnogoraca kroz dugi slijed stoljeća. Rad ujedno predstavlja nastojanje da se razjasni Dioklecijanovo podrijetlo i ā€œmodus operandiā€ njegove ā€œarhitektonske Å”koleā€ čija je prisutnost u Duklji već jasno zamijećena

    Castellum u Mogorjelu ā€“ doprinos jednoj dugotrajnoj raspravi

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    The late antique complex in Mogorjelo can be categorized as one of the prime Dalmatian late antique monuments. It has attracted considerable attention over the past hundred years and more, and its ground plan can be found in a number of reviews of late antique architecture in Dalmatia, as well as in the wider region. Still, although it has been studied for such a long time, there are many unanswered questions regarding this ā€œpuzzlingā€ building complex. When a monument has such a long history of research, it is bound to become a subject of divergent and even conflicting opinions. The aim of this paper is to present the complex as objectively as possible, thus rectifying the conceptions about its form, function, and purpose in a wider organizational framework established in the province by Emperor Diocletian. The intention is not to explain each detail of the complex, but to offer a new and more comprehensive insight into the nature of the castellum itself, and to provide the scholars of late antique architecture with factography, as complete as possible, about the complex and its surroundings.Kasnoantički sklop u Mogorjelu jedan je od prvorazrednih kasnoantičkih spomenika s područja rimske Dalmacije. Tijekom proteklih neÅ”to viÅ”e od stotinu godina istraživači su mu posvetili znatnu pozornost i njegov se tlocrt nalazi u mnogim pregledima kasnoantičke arhitekture u Dalmaciji, kao i na Å”irem području. Ipak, iako je kompleks izučavan tijekom dužeg razdoblja, preostalo je mnogo nerijeÅ”enih pitanja u vezi s ovim ā€žzagonetnimā€ sklopom. Kada je neki spomenik predmet tako dugotrajnog izučavanja, to nužno urađa različitim, čak i suprotstavljenim miÅ”ljenima. Cilj je ovog rada predstaviti sklop u Å”to objektivnijem svjetlu te tako rektificirati predodžbe o njegovu izvornom izgledu, funkciji i svrsi koju je imao unutar Å”ireg organizacijskog okvira provincije kakav je zacrtao car Dioklecijan. Cilj nije objasniti svaki pojedini detalj sklopa, već pružiti nov i sveobuhvatniji uvid u samu bit ovog kaÅ”tela, te predstaviti istraživačima kasnoantičke izvangradske arhitekture Å”to cjelovitiju i faktografski ispravnu sliku sklopa i okoline u kojoj je funkcionirao

    Liturgical Vestments in the Eleventh and Twelfth Century Mural Paintings of Dubrovnik and Elaphiti Islands ā€“ a Contribution to the Study of ā€œAdrio-Byzantinismā€ on the Eastern Adriatic

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    The paper deals with liturgical vestments represented on fragmentarily preserved figures on the walls of the so-called Byzantine basilica found in the archaeological excavations under Dubrovnik Cathedral, and the saints depicted in two churches on the Elaphiti Islands in Dubrovnik aquatorium: St Johnā€™s in Å ilovo Selo on Å ipan and St Nicholasā€™ on Koločep. An iconographic analysis shows that the vestments in question belong to the Eastern type of liturgical dress, and the elaboration on their origin, meaning and development provides some additional information for interpretation and dating of the paintings. Given conclusions are then observed in specific historical context of eleventh and twelfth century Dubrovnik, its traditions, dynamic relations with Byzantium and Rome, but also in the context of already recognized cultural contacts with the southern regions of the Apennine peninsula. Finally it is pointed to some further directions for re-addressing the problem of ā€œAdrio-Byzantinismā€ in eleventh and twelfth century art and architecture of southern Dalmatia, but also to the need for examining the validity of the concept, its possible aspects, meanings and manifestations, in a wider socio-cultural context; which, after all, defines the underlying ideas of the visual imagery employed

    Od pogreÅ”no protumačenog crteža iz 16. stoljeća do prvorazrednog svjedočanstva Konstantinova Novoga Rima

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    Through the past decades, there have been many attempts to reconstruct Constantine the Greatā€™s Forum in Constantinople ā€“ his Nea Roma, and to decipher its intended symbolical meaning. Most of these attempts were fruitful to some extent, but the entire message that the Emperor wanted to convey through the specific arrangement of the Forum has never been fully and clearly explained. Moreover, the Middle and Late Byzantine literary sources have additionally obscured the original message, so each piece of evidence about Constantineā€™s original concept of the Forum is extremely valuable. This paper should thus be a contribution to the understanding of its original symbolism, based on a piece of evidence that has often been either circumvented or ignored by the researchers: the unique drawing of the pedestal of Constantineā€™s porphyry column, made by Danish artist Melchior Lorichs (1526/27 ā€“ after 1583). The pedestal was decorated with an elaborate relief, whose proper interpretation becomes an important clue for deciphering Constantineā€™s imperial agenda. So, the paper offers a new interpretation of the relief, and establishes its importance in the symbolical framework of the Forum.Protekla desetljeća svjedočila su mnogim pokuÅ”ajima rekonstrukcije i odgonetanju simbolike Konstantinova konstantinopolskog foruma ā€“ srediÅ”njeg trga njegova Novoga Rima. Mnogi su od njih polučili određene rezultate, no cjelokupna poruka koju je car želio prenijeti nikada nije do kraja i jasno protumačena. Å toviÅ”e, pisani izvori srednjo- i kasno- bizantskog razdoblja učinili su izvornu poruku dodatno nejasnom, pa je svako svjedočanstvo o Konstantinovoj izvornoj ideji iznimno značajno. Cilj je ovog rada doprinijeti razumijevanju izvorne poruke, kroz analizu jednog vrlo značajnog svjedočanstva, koje se do sada ili zaobilazilo, ili zanemarivalo: jedinstveni crtež postamenta Konstantinova stupa koji je načinio danski umjetnik Melchior Lorichs (1526./27. ā€“ nakon 1583.). Naime, postament je bio ukraÅ”en prilično razrađenim reljefom čije je ispravno tumačenje iznimno važno za razumijevanje Konstantinove carske agende. Stoga se u radu donosi nova interpretacija reljefa te ga se kontekstualizira unutar simboličkog okvira prema kojem je forum bio strukturiran

    Balnea metallicorum of ancient Domavia

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    The bathing complex in Domavia (near modern Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina), drew our attention as one of the most interesting and yet still unexplored bathing complexes at the territory of the ancient Roman province of Dalmatia. It was discovered more than a hundred years ago by Ljudevit Pogatschnig during the excavation of the site called Gradina, unearthed to a significant extent, and rather well documented by Vaclav RadimskĆ½ in his reports from 1892 and 1894. Unfortunately, although this monumental and lavishly decorated bathing complex differs in many respects from the majority of ancient baths around the Roman world, and is a superb testament to the social conditions, wealth and overall culture of Domavia, an official mining centre from the time of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, its remains (except for the mosaics) never spurred further academic interest. This paper deals with the unusual arrangement and structure of the complex, its way of functioning, its rich decoration and quite substantial epigraphic material. All these contribute not only to the better understanding of life in ancient Domavia and northern part of the Roman province of Dalmatia, but also to the general knowledge and understanding of Roman baths, their types and distinctive features. For their unique structure and character, we labelled Domavia baths ā€“ balnea metallicorum, arguing that they were designed for specific purposes and specific needs of their customers. We are also convinced that they were not an isolated example of this kind of baths at the territory of the Roman province

    Prikazi gradova na Peutingerovoj karti i razvoj urbanog pejzaža na području Hrvatske između antike i srednjega vijeka

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    Disertacija obranjena 30. travnja 2010. na Filozofskom fakultetu SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu

    Iconographic interpretation the cult of Kabiri in Archeological museum of Split

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    Rad je pokuÅ”aj interpretacije prikaza na jednom nedovrÅ”enom kasnoantičkom sarkofagu iz ArheoloÅ”kog muzeja u Splitu. Cilj je rada definirati ikonografiju kulta kabira i valorizirati prikaz na splitskome sarkofagu kao prvi dosada pouzdano identificirani prikaz mističnih božanstava ā€” demona u Hrvatskoj. U radu se ovaj pojedinačni predmet sa svojim prikazima pokuÅ”ava maksimalno kontekstualizirati prema povijesno-mitoloÅ”koj osnovi na kojoj je nastao.The article is an attempt of interpretation of two reliefs on a late antique sarcophagus exhibited in The Archaelogical museum in Split. Through an iconographical analysis and examination of the proposed mythological and historical background, the author comes to conclusion that sarcophagus carries an extremely rare image of two Kabiri, complemented, possibly, by an image of Atis depicted on the opposite side of the sarcophagus. Identification of such an iconography is based on a certified iconography of Kabiri cult, which can be found on late antique coins all over the Roman empire, as well as in the mythological background of the same cult. Such an identification, if it is correct, would be unique in the context of Croatian art history, as well as in the whole context of exploration of this mysterious cult

    Heating System in the Ancient World: the Example of the Southwestern Balneum in Diocletian's Palace in Split

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    Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Mauritius, 11-13 July, 2011.Searching for historical backgrounds of todayā€™s technological achievements, the authors examined a case of heat transfer in the Roman period. This paper reports on an interdisciplinary investigation of the properties of the heating system of the private baths in the imperial palace of the roman emperor Diocletian (end of 3rd - beginning of the 4th C. AD) in Split (Croatia). The analysis of temperature distribution in those baths helped archaeologists to determine the functions of each of the rooms in the premises. On the other hand, thermodynamic calculation was conducted in order to get an insight in heating efficiency and temperature distribution in the most preserved part of the thermae.mp201

    KaÅ”telina ā€“ A Villa of the Baebius family

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    Rad je osvrt na rezultate dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja na poluotoku KaÅ”telina na otoku Rabu. Poslije dovrÅ”enih četiriju ar- heoloÅ”kih kampanja, rad je prvi pokuÅ”aj kontekstualizacije prikupljenih podataka, a koji se odnose u najvećemu dijelu na antičku fazu organizacije života na poluotoku. Istraživanja su pokazala da se na vrhu poluotoka nalazila antička vila čije je dvije faze izgradnje moguće datirati u 1. stoljeće n. e., pa čak i povezati s nadgrobnim spomenikom obitelji Bebija pronađenim nedaleko vile.This paper refers to the results of the previously conducted archaeological excavations on the KaÅ”telina peninsula on the island of Rab. After the completion of four archaeological campaigns, the authors have been able to contextualize the collected data on the Roman villa maritima situated on the peninsulaā€™s promontory, which show that the villa went through two phases of construction during the 1st century AD and may be associated with a tombstone of the local Baebius family found nearby

    Ā»Velike salonitanske termeĀ« ā€“ od antičke kuće do biskupskih kupelji

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    U radu se donosi novo viđenje i novo tumačenje građevnih faza i funkcije tzv. Velikih salonitanskih termi. Antička kuća koja je prethodila izgradnji kupelji, odnosno u čije su strukture kupelji bile instalirane, predstavlja se u posve novom urbanističkom kontekstu pravilno organizirane gradske četvrti čije je obrise moguće iŔčitati sravnjivanjem Gerberovih i Dyggveovih arheoloÅ”kih nalaza i dokumentacije. Za adaptaciju kuće u kupelji, kao i naknadne pregradnje i dogradnje kupaliÅ”noga sklopa predlaže se drugačija kronologija od one koja je dana u dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima te kasnije datacije pojedinih faza, a svaku se intervenciju nastoji objasniti u kontekstu kupaliÅ”nih običaja antičkoga i kasnoantičkoga doba te poznatoga korpusa rimske kupaliÅ”ne arhitekture. Postanak ovih salonitanskih kupelji tumači se i u kontekstu uređenja vodovodnog sustava u sjeverozapadnome dijelu Urbs Orientalis koji je omogućio izgradnju brojnih kupaliÅ”nih objekata, a njihova se funkcija u konačnici razmatra i u kontekstu razvoja i rasta episkopalnoga sklopa koji je u određenom trenutku morao prerasti u svojevrsnu ā€œepiskopalnu četvrtā€. Iznosi se teza da se episkopalni sklop tijekom 6. stoljeća proÅ”irio istočno od tzv. Petrove ulice, a da su ove salonitanske kupelji integrirane u novi biskupski kompleks te povezane s pretpostavljenom novom zgradom episkopija, bivajući tako pretvorene u biskupski balneum