5 research outputs found

    Laser Application in Procesing, Technology, Conservation and Experience of Artwork based on light Metals

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    Application of lasers in fine arts, in connection even with light metals, exists almost half a century. Due to multifold role of lasers, only few approaches, showing either potential applications or applications already implemented on this type of materials, is shown in this work

    The role of microscopy in the evaluation of the autenticity of the material of cultural heritage

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    In determining the autenticity of materials and technological processes in the creation of objects of art, comparative analysis provides information necessary for conservation planning. This is of particular importance for rare preserved artifacts that belong to the same school of art, or author. Here, we present the first experimental data concerning the identification of the authentification characteristics, being part of a large project that has as its finala im the evaluation of the effectiveness and effects of the cleaning agent on the paint layers material from the icon of the Virgin Mary with Christ, the Monastery St. Prohor Pčinjski, Serbia

    Laseri, palimpsest i kulturna baŔtina

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    Uloga lasera u umetnosti i kulturnoj baÅ”tini je odavno uključena u mnoge metode dijagnostike, intervencije i zapisa-opisa-beleženja objekata u raznim dimenzijamai oblicima materijala i prostora za zapis. Neophodni prilazi su preko interakcije laserskim snopovima koje ne dovode do ireverzibilnih promena (povreda) sa holografskih (tomografskih) aspekata, ili sa glediÅ”ta malih lokalnih povreda, izbacivanja mase, promena boje i sastava, kojima se vrÅ”i željena intervencija ili dijagnostikuje željeni parametar. Mnogi od ovih metoda se paralelno mogu koristiti i u medicini. U radu se, pored analize nekoliko savremenih prilaza ovim problematikama i nekoliko eksperimentalnih činjenica dobijenih sa raznih objekata, dotiče i palimpsestna tačka glediÅ”ta, kao i dalji razvoj materijala za zapis u sprezi zamene uloge papira složenim strukturama, u vezi sa holografskim zapisima ili ne. Posebni akcenat je dat u vezi sa ultrabrzim optićkim fenomenima, povredama i njihovim praćenjem

    The analyses of the relation of optical and nonoptical constants applied to material of interest in quantum electronics

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    The collecting, analysis and computation of data of optical and non-optical quantities of the material of interest in quantum electronics will be presented including the not so common relationships. The relationships between the optical and various non-optical quantities and the structure of the material are the topics of intensive theoretical and experimental work especially in the field of condensed matter. The transition to non-linear regions enhances the complexity. In spite of that, there are some simple relations for the zeroth and the first approximation. Dispersion relations, refractive index increments, reflection coefficient, angular dependencies and coherency of the data obtained by different measuring techniques as well as the corresponding theory will be analyzed. Some calculations for chosen materials will be presented, too. The computations of the refractive index values obtained according to Sellmeier's type relation will be also presented. These computations indicate wavelength ranges where the pulse compression is possible. Obtained results could help in selecting the appropriate material for the compression of the pulses of certain wavelengths or for resonant effects where the evaluation of the exact value or matching effects are important

    The analyses of the relation of optical and nonoptical constants applied to material of interest in quantum electronics

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    The collecting, analysis and computation of data of optical and non-optical quantities of the material of interest in quantum electronics will be presented including the not so common relationships. The relationships between the optical and various non-optical quantities and the structure of the material are the topics of intensive theoretical and experimental work especially in the field of condensed matter. The transition to non-linear regions enhances the complexity. In spite of that, there are some simple relations for the zeroth and the first approximation. Dispersion relations, refractive index increments, reflection coefficient, angular dependencies and coherency of the data obtained by different measuring techniques as well as the corresponding theory will be analyzed. Some calculations for chosen materials will be presented, too. The computations of the refractive index values obtained according to Sellmeier's type relation will be also presented. These computations indicate wavelength ranges where the pulse compression is possible. Obtained results could help in selecting the appropriate material for the compression of the pulses of certain wavelengths or for resonant effects where the evaluation of the exact value or matching effects are important