11 research outputs found

    Lack of Association between Measles Virus Vaccine and Autism with Enteropathy: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: The presence of measles virus (MV) RNA in bowel tissue from children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances was reported in 1998. Subsequent investigations found no associations between MV exposure and ASD but did not test for the presence of MV RNA in bowel or focus on children with ASD and GI disturbances. Failure to replicate the original study design may contribute to continued public concern with respect to the safety of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Methodology/Principal Findings: The objective of this case-control study was to determine whether children with GI disturbances and autism are more likely than children with GI disturbances alone to have MV RNA and/or inflammation in bowel tissues and if autism and/or GI episode onset relate temporally to receipt of MMR. The sample was an age-matched group of US children undergoing clinically-indicated ileocolonoscopy. Ileal and cecal tissues from 25 children with autism and GI disturbances and 13 children with GI disturbances alone (controls) were evaluated by real-time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR for presence of MV RNA in three laboratories blinded to diagnosis, including one wherein the original findings suggesting a link between MV and ASD were reported. The temporal order of onset of GI episodes and autism relative to timing of MMR administration was examined. We found no differences between case and control groups in the presence of MV RNA in ileum and cecum. Results were consistent across the three laboratory sites. GI symptom and autism onset were unrelated to MMR timing. Eighty-eight percent of ASD cases had behavioral regression. Conclusions/Significance: This study provides strong evidence against association of autism with persistent MV RNA in the GI tract or MMR exposure. Autism with GI disturbances is associated with elevated rates of regression in language or other skills and may represent an endophenotype distinct from other ASD

    CATMoS: Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite.

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    BACKGROUND: Humans are exposed to tens of thousands of chemical substances that need to be assessed for their potential toxicity. Acute systemic toxicity testing serves as the basis for regulatory hazard classification, labeling, and risk management. However, it is cost- and time-prohibitive to evaluate all new and existing chemicals using traditional rodent acute toxicity tests. In silico models built using existing data facilitate rapid acute toxicity predictions without using animals. OBJECTIVES: The U.S. Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) Acute Toxicity Workgroup organized an international collaboration to develop in silico models for predicting acute oral toxicity based on five different end points: Lethal Dose 50 (LD50 value, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hazard (four) categories, Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling hazard (five) categories, very toxic chemicals [LD50 (LD50≤50mg/kg)], and nontoxic chemicals (LD50>2,000mg/kg). METHODS: An acute oral toxicity data inventory for 11,992 chemicals was compiled, split into training and evaluation sets, and made available to 35 participating international research groups that submitted a total of 139 predictive models. Predictions that fell within the applicability domains of the submitted models were evaluated using external validation sets. These were then combined into consensus models to leverage strengths of individual approaches. RESULTS: The resulting consensus predictions, which leverage the collective strengths of each individual model, form the Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite (CATMoS). CATMoS demonstrated high performance in terms of accuracy and robustness when compared with in vivo results. DISCUSSION: CATMoS is being evaluated by regulatory agencies for its utility and applicability as a potential replacement for in vivo rat acute oral toxicity studies. CATMoS predictions for more than 800,000 chemicals have been made available via the National Toxicology Program's Integrated Chemical Environment tools and data sets (ice.ntp.niehs.nih.gov). The models are also implemented in a free, standalone, open-source tool, OPERA, which allows predictions of new and untested chemicals to be made. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP8495

    SmartGraph API: Programmatic Knowledge Mining in Network- Pharmacology Setting

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    The recent SmartGraph platform facilitates the execution of complex drug-discovery workflows with ease in the network-pharmacology paradigm. However, at the time of its publication, we identified the need for the development of an Application Programming Interface (API) that could promote biomedical data integration and hypothesis generation in an automated manner. This need was magnified at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study addresses this hiatus. Most functionalities of the original platform were implemented in the SmartGraph API. We demonstrate that by using the API it is possible to transform the original semi-automated workflow behind the Neo4COVID19 database to a fully automated one. The availability of the SmartGraph API lends a significant improvement to the programmatic integration of networkpharmacology- oriented knowledge graphs and analytics, as well as predictive functionalities and workflows

    TCRD and Pharos 2021:mining the human proteome for disease biology

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    In 2014, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiated the Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG) program to identify and improve our understanding of poorly characterized proteins that can potentially be modulated using small molecules or biologics. Two resources produced from these efforts are: The Target Central Resource Database (TCRD) (http://juniper.health.unm.edu/tcrd/) and Pharos (https://pharos.nih.gov/), a web interface to browse the TCRD. The ultimate goal of these resources is to highlight and facilitate research into currently understudied proteins, by aggregating a multitude of data sources, and ranking targets based on the amount of data available, and presenting data in machine learning ready format. Since the 2017 release, both TCRD and Pharos have produced two major releases, which have incorporated or expanded an additional 25 data sources. Recently incorporated data types include human and viral-human protein-protein interactions, protein-disease and protein-phenotype associations, and drug-induced gene signatures, among others. These aggregated data have enabled us to generate new visualizations and content sections in Pharos, in order to empower users to find new areas of study in the druggable genome

    Pharos 2023: an integrated resource for the understudied human proteome

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    The Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG) project aims to improve our understanding of understudied proteins and our ability to study them in the context of disease biology by perturbing them with small molecules, biologics, or other therapeutic modalities. Two main products from the IDG effort are the Target Central Resource Database (TCRD) (http://juniper.health.unm.edu/tcrd/), which curates and aggregates information, and Pharos (https://pharos.nih.gov/), a web interface for fusers to extract and visualize data from TCRD. Since the 2021 release, TCRD/Pharos has focused on developing visualization and analysis tools that help reveal higher-level patterns in the underlying data. The current iterations of TCRD and Pharos enable users to perform enrichment calculations based on subsets of targets, diseases, or ligands and to create interactive heat maps and UpSet charts of many types of annotations. Using several examples, we show how to address disease biology and drug discovery questions through enrichment calculations and UpSet charts

    Pharos:Collating protein information to shed light on the druggable genome

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    The ‘druggable genome’ encompasses several protein families, but only a subset of targets within them have attracted significant research attention and thus have information about them publicly available. The Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG) program was initiated in 2014, has the goal of developing experimental techniques and a Knowledge Management Center (KMC) that would collect and organize information about protein targets from four families, representing the most common druggable targets with an emphasis on understudied proteins. Here, we describe two resources developed by the KMC: the Target Central Resource Database (TCRD) which collates many heterogeneous gene/protein datasets and Pharos (https://pharos.nih.gov), a multimodal web interface that presents the data from TCRD. We briefly describe the types and sources of data considered by the KMC and then highlight features of the Pharos interface designed to enable intuitive access to the IDG knowledgebase. The aim of Pharos is to encourage ‘serendipitous browsing’, whereby related, relevant information is made easily discoverable. We conclude by describing two use cases that highlight the utility of Pharos and TCRD