4 research outputs found
Venezianische Veduten des 18. Jahrhunderts [2. Teil]
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Die Palladio-Forschung in den Jahren 1940 bis 1960
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Old Drawings for New Students
- Author
- Ackerman James
- Angulo Iñiguez Diego
- Archives de la Commission des Monuments historiques
- Ashby T.
- Bayerische Akademie der schönen Künste
- Beenken Hermann
- Berliner Rudolf
- Bianchi L.
- Blomfield Reginald
- Bolton Arthur T.
- Bourget Pierre
- Bowie Theodore
- Brinckmann A. E.
- Brogi Giacomo
- Brown Glenn
- Bunt Cyril
- Burford James
- Buttafava G.
- Colvin H. M.
- Coope Rosalys
- Cooper Union Museum for the Arts of Decoration
- Coulin Claudius
- des Bauwesens Akademie
- di Torino Città
- Donnell Edna
- Downes Kerry
- Egger Hermann
- Fischera Francesco
- Fleming John
- Fouche Maurice
- Franz Heinrich Gerhard
- Frey Dagobert
- Frey Dagobert
- Förster Otto
- Geymüller Heinrich
- Geymüller Henry
- Giovannoni Gustavo
- Girouard Mark
- Girouard Mark
- Goodhart-Rendel H. S.
- Granet Solange
- Grimschitz Bruno
- Grimschitz Bruno
- Grisebach August
- Hahnloser Hans
- Hainisch E.
- Hamlin Talbot
- Harvey John
- Hasak Max
- Hautecoeur Louis
- Hautecoeur Louis
- Hautecoeur Louis
- Hautecoeur Louis
- Hempel Eberhard
- Hempel Eberhard
- Herrmann Wolfgang
- Heydenreich Ludwig
- Huelsen Christian
- James Smith Pierce
- Josephson Ragnar
- Kauffmann Hans
- Keith William
- Kent William
- Kiener Hans
- Kimball Fiske
- Kimball Fiske
- Kimball Fiske
- Kletzl Otto
- Kletzl Otto
- Ladendorf Heinz
- Lang S.
- Laprade Albert
- Linfert Carl
- Lohmeyer Karl
- Lotz Wolfgang
- Luporini Eugenio
- MacDougall Elizabeth
- Malbois Émile
- Moisy Pierre
- Newton Roger
- Noack Werner
- Oncken Alste
- Palme Per
- Papini Roberto
- Posten Josef
- Raval Marcel
- Reuther Hans
- Richardson A. E.
- Richter Jean Paul
- Rietdorf Alfred
- Rosemann Heinz
- Rosenau Helen
- Rosenau Helen
- Rosenau Helen
- Royal Institute of British Architects
- Schmitz Hermann
- Sedlmaier Richard
- Sedlmayr Hans
- Sekler Eduard
- Sirén Osvald
- Staatliche Museen zu Berlin National-Galerie
- Steegmann John
- Stroud Dorothy
- Summerson John
- Summerson John
- Summerson John
- Teufel Richard
- The Sir John Soane Museum
- Thelen H.
- Thomas Hylton
- Timofiewitsch Wladimir
- Upjohn Everard
- Venturi Adolfo
- Vodoz Eduard
- Wachler Ludwig
- Ward W. H.
- Wasmuth Ernst
- Webb Geoffrey
- Whinney Margaret
- Whistler Laurence
- Wittkower Rudolf
- Wren Society
- Zacharias Thomas
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study