3 research outputs found

    In-plane Switching Deformed Helix Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display Cells

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    In-plane electro-optical switching (IPS) is a natural feature of a conventional planar-aligned display cell based on the deformed helix ferroelectric liquid crystal effect (DHFLC-effect) with a sub-wavelength helix pitch, if the tilt angle is close to 40 degrees

    Helical Nanostructures of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals as Fast Phase Retarders for Spectral Information Extraction Devices: A Comparison with the Nematic Liquid Crystal Phase Retarders

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    Extraction of spectral information using liquid crystal (LC) retarders has recently become a topic of great interest because of its importance for creating hyper- and multispectral images in a compact and inexpensive way. However, this method of hyperspectral imaging requires thick LC-layer retarders (50 µm–100 µm and above) to obtain spectral modulation signals for reliable signal reconstruction. This makes the device extremely slow in the case of nematic LCs (NLCs), since the response time of NLCs increases proportionally to the square of the LC-layer thickness, which excludes fast dynamic processes monitoring. In this paper, we explore two approaches for solving the speed problem: the first is based on the use of faster nanospiral ferroelectric liquid crystals as an alternative to NLCs, and the second is based on using a passive multiband filter and focuses on multispectral extraction rather than hyperspectral. A detailed comparative study of nematic and ferroelectric devices is presented. The study is carried out using a 9-spectral bands passive spectral filter, covering the visible and near-infrared ranges. We propose the concept of multispectral rather than hyperspectral extraction, where a small number of wavelengths are sufficient for specific applications

    Capillary Flows of Nematic Liquid Crystal

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    In this paper we report the new experimental results on the rise of a liquid crystal in flat capillaries with inner photosensitive surfaces. The capillaries with different surface orientations were prepared by the use of the photo-alignment technique. Such a surface treatment makes it possible to eliminate the noncontrollable influence of a nanorelief on the wetting process, which takes place in the rubbing treatment technique previously used in similar experiments. The dynamics of the capillary rise of a nematic liquid crystal 5CB (4-cyano-4′-pentylbiphenyl) in vertical plane capillaries with photo-aligned substrates were studied for the first time. It was found that the stationary value of a contact angle weakly depends on the direction of a planar surface orientation relative to the direction of a capillary rise. It has been shown that the application of strong electric fields resulted in a decreasing of the contact angle. The results, obtained for the nematic liquid crystal, are compared with the results of an investigation of the capillary flow in a shock-free ferroelectric smectic phase