6 research outputs found

    Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the Deposition Process and Printability Assessment of 3D Printing Using Rice Paste

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was utilized to investigate the deposition process and printability of rice paste. The rheological and preliminary printing studies showed that paste formed from rice to water ratio (100:80) is suitable for 3D printing (3DP). Controlling the ambient temperature at 47±5 °C also contributed to improving the printed sample’s structural stability. The viscoelastic simulation indicated that the nozzle diameter influenced the flow properties of the printed material. As the nozzle diameter decreased (1.2 mm to 0.8 mm), the die swell ratio increased (13.7 to 15.15%). The rise in the swell ratio was a result of the increasing pressure gradient at the nozzle exit (5.48×106 Pa to 1.53×107 Pa). The additive simulation showed that the nozzle diameter affected both the residual stress and overall deformation of the sample. CFD analysis, therefore, demonstrates a significant advantage in optimizing the operating conditions for printing rice paste

    Effect of Freeze-Drying on Quality and Grinding Process of Food Produce: A Review

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    Freeze-drying is an important processing unit operation in food powder production. It offers dehydrated products with extended shelf life and high quality. Unfortunately, food quality attributes and grinding characteristics are affected significantly during the drying process due to the glass transition temperature (during drying operation) and stress generated (during grinding operation) in the food structure. However, it has been successfully applied to several biological materials ranging from animal products to plants products owning to its specific advantages. Recently, the market demands for freeze-dried and ground food products such as spices, vegetables, and fruits are on the increase. In this study, the effect of the freeze-drying process on quality attributes, such as structural changes, the influence of glass transition during grinding, together with the effect on grinding efficiency in terms of energy requirement, grinding yield, and morphological changes in the powder as a result of temperature, drying time were discussed. An overview of models for drying kinetics for freeze-dried food sample, and grinding characteristics developed to optimize the drying processes, and a prediction of the grinding characteristics are also provided. Some limitations of the drying process during grinding are also discussed together with innovative methods to improve the drying and grinding processes

    Effects of Low-Temperature Drying with Intermittent Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide Treatment on Texture and Shelf-Life of Rice Cakes

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    We investigated the effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) under low temperature drying to suppress rice cake stickiness during the cutting process by initiating the onset of retrogradation until the stickiness is minimized for shelf-life extension. The intermittent ClO2 application at low-temperature drying was conducted at 10 °C for different drying periods (0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h). Texture analysis showed significant differences with increasing values of hardness (901.39 ± 53.87 to 12,653 ± 1689.35 g) and reduced values of modified adhesiveness (3614.37 ±578.23 to 534.81 ± 89.37 g). The evaluation of rice cake stickiness during the cutting process revealed an optimum drying period of 18 h with no significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) compared to the 24 h drying process. Microbial contamination during the drying process increased, with microbial load from 6.39 ± 0.37 to 7.94 ± 0.29 CFU/g. Intermittent ClO2 application at 22 ppm successfully reduced the microbial load by 63% during drying process. The inhibitory property of ClO2 was further analyzed on a sample with high initial microbial load (3.01 ± 0.14 CFU/g) using primary and modified secondary growth models fitted to all experimental storage temperatures (5–25 °C) with R2 values > 0.99. The model demonstrated a strong inhibition by ClO2 with microbial growth not exceeding the accepted population threshold (106 CFU/g) for toxin production. The shelf-life of rice cake was increased by 86 h and 432 h at room temperature (25 °C) and 5 °C respectively. Microbial inactivation via ClO2 treatment is a novel method for improved food storage without additional thermal sterilization or the use of an additional processing unit

    Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation for the Effective Design of Food 3D Printing (A Review)

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    The progress of food 3D printing (3DP) applications demands a full understanding of the printing behavior of food materials. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation can help determine the optimum processing conditions for food 3DP such as layer height, deposit thickness, volume flow rate, and nozzle shape and diameter under varied material properties. This paper mainly discusses the application of CFD simulation for three core processes associated with 3DP: (1) flow fields in the nozzle during the extrusion process; (2) die swelling of materials at the die (the exit part of the nozzle); and (3) the residual stress of printed products. The major achievements of CFD simulation in food 3DP with varied food materials are discussed in detail. In addition, the problems and potential solutions that modelers encountered when utilizing CFD in food 3DP were explored

    Stress and Strain Characteristics under the Large Deformation of Surimi Gel during Penetration and Extension Tests Using Digital Image Correlation and the Numerical Simulation Method

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    The stress and strain properties of surimi gels (72.49% moisture content) under large deformation were analyzed during penetration (cylindrical, conical, and spherical puncture) and extension (ring tensile) tests. Mechanical measurements were compared and validated using digital image correlation (DIC) and numerical simulations. The DIC and the finite element method reflected the influence of the probe shape and the surface area in contact with the gel during the measurements. In puncture tests, a larger probe surface increased the strain concentration at the puncture point. In the extension test, the strain distribution was symmetrical. The strain values observed during penetration tests were comparable in both the DIC and numerical simulation. The tensile failure characteristics observed in DIC and numerical simulations are similar to those found in the experiment. The study demonstrated that the extension method with the ring tensile device did not show a stress concentration during the measurement, and DIC and numerical simulation can be effective tools in analyzing the textural properties of surimi gel during the puncture and ring tensile tests

    Evaluating the Mechanical Response of Agarose-Xanthan Mixture Gels Using Tensile Testing, Numerical Simulation, and a Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS) Approach

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    Large deformation stress response characteristics of hydrocolloid mixture gel systems were investigated based on texture and rheological measurements. Agarose and xanthan mixtures at different ratios (1:0, 0.75:0.25, and 0.5:0.5) were chosen as the model systems. A decrease in failure stress from 2.65 to 1.82 MPa and an increase in failure strain from 0.08 to 0.13 with higher xanthan ratios were obtained based on the ring tensile test, indicating that xanthan molecules could improve the flexibility of the agarose network. The gels showed severe water loss by compression, particularly for the pure agarose gel (6.74%). Compared to the compression test, the gels presented low water loss after the ring tensile test (<1.3%) indicating that the ring tensile test could calculate the correct stress–strain relationship. Digital image correlation (DIC) and numerical simulation revealed that agarose-xanthan gel systems possess a deformation behavior with homogeneous strain distribution before failure. Elastic and viscous Lissajous–Bowditch curves from the large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) measurement at different strains and frequencies elucidated that the agarose-xanthan gel was dominated by the agarose structure with a similar magnitude of elasticity at a low frequency. The large deformation approach from this study has great potential for elucidating and understanding the structure of food and biopolymer gels