20 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Hallmarks of Noonan Syndrome and Noonan-Like Syndrome with Loose Anagen Hair

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    Noonan syndrome (NS) is among the most common nonchromosomal disorders affecting development and growth. NS is genetically heterogeneous, being caused by germline mutations affecting various genes implicated in the RAS signaling network. This network transduces extracellular signals into intracellular biochemical and transcriptional responses controlling cell proliferation, differentiation, metabolism, and senescence. To explore the transcriptional consequences of NS-causing mutations, we performed global mRNA expression profiling on peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from 23 NS patients carrying heterozygous mutations in PTPN11 or SOS1. Gene expression profiling was also resolved in five subjects with Noonan-like syndrome with loose anagen hair (NS/LAH), a condition clinically related to NS and caused by an invariant mutation in SHOC2. Robust transcriptional signatures were found to specifically discriminate each of the three mutation groups from 21 age- and sex-matched controls. Despite the only partial overlap in terms of gene composition, the three signatures showed a notable concordance in terms of biological processes and regulatory circuits affected. These data establish expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells as a powerful tool to appreciate differential perturbations driven by germline mutations of transducers involved in RAS signaling and to dissect molecular mechanisms underlying NS and other RASopathies. Hum Mutat 33:703–709, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    The coagulopathy in sepsis: significance and implications for treatment

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    Sepsis related coagulopathy ranges from mild laboratory alterations up to severe disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). There is evidence that DIC is involved in the pathogenesis of microvascular dysfunction contributing to organ failure. Additionally, the systemic activation of coagulation, by consuming platelets and coagulation factors, may cause bleeding. Thrombin generation via the tissue factor/factor VIIa route, contemporary depression of antithrombin and protein C anticoagulant system, as well as impaired fibrin degradation, due to high circulating levels of PAI-1, contribute to enhanced intravascular fibrin deposition. This deranged coagulopathy is an independent predictor of clinical outcome in patients with severe sepsis. Innovative supportive strategies aiming at the inhibition of coagulation activation comprise inhibition of tissue factor-mediated activation or restoration of physiological anticoagulant pathways, as the administration of recombinant human activated protein C or concentrate. In spite of some promising initial studies, additional trials are needed to define their clinical effectiveness in adults and children with severe sepsis

    Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic and Lockdown on the HRSV Circulation: Experience of Three Spoke Hospitals in Northern Italy

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    The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic affected the global epidemiology of respiratory infections, including Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (HRSV), thanks to state governments’ implementation of mitigation strategies, like the promotion of face masks and lockdowns. However, after the Pandemic, the dramatic resurge of these diseases was reported worldwide. Our retrospective study, involving three Spoke Pediatric Departments, includes all the infants under one year of age hospitalized for HRSV bronchiolitis in a period before the Pandemic period (2017–2020), during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (2020–2021), and after the Pandemic (2021–2023). The primary aim was to analyze the temporal trend of HRSV in these three periods. Then, the clinical and epidemiological characteristics were analyzed to highlight the clinical differences in the affected patients, in the severity of the infections, and in the short-term outcomes. Ultimately, we analyzed the HRSV prevalence in the global bronchiolitis hospitalization over the reported periods. Overall, we included 237 patients. Before the Pandemic, the peak was recorded in January and February, while after the Pandemic, the peak was in November and December. A higher prevalence of HRSV was demonstrated after the Pandemic compared to the period before the Pandemic; overall, no difference in severity was reported. In conclusion, an increase in HRSV cases after the Pandemic has been demonstrated with an anticipated peak, while no differences were recorded in severity

    Enzymatic Spermine Metabolites Induce Apoptosis Associated with Increase of p53, caspase-3 and miR-34a in Both Neuroblastoma Cells, SJNKP and the N-Myc-Amplified Form IMR5

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is a common malignant solid tumor in children and accounts for 15% of childhood cancer mortality. Amplification of the N-Myc oncogene is a well-established poor prognostic marker in NB patients and strongly correlates with higher tumor aggression and resistance to treatment. New therapies for patients with N-Myc-amplified NB need to be developed. After treating NB cells with BSAO/SPM, the detection of apoptosis was determined after annexin V-FITC labeling and DNA staining with propidium iodide. The mitochondrial membrane potential activity was checked, labeling cells with the probe JC-1 dye. We analyzed, by real-time RT-PCR, the transcript of genes involved in the apoptotic process, to determine possible down- or upregulation of mRNAs after the treatment on SJNKP and the N-Myc-amplified IMR5 cell lines with BSAO/SPM. The experiments were carried out considering the proapoptotic genes Tp53 and caspase-3. After treatment with BSAO/SPM, both cell lines displayed increased mRNA levels for all these proapoptotic genes. Western blotting analysis with PARP and caspase-3 antibody support that BSAO/SPM treatment induces high levels of apoptosis in cells. The major conclusion is that BSAO/SPM treatment leads to antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity of both NB cell lines, associated with activation of apoptosis

    Congenital Hypopigmentary Disorders with Multiorgan Impairment: A Case Report and an Overview on Gray Hair Syndromes

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    The term congenital hypopigmentary disorders refers to a wide group of heterogeneous hereditary diseases, clinically characterized by inborn pigmentary defects of the iris, hair, and/or skin. They include Gray Hair Syndromes (GHSs), a rare group of autosomal recessive genodermatosis hallmarked by inborn silvery gray hair. GHSs encompass Griscelli, Chediak–Higashi, Elejalde, and Cross syndromes, which are all characterized by a broad spectrum of severe multisystem disorders, including neurological, ocular, skeletal, and immune system impairment. In this manuscript, we describe in detail the clinical, trichoscopic, and genetic features of a rare case of Griscelli syndrome; moreover, we provide an overview of all the GHSs known to date. Our report highlights how an accurate clinical examination with noninvasive methods, like trichoscopy, may play a crucial rule in diagnosis of rare and potentially lethal genetic syndromes such as Griscelli syndrome, in which timely diagnosis and therapy may modify the clinical course, quality of life, and likelihood of survival

    A retrospective study of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria in pediatric and adolescent patients

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    Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare disease, especially in children, characterized by intravascular hemolysis, thrombotic events, serious infections and bone marrow failure. We describe 16 patients who were diagnosed with PNH in childhood or adolescence. The time interval between the onset of symptoms and the PNH diagnosis and its treatment were compared in patients with classic PNH versus PNH associated with bone marrow disorder (PNH/BMD). A greater delay in diagnosis was observed in classic PNH compared to PNH/BMD patients. The first group of patients had higher levels of LDH, total bilirubin and absolute reticulocyte count and a bigger PNH clone size compared to PNH/BMD patients; also thrombotic events were observed only in the classic form of PNH. Conversely, PNH/BMD patients showed lower median levels of platelets. Apart from standard supportive measures, four patients with classic PNH received eculizumab whereas four patients with PNH/BMD underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Our series confirm that the most frequent presentation of PNH in the pediatric-adolescent age is PNH/BMD. The delay between the onset of symptoms and PNH diagnosis is relevant principally in the classic form. Moreover, our study showed that any case of unexpected thrombosis represents a criterium to perform a PNH screening