68 research outputs found

    Combining audio-based similarity with web-based data to accelerate automatic music playlist generation

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    We present a technique for combining audio signal-based music similarity with web-based musical artist similarity to accelerate the task of automatic playlist generation. We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed method by extending a recently published interface for music players that benefits from intelligent structuring of audio collections. While the original approach involves the calculation of similarities between every pair of songs in a collection, we incorporate web-based data to reduce the number of necessary similarity calculations. More precisely, we exploit artist similarity determined automatically by means of web retrieval to avoid similarity calculation between tracks of dissimilar and/or unrelated artists. We evaluate our acceleration technique on two audio collections with different characteristics. It turns out that the proposed combination of audio- and text-based similarity not only reduces the number of necessary calculations considerably but also yields better results, in terms of musical quality, than the initial approach based on audio data only. Additionally, we conducted a small user study that further confirms the quality of the resulting playlists

    Creating Community for Early-Career Geoscientists:Student involvement in geoscience unions: A case study from hydrology

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    The American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the European Geosciences Union (EGU) play central roles in nurturing the next generation of geoscientists. Students and young scientists make up about one-quarter of the unions’ active memberships [American Geophysical Union, 2013; European Geosciences Union, 2014], creating a major opportunity to include a new generation of geoscientists as more active contributors to the organizations’ activities, rather than merely as consumers

    A Hybrid Approach to Music Playlist Continuation Based on Playlist-Song Membership

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    Automated music playlist continuation is a common task of music recommender systems, that generally consists in providing a fitting extension to a given playlist. Collaborative filtering models, that extract abstract patterns from curated music playlists, tend to provide better playlist continuations than content-based approaches. However, pure collaborative filtering models have at least one of the following limitations: (1) they can only extend playlists profiled at training time; (2) they misrepresent songs that occur in very few playlists. We introduce a novel hybrid playlist continuation model based on what we name "playlist-song membership", that is, whether a given playlist and a given song fit together. The proposed model regards any playlist-song pair exclusively in terms of feature vectors. In light of this information, and after having been trained on a collection of labeled playlist-song pairs, the proposed model decides whether a playlist-song pair fits together or not. Experimental results on two datasets of curated music playlists show that the proposed playlist continuation model compares to a state-of-the-art collaborative filtering model in the ideal situation of extending playlists profiled at training time and where songs occurred frequently in training playlists. In contrast to the collaborative filtering model, and as a result of its general understanding of the playlist-song pairs in terms of feature vectors, the proposed model is additionally able to (1) extend non-profiled playlists and (2) recommend songs that occurred seldom or never in training~playlists

    Extraction of Audio Descriptors and Their Evaluation in Music Classification Tasks

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    Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is an interdisciplinary research area that has the goal to improve the way music is accessible through information systems. One important part of MIR is the research for algorithms to extract meaningful information (called feature data) from music audio signals. Feature data can for example be used for content based genre classification of music pieces. This masters thesis contributes in three ways to the current state of the art: • First, an overview of many of the features that are being used in MIR applications is given. These methods – called “descriptors” or “features” in this thesis – are discussed in depth, giving a literature review and for most of them illustrations. • Second, a large part of the described features are implemented in a uniform framework, called T-Toolbox which is programmed in the Matlab environment. It also allows to do classification experiments and descriptor visualisation. For classification, an interface to the machine-learning environment WEKA is provided. • Third, preliminary evaluations are done investigating how well these methods are suited for automatically classifying music according to categorizations such as genre, mood, and perceived complexity. This evaluation is done using the descriptors implemented in the T-Toolbox, and several state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. It turns out that – in the experimental setup of this thesis – the treated descriptors are not capable to reliably discriminate between the classes of most examined categorizations; but there is an indication that these results could be improved by developing more elaborate techniques

    Extraction of Audio Descriptors and Their Evaluation in Music Classification Tasks

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    Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is an interdisciplinary research area that has the goal to improve the way music is accessible through information systems. One important part of MIR is the research for algorithms to extract meaningful information (called feature data) from music audio signals. Feature data can for example be used for content based genre classification of music pieces. This masters thesis contributes in three ways to the current state of the art: • First, an overview of many of the features that are being used in MIR applications is given. These methods – called “descriptors” or “features” in this thesis – are discussed in depth, giving a literature review and for most of them illustrations. • Second, a large part of the described features are implemented in a uniform framework, called T-Toolbox which is programmed in the Matlab environment. It also allows to do classification experiments and descriptor visualisation. For classification, an interface to the machine-learning environment WEKA is provided. • Third, preliminary evaluations are done investigating how well these methods are suited for automatically classifying music according to categorizations such as genre, mood, and perceived complexity. This evaluation is done using the descriptors implemented in the T-Toolbox, and several state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. It turns out that – in the experimental setup of this thesis – the treated descriptors are not capable to reliably discriminate between the classes of most examined categorizations; but there is an indication that these results could be improved by developing more elaborate techniques
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