8 research outputs found
In the paper the sorption capacity of shungite rocks of the Koksu field (Kazakhstan) in relation to the oil from the Karazhanbas and Tengiz fields (Kazakhstan) were studied. Oil spills occurring during production, gathering, transportation, storage and refining, and repair work on wells are an urgent environmental problem. There are effective methods of soil purification, including particular interests addressed to sorption process. The aim of this research is to study oil sorption by shungite rocks of the Koksu deposit after mechanochemical activation. The mechanochemical activation of shungite rock samples was carried out in a planetary ball mill at different speeds of rotation and ratios of ball mass to the sample. The developed sorbents based on shungite rocks of the Koksu deposit were tested for cleaning samples of oil-contaminated soils and their sorption capacities under dynamic and static conditions were determined. For the sorption of oil, the sorbent based on shungite of shale grade (TS) after mechanochemical activation is recommended, which sorption capacity under dynamic conditions is 2.57-2.85 g/g. Sorption of oil from 10 % of oil contaminated soil samples with the sorbents based on shungite after mechanochemical activation showed sorption capacity of 0.44-0.45 g/g in 60 days under static conditions. The practical significance of the research lies in the prospects of using shungite rocks to clean up oil spills.U radu je proučavan sorpcijski kapacitet šungitnih stijena polja Koksu (Kazahstan) u odnosu na naftu s polja Karazhanbas i Tengiz (Kazahstan). Izlijevanje nafte tijekom proizvodnje, sabiranja, transporta, skladištenja i rafiniranja te remontnih radova na bušotinama predstavlja velik ekološki problem. Postoje učinkovite metode pročišćavanja tla, u okviru kojih je poseban interes usmjeren na proces sorpcije. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja proučavanje sorpcije nafte šungitnim stijenama ležišta Koksu nakon njihove mehanokemijske aktivacije. Mehanokemijska aktivacija uzoraka šungitnih stijena provedena je u planetarnome kugličnom mlincu pri različitim brzinama rotacije i različitim omjerima mase kugle prema uzorku. Razvijeni sorbensi na bazi šungitnih stijena ležišta Koksu ispitani su za čišćenje uzoraka tla zagađenih naftom, pri čemu je utvrđena njihova sorpcijska sposobnost u dinamičkim i statičkim uvjetima. Za sorpciju nafte preporučuje se mehanokemijski aktiviran sorbens na bazi šungita, niskoga stupnja metamorfoze, čiji sorpcijski kapacitet u dinamičkim uvjetima iznosi 2,57 – 2,85 g/g. Sorpcija nafte iz naftom zagađenih uzoraka tla (10 % zagađenje) sorbensima na bazi šungita nakon mehanokemijske aktivacije pokazala je sorpcijski kapacitet od 0,44 – 0,45 g/g u 60 dana u statičkim uvjetima. Praktična važnost provedenoga istraživanja leži u perspektivi korištenja šungitnih stijena za čišćenje naftnih izljeva
Characterization of Vanadium and Sulfur Containing Compounds of Kazakhstan Petroleum Vacuum Residuum
In the paper, bulk property and chemical composition of Kazakhstan vacuum residuum were characterized. Sulfides and thiophenes were selectively isolated from the residuum and characterized by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). Molecular weights of the sulfur compounds were varied from 150 to 800 Da and S1 , S2 , O1S1 , O2S1 , N1S1 class species were assigned in the heavy oil derived methylsulfonium. Vanadyl porphyrins characterized by positive-ion electrospray ionization and FT-ICR MS, which showed that etioporphyrins (ETIO) (CnH2n-28N4V1O1 , corresponding to DBE = 17) and deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrins (DPEP) (CnH2n-30N4V1O1, corresponding to DBE = 18). It should be noted that the vanadyl porphyrins were most abundant
Comparative analysis of local governance reforms in Turkey and Kazakhstan
Dünyada yerel yönetimler, hem devlet yönetiminde önemli bir role sahip olup hem de demokratikleşmenin ve halkın yönetime katılımının en iyi şekilde temsil edildiği örgütlerdir. Yerel yönetimler, insanların bir arada yaşamaya başladığından itibaren var olmakla birlikte önemleri gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Demokratik yaşamın bir parçası olan yerel yönetimler, demokrasinin temel unsuru ve gelişimin bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu bağlamda demokratik yönetim sistemine sahip olan ülkelerde, yerel yönetimler anayasal bir kurum olarak varlılığını devam etmektedir. Günümüzde demokratik yönetim sistemini tutan hemen hemen her ülkede, kamu hizmeti sunumunda etkinliğinin sağlanması ve demokrasinin gelişmesini hedefleyen çeşitli reformlar yapılmaktadır. Bu reformların önemli bir ayağını da yerel yönetimler reformu oluşturmaktadır. 1990'larda SSCB ülkelerinde siyasi, ekonomik ve ideolojik değişiklikler yer almıştır. Sovyet sosyalist sisteminin çöküşü SSCB cumhuriyetlerinde önemli reformların başlanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle söz konusu ülkelerde demokrasinin gelişmesin sağlamaya yönelik reformlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Kazakistan, bağımsızlığın ilk anlarından itibaren kendisini demokratik bir ülke olarak tanımıştır. Dolayısıyla, devlet mekanizmasında yapılacak olan reformlar sonucunda demokratik düzene uygun yerel yönetim sistemin oluşmasına büyük bir önem verilmiştir. Türkiye ise, yüzyıllarca yapılan yönetim reformları neticesinde zengin bir tecrübeyi elde etmiştir. Söz konusu zenginliğin kültürü, dili, dini ve kökü ortak olan Kazakistan'da yapılacak reformlar için sağlayacak imkânları sınırsızdır.Throughout the world, local governance is one of the important key factors in democratization of the country and participation of the population in a control system. Local governance has its origins from the earliest times of communities and every day is becoming an important link in the state system. Regarded as an integral part of a democratic society, local governance is the main indicator of progress. In all democratic countries, local governance has its constitutional status. At the present time, almost in all democratic countries much attention is paid to reforming of systems of rendering public services and further development of democracies. The most important component of these reforms is reforms related to local governance. In the 1990s, in the countries of the former USSR took place political, economic and ideological changes. The collapse of the Soviet regime was the main factor for radical reforms in the post-Soviet countries. In this regard, all of these countries have begun reforms related to the democratization of governance structure and the country in general. Kazakhstan from the first minutes of independence proclaimed itself the democratic country. As a result, the development of local governance based on democratic norms was the main vector in the reform of state management mechanism. Turkey, in turn, has accumulated rich experience in this matter for centuries of reforms at the local level. And I would like to note that this experience would have given a great opportunity for Kazakhstan considering that culture, language, religion, and even the historical roots of these countries are common
Carbonized Sorbents of Shungite and Rice Husk for Purification of Petroleum Contaminated Soils
Contamination of soil and water with petroleum during its extraction, collection, transportation, storage and preparation occurs frequently, and purification of oil spills is one of the pressing environmental problems of oil producing organizations. There are a large number of methods for utilization oil spills. The sorption method in combination with bioremediation is capable of effectively purification of petroleum contaminated soils. The paper shows the possibility of using a carbonized mixture of shungite from the Koksu deposit (Kazakhstan) with rice husk as a sorbent and carrier of microorganism strains. The physicochemical properties and elemental composition, as well as the microstructure of carbonized samples were established. The maximum sorption capacity of carbonized sorbents when purifying the soil samples from oil from the Karazhanbas field was 1.86 g/g after 60 days. The carbonized samples with microorganism strains immobilized on them showed a degree of oil destruction reaching 90%
Selection of Solvents for the Removal of Asphaltene–Resin–Paraffin Deposits
In this study, we aimed to select the optimal solvents for the removal of asphaltene–resin–paraffin deposits. The effectiveness of various solvents was determined based on the asphaltene–resin–paraffin deposits (ARPDs) of the Zhanaozen (Ozen) crude oil field. These deposits affect the geological, physical, and technological conditions of the oil field, thus influencing its development. According to the results, we found that the most effective composite solvent is a composition comprising a 50% gasoline fraction and a 50% kerosene fraction. This composition showed mass loss of deposits of 97.7% and a dissolving power of 93.5 g/cm3 after 5 h. We confirmed the effectiveness of this composition by the paraffinic type of the deposits, which is explained by the high content of paraffin in the oil from the Zhanaozen field. Aromatic solvents showed a relatively low dissolving power compared with aliphatic solvents, which also confirms the low content of resins and asphaltenes in the ARPD
High temperature transformation of tar-asphaltene components of oil sand bitumen
Transformations of high-molecular-weight compounds of oil sand natural bitumen under the heat treatment were studied in this work. For that purpose the natural bitumen isolated from oil sand taken from the Beke field (Kazakhstan) was used as a substrate. Thermal processing of natural bitumen leads to a general change in the chemical composition of components and to an increase in the output of certain fractions. The contents of oil, tar and asphaltenes were determined and the elemental composition of tar-asphaltene compounds was evaluated. Molecular structures of the tar and asphaltene components of natural bitumen before and after cracking have been defined from the data of elemental analysis, NMR spectroscopy and molecular weight. The high molecular compounds were presented as giant molecules containing small aromatic islands some of which were linked by aliphatic chains, that was proved by infrared spectroscopy
Aging Process Effects on the Characteristics of Vacuum Residue Oxidation Products with the Addition of Crumb Rubber
This paper considers the effect of aging processes on viscoelastic characteristics of vacuum residue oxidation products modified with crumb rubber. Viscoelastic properties were compared to original bitumen raw material-vacuum residue and vacuum residue oxidation products during short-term and long-term aging. The complex shear modulus of the vacuum residue and its oxidation products decreased with an increase in temperature. Short-term aging resulted in increased shear modulus for all samples.The vacuum residue oxidation product modified with crumb rubber had the maximum values of the rutting parameter and fatigue parameter. There was an expansion of the temperature range of plasticity: for the vacuum residue oxidation product with crumb rubber, its value was 67.2 °C. The curves of the black diagram of the modified vacuum residue oxidation product are shifted towards smaller phase angles with the increase in the shear modulus, which indicates the increase in the stiffness and elasticity of the rubber bitumen binders. The vacuum residue oxidation product modified with crumb rubber corresponded to the rubber bitumen binder of the grade RBB 60/90, according to its physical and mechanical indicators
Modification of Bitumen with Recycled PET Plastics from Waste Materials
Nowadays in the world, due to the constant desire for recycling, many countries are considering the use of recycled plastics on roads. Modification of bitumen for roads in Kazakhstan is considered one of the most suitable and popular approaches. This paper presents the results of research on the modification of bitumen by recycled plastics from waste materials. The paper describes the details of the use of plastic waste as bitumen modifiers, with a specific focus on recycled plastics and how they can potentially be used to enhance bitumen performance and the road durability. The main physical and mechanical characteristics of the modified bitumen were determined after routine tests, penetration and plasticity, softening temperature, brittleness temperature on Fraas and microscopic analysis. The morphology of the modified bitumen was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The results confirm that the modified bitumen complies with the requirements for polymer-bitumen binder of Kazakhstani standards and is suitable for the production of modified bitumen by its physical and chemical characteristics