36 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the socio-economic factors that affect the management of mangrove forests, as well as describe the management of community-based mangrove forests in Kampung Ambong Village, Likupang Timur District, North Minahasa District. This research was conducted for 3 (three) months from August to October 2017. The research used analytical descriptive approach using survey method. Sampling used purposive sampling method. Furthermore, participation analysis used Likert Scale. The survey was conducted to 55 respondents in Desa Kampung Ambong, Likupang Timur Sub-district, North Minahasa District. The results showed that based on the Rank Spearman correlation, socio-economic factors ie education level and membership in organization had enough influenced community participation in mangrove forest management. The participation rate of Kampung Ambong Village community in community-based mangrove forest management is categorized as 47.27%. Mangrove forest management have conducted by community members at Kampong Ambong Village, Likupang Timur Sub-district, North Minahasa District, in the form of rehabilitation which mostly plant Rhyzopora seedlings, as well as mangrove and supervision. This activity was carried out by the Tanjung Asa Forest Farmers Group


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    This study aims to analyze the feasibility of developing natural tourism in the Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park at the Bolonsio Camping Ground location. This research was conducted from February to March 2021. The research method used is the data collected consisting of Primary Data and Secondary Data, which were obtained by several methods, namely field observation methods, interview methods and literature studies. The results of the assessment show that the study location is feasible to be developed even though there are still quite a lot of things concerning the implementation or practice of ecotourism, which are classified as not being optimally carried out in natural tourism objects that are being studied and require improvement and improvement of various factors included in the aspect of accessibility. This is of course a separate homework for managers of tourism objects, in order to make efforts to develop natural tourism that pays attention to aspects of tourism management that actually carry out the principles of ecotourism


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the provision of compost, cow manure and chicken manure on the ecological sustainability of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus), on gold mine soil parent material; and on the initial growth of upland paddy unsrat variety 1. This research was carried out in May to July 2019 at the Greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulang University in Manado. The design used in this study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that the provision of compost, cow manure and chicken manure gave good results on ecological sustainability of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus), on fertility in gold mine soil parent material, and on early growth of upland paddy unsrat variety 1.*eprm

    Sterilisasi Dan Penggunaan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Bap (Benzile Amino Purin) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Eksplan Tunas Pisang Abaka (Musa Textilis Nee) Melalui Teknik In Vitro

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    This study aims to determine the most appropriate method and sterilization technique for the growth of abaca weevil shoot explants taken directly from the field and to determine the effect of the dose of growth regulator BAP (Benzile amino purine) on the growth of abaca feed. explants (Musa textilis Nee). through in vitro techniques. This study uses the multilevel sterilization method and the sterilization method using direct observation, namely when the explants have become shoots. The results showed that the appropriate sterilization method was a fixed sterilization method with bayclin treatment with a concentration of 30% for (30 minutes), 20% for (20 minutes), 10% for (10 minutes) with several techniques carried out so that the explant was successful. grow, namely in the 6th technique. Induction of shoots of abaka banana weevil explants in BAP treatment was best at 7 ppm treatment by producing 5 shoots. With the height of each shoot, namely: a (0.9 cm), b (0.3 cm), c (0.4 cm), d (0.4 cm), and e (0.5 cm)


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    This study aims to identify socio-economic problems and agronomic potential on the island of Morotai in relation to the development of Bido Coconut and develop strategies for developing Bido Coconut as an endemic plant. This research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods, the research time was from February to April 2021. The data collection methods were interviews, questionnaires and observation. Data analysis used correlation analysis and SWOT analysis. The stages of analysis, correlation analysis are r_xy = Correlation between variables x and y, X = (X_(i-X )) and Y = (Y_(i-Y )). SWOT analysis, namely problem identification, determination of IFAS and EFAS, grand strategy analysis. The results of this study indicate a low to high correlation value based on the results of the correlation analysis of agronomic traits. The highest correlation was between the number of bunches and the number of fruit, which was 0.588. Where the higher the number of bunches followed by the number of fruits. The correlation of these two traits is very decisive in the selection of plant parents. Furthermore, the correlation between the number of leaflets and stem diameter is negative and the height is -0.665 meaning that the greater the diameter of the stem, the reduction is followed by the reduction of leaflets or vice versa. Correlation of fruit weight and number of leaf midribs - 0.485. Correlation results show that agronomic traits have a relationship with each other, from high to low values. The results of the SWOT analysis from the SWOT analysis weight matrix, the value of x is 1.05 (total total score between strengths and weaknesses) and y value is 1.53 (total number of scores between opportunities and threats). The position of the strategy in developing Bido Coconut as a leading commodity for the Morotai Island Regency, the strategy for developing Bido Coconut as a leading commodity in the Morotai Island Regency is an aggressive strategy for quadrant 1 which is a very profitable situation. The area has opportunities and strengths so that it can take advantage of existing opportunities. The strategy that must be applied in this condition is the need to support a very aggressive growth pattern (growth oriented strategy)

    Pengaruh Kinetin Pada Pertumbuhan Kecambah Brokoli Hibrida (Brassica oleracea Var. Green Magic) Dan Kandungan Sulforafan Pada Kultur In Vitro

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    This study aims to observe the growth in the sprouting phase and to observe the sulforaphane content in the growth stages of broccoli sprouts treated with kinetin on MS media. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University and the Laboratory of Department of Chemical Engineering, State of Malang. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 9 replications, nam ely without kinetin, 0.5 ppm kinetin, 1 ppm kinetin, 1.5 ppm kinetin. The variables observed were the time of sprout formation, sprout height, sprout weight, sulforaphane content. The results of this study showed that the sulforaphane content was not affected by the height and weight of the sprouts but the kinetin concentration, the higher the concentration given, the higher the sulforaphane content


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    This study aims to develop small-scale beef cattle in the Sub-district of Rainis, Talaud Islands Regency by analyzing the potential of existing land and animal feed, and to strive for the maintenance of cattle not not as a part-time business but rather a main business.This research was conducted in December 2019 until February 2020, in Rainis Sub-district, Talaud Islands Regency. Data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected by direct interviews with 40 respondents using a list of questions (questionnaire) and direct observation in the field. Secondary data were obtained from the Rainis District Office. The determination of the sample location of the study was determined purposively with consideration of the level of ownership of beef cattle in four villages namely Tabang Village, West Tabang Village, Bantane Village and North Bantane Village. Determination of the respondents is based on the criteria that the farmers are small-scale beef cattle farmers who have been raising cattle for more than 1 (one) year and have plantation land, and have sold cattle. Analysis of the data in this study is quantitative / statistical in order to test the hypothesis that has been set. The results showed that Rainis Sub-district, Talaud Island Regency had the potential for the development of beef cattle in terms of aspects of land availability for feed, human resources, and livestock productivity aspects of animal health, facilities and infrastructure aspects, socio-cultural aspects, economic aspects of farmers who run Coconut farming by integrating with people's beef cattle gets an average income of Rp. 41.497.742// respondent / year and aspects of market opportunities.*eprm

    Pengaruh BAP (Benzyl Amino Purine) Pada Pertumbuhan Brokoli Hibrida (Brassica oleracea Var. Valencia) Dan Kandungan Sulforafan Pada Kultur In vitro

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of BAP on the growth of hybrid broccoli and the synthesis of sulforaphane content grown on MS media. Observations were made for 2 weeks, namely on the first day after planting until the 14th day after planting. This study used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and was repeated 9 times. The results showed that on the first day after planting the hybrid broccoli had germinated. It was found that the highest Broccoli sprout height in the treatment without BAP (Control) was 8.82cm, the highest weight of Broccoli sprouts in the treatment without BAP (Control) was 0.17g, and the highest sulforaphane content in the 1 ppm BAP treatment was 6.56µg/g