7 research outputs found

    Cone shells - Conidae

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    Biodiversity of cowries (Cypraeidae) in Fiji

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    A comparison of macro-moth assemblages across three types of lowland forest in Fiji

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    Although many studies have shown a relationship between forest type and quality on resident lepidopteran assemblages, there appears to be an absence of such studies in Paci c island countries. This study compared nocturnal macro-moth assemblages in a native rainforest, mixed forest and a plantation of exotic trees (mahogany) near Suva, Fiji Islands. Four nightly surveys (4 h from dusk) were performed in each forest type using a mercury vapour light. A total of 491 macro- moths belonging to 92 species in nine families were collected. No statistically signi cant differences in abundance, species richness and various diversity indices were observed across the different forest types. Endemic species were collected in all three locations, although signi cantly more endemic individuals were collected in the native forest compared to the exotic plantation. When examining species composition, ‘analysis of similarity’ (ANOSIM) and non-metric multidimensional scaling suggested that the faunas observed in the mixed forest and the exotic forest might be different, with the fauna in the native forest intermediate between these two. Although we found no major differences in the moth assemblages in these three sites, the results collected provide baseline data for future studies and comparisons with other localities. The results also reinforce previous ndings which demonstrate that exotic plantations and semi-degraded forests may still provide useful refuges for endemic insect species of conservation value

    Temporal variation in macro - moth abundance and species richness in a lowland fijian forest

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    In this study we investigated temporal patterns in activity of adult macro-moths in Colo-i-Suva mixed lowland tropical forest on Fiji's largest island, Viti Levu. Moths were collected for 2 or 3 nights per month over a 12-month period using a mercury-vapor light as an attractant and collecting moths that had settled onto a white sheet for 4 hr after dusk. In total 1,397 specimens were captured, belonging to 116 species in 10 families. There were no significant relationships between total abundance and species richness with any of the climatic factors measured: average minimum and maximum daily temperature, average daily rainfall, and relative humidity. There were no obvious trends in total abundance and species richness over the 12-month monitoring period, although multivariate analysis suggested that moth assemblages in the wet and dry seasons were distinct in terms of their composition. These differences appear to be caused by some of the more-common species exhibiting clear peaks in abundance at certain times of the year, whereas other less-common species were restricted to only dry-season or only wet-season samples. We believe that this study is the first to obtain detailed information on flight periods of adult macro-moths in Fiji. Further research is required to ascertain whether patterns we have observed at this location repeat themselves in subsequent years, and to compare seasonal patterns of moths in other forests, other habitats, and other Fijian species were restricted to only dry-season or only wet-season samples. We believe that this study is the first to obtain detailed information on flight periods of adult macro-moths in Fiji. Further research is required to ascertain whether patterns we have observed at this location repeat themselves in subsequent years, and to compare seasonal patterns of moths in other forests, other habitats, and other Fijian islands

    A record of Dactyloplusia implusa (Walker, 1865) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) new to Fiji

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    The species Dactylopulsa impulsa (Walker, 1865) is recorded from Fiji for the first time. This considerably extends it's known range. The single female specimen is illustrated and the genitalia are figured for the first time