37 research outputs found
U radu su prikazana dva algoritma za rješavanje problema višekriterijalnog 0-1 programiranja i teoretski rezultati potrebni za razumijevanje postupaka
This paper examines added value in the alignment of equipment characteristics and strategic organizational goals as an important activity for the execution of organizational tasks. By applying the
practical value model, negative consequences due to existing risk are smaller since equipment characteristics and strategical organizational goals are aligned according to stakeholders\u27 values.
During negotiations, the alignment of equipment characteristics and existing organizational resources also results in added value since parties negotiate using a "win-win" approach. From the beginning to
the end of the alignment, positive risk is examined, creating additional value. The synthesis of valuefocused approach, negotiation process based on analytical modeling, and positive risk management
contributes to the developed methodology of aligning equipment characteristics and strategic organizational goals for the organization that acquires equipment, continuously creating additional value
Postavljanje prioriteta poljoprivrednih istraživanja u Republici Hrvatskoj
In this paper, the main objective, a set of sub-objectives of national agricultural research system (NARS) and criteria for setting research priorities have been analysed and established. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied and a hierarchical model developed containing three levels of criteria. On the basis of “pairwise comparison,” weights are ascribed to criteria and sub- criteria as well as intensities of bottom level criteria values. Within this model, a decision support system (DSS) – Expert Choice - is used to develop a spreadsheet model for establishing rating of research projects. For each objective a list of economic, social and ecological criteria was developed in order to measure the contribution of each alternative (research theme) to the achievement of the respected objective. The alternatives in this model are seventeen different agricultural commodities. Results show that the sub-objective “economic efficiency” achieved the highest value and thus greatly influenced on the final rank of alternatives. The next criterion according to its relative importance is “sustainability of natural resources” and the last one is “social equity”. The “production value” criterion, which measures the research contribution to economic efficiency, achieved the greatest importance among economic criteria. In the social criteria group, the “cash flow” criterion achieved the highest importance, and among ecological criteria the most important was “natural environment”. Finally, the six best-ranked priority research themes were extrapolated from the model and could be considered as priority products for implementing research.U ovom radu određen je opći, glavni cilj nacionalnog sustava poljoprivrednog istraživanja, razmotreni su i obrazloženi posebni ciljevi, te su definirani kriteriji za postavljanje prioriteta istraživanja. U toj analizi primijenjena je AHP metoda; razvijen je hijerarhijski model s tri razine kriterija, na temelju “pairwise comparation” određene su težine kriterija, i podkriterija te intenziteti kriterijalnih vrijednosti posljednje razine kriterija. Na temelju tog modela uz pomoć DSS (decision support system) Expert Choice kreiran je “spreadsheet model” za određivanje rejtinga
pojedinih istraživačkih projekata. Za svaki od navedenih posebnih ciljeva definiran je niz ekonomskih, socijalnih, te ekoloških kriterija za postavljanje prioriteta istraživanja. Kriteriji mjere koliko istraživanja na određenoj temi (proizvodu) doprinose ostvarenju odnosnog zadanog cilja. Različite mogućnosti u ovom modelu, predstavljaju istraživanja na 17 različitih poljoprivrednih proizvoda, pšenica, kukuruz, šećerna repa, suncokret, uljana repica, soja, krumpir, ostalo povrće, voće, masline, vinova loza, mlijeko, svinjetina, govedina, perad, jaja i ovce. Iz dobivenih rezultata vidljivo je da je cilj “ekonomska učinkovitost” postigao najviši koeficijent relativne važnosti, te je kao takav i najviše utjecao na konačni poredak mogućih istraživanja. Drugi cilj po važnosti je ekološki cilj “poboljšanje održivosti prirodnih resursa”, a na zadnjem mjestu nalazi se socijalni cilj “socijalna ravnopravnost”. Od ekonomskih kriterija najveću težinu ostvario je kriterij “vrijednost proizvodnje”, od socijalnih kriterija “tijek gotovine”, a od ekoloških “utjecaj istraživanja na okoliš”. Na kraju su izračunati konačni prioriteti mogućih istraživanja. Prvih šest proizvoda (trećina uzorka mogućih istraživanja) - svinjetina, pšenica, vinova loza, mlijeko, kukuruz, govedina – moguće je smatrati prioritetnim proizvodima za provođenje istraživanja
The analysis for negotiation results in a prescriptive negotiation procedure that improves the decision making process by increasing the understanding of the decision situation and by the explaining rationale for decision. This prescriptive procedure is used for the evaluation of stakeholders who negotiate, for guidance when there are tensions between various stakeholders, and for the change in the stakeholders` perceptions when considering the creation of additional value and possible agreement(s). The procedure is divided into five specific steps, based on the standard acquisition procedure. The procedure is applied to the case of acquiring Armored Wheeled Vehicles 8x8 (AWV) for the Croatian Armed Forces (CAF), according to the Croatian procurement regulations
U radu je prikazan postupak prevođenja problema cjelobrojnog linearnog programiranja u probleme 0-1 linearnog programiranja i otuda izveden postupak za prevođenje nekih problema nelinearnog cjelobrojnog programiranja u probleme 0-1 linearnog programiranja. Ti postupci ilustrirani su primjerima