636 research outputs found

    Morphological analysis of CDC2 and glycogen synthase kinase 3β phosphorylation as markers of g2 → m transition in glioma.

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    G2 → M transition is a strategic target for glioma chemotherapy. Key players in G2 → M transition include CDC2 and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β), which are highly regulated by posttranslational phosphorylation. This report is a morphological analysis of CDC2 and GSK3β phosphorylation using immunohistochemistry in gliomas with different biological properties. GBM showed a 2.8-fold and 5.6-fold increase in number of cells positive for pThr161CDC2 and a 4.2- and 6.9-fold increase in number of cells positive for pTyr15CDC2 relative to oligodendroglioma and ependymoma, respectively. Elevated labeling for inhibited phospho-CDC2 (pTyr15CDC) correlates with elevated levels of phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β). 71% of the GBM cases showed intermediate to high intensity staining for pSer9SGK3β 53% of oligodendroglioma, and 73% of ependymoma showed low intensity staining. CDC2 gene amplification correlates with increased survival in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and astrocytoma WHO grades II-III, but not in oligodendroglioma WHO grades II-III

    Indicators of situational efficiency of the goalkeeper during the attack phase in the younger age categories

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    Ovaj rad bavi se pokazateljima situacijske efikasnosti mladih vratara u određenim varijablama u fazi napada. CILJEVI: Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je deskriptivno prikazati angažiranost vratara u fazi napada u mlađim dobnim kategorijama. Drugi cilj je ovog rada je utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika između dvije dobne skupine vratara u definiranim pokazateljima izvedbe. Treći cilj ovog rada je utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika između vratara i igrača u polju u definiranim pokazateljima izvedbe. METODE RADA: Korišten je hi-kvadrat test kako bi se utvrdila statistički značajna razlika između vratara u definiranim varijablama te t-test za dobivanje statistički značajne razlike između igrača i vratara. UZORAK ISPITANIKA: Istraživanje je provedeno na 32 utakmice Prve NL Središte starijih i mlađih pionira u sezoni 2016./2017. VARIJABLE: Za analizu koristile su se sljedeće varijable: Distribucija lopte vratara iz vlastitih 16 metara (s obzirom na vrstu dodavanja: dugo, kratko; s obzirom na dio terena: 1. trećina, 2. trećina , 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Distribucija lopte igrača iz vlastitih 16 metara s obzirom na vrstu dodavanja: dugo, kratko; s obzirom na dio terena: 1. trećina, 2. trećina , 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Distribucija lopte vraćanjem lopte u igru nogom (s obzirom na dio terena: 1, trećina, 2. trećina, 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Distribucija lopte vraćanjem lopte u igru rukom (s obzirom na dio terena: 1., trećina, 2. trećina, 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Dodavanje suigrača prema vrataru u igri. Suradnja vratara i suigrača u igri primopredajom lopte (s obzirom na vrstu dodavanja: dugo, kratko; s obzirom na dio terena: 1. trećina, 2. trećina , 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). REZULTATI: Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu razliku između vratara mlađih i starijih pionira u varijablama (DLV 2/3, DLVD, DLI 1/3, DLI 2/3, DLIK, DLRU, DLR+) te između vratara i igrača mlađih pionira (DL(V/)-, DL(V/I)+, DL(V/I)D). ZAKLJUČAK: Vratari da bi postigli maksimalni razvoj u vratarskom i igračkom smislu, trebaju sudjelovati više i samostalnije u fazi napada, posebno što se tiče distribucije lopte iz 16 metara.My graduation thesis deals with the indicators of situation efficiency of young goalkeepers in specific variables during the attack. AIMS: The main aim of this thesis is to describe the engagement of goalkeepers during the attack in junior categories. The second aim is to establish if there is statistically significant difference between young groups of goalkeepers in defined indicators of the performance. The third aim is to establish if there is statistically significant difference between goalkeepers and players in the field in defined indicators of performance. METHODS: Chi squared test was used to define statistically significant difference between goalkeepers in defined variables and t-test was used to get statistically significant difference between players and goalkeepers. SUBJECTS: The research was conducted through 32 matches of the Prva NL Središte U-12 players and U-14 players during season 2016.2017. VARIABLES: The following variables were used for the analysis: The ball distribution of a goalkeeper in his own 16 metres (in consideration of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in consideration of the outcome: kept possesion, lost possesion). The ball distribution of the players from their own 16 meters in regard of the type of the passing: long, short; in regard of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in regard of the outcome: kept possession, lost possession). The ball distribution when returning it with hands (regard of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in regard of the outcome: kept possesion, lost possesion). Team mates passing to the goalkeeper during the match Cooperation of players and the goalkeeper during the match by giving the ball (in regard of the type of passing: long, short; in regard of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in regard of the outcome: kept possession, lost possession). RESULTS: The results have shown significant difference between the U-12 goalkeepers and U-14 goalkeepers in variables (DLV 2/3, DLVD, DLI 1/3, DLI 2/3, DLIK, DLRU, DLR+) as well between a goalkeepers and the U-12 players (DL(V/)-, DL(V/I)+, DL(V/I)D). CONCLUSION: Goalkeepers should be more independents and engaged during the attack especially when they distribute a ball from their 16 meters if they want to achieve the maximum progress as a goalkeepers and as players

    Indicators of situational efficiency of the goalkeeper during the attack phase in the younger age categories

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    Ovaj rad bavi se pokazateljima situacijske efikasnosti mladih vratara u određenim varijablama u fazi napada. CILJEVI: Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je deskriptivno prikazati angažiranost vratara u fazi napada u mlađim dobnim kategorijama. Drugi cilj je ovog rada je utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika između dvije dobne skupine vratara u definiranim pokazateljima izvedbe. Treći cilj ovog rada je utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika između vratara i igrača u polju u definiranim pokazateljima izvedbe. METODE RADA: Korišten je hi-kvadrat test kako bi se utvrdila statistički značajna razlika između vratara u definiranim varijablama te t-test za dobivanje statistički značajne razlike između igrača i vratara. UZORAK ISPITANIKA: Istraživanje je provedeno na 32 utakmice Prve NL Središte starijih i mlađih pionira u sezoni 2016./2017. VARIJABLE: Za analizu koristile su se sljedeće varijable: Distribucija lopte vratara iz vlastitih 16 metara (s obzirom na vrstu dodavanja: dugo, kratko; s obzirom na dio terena: 1. trećina, 2. trećina , 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Distribucija lopte igrača iz vlastitih 16 metara s obzirom na vrstu dodavanja: dugo, kratko; s obzirom na dio terena: 1. trećina, 2. trećina , 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Distribucija lopte vraćanjem lopte u igru nogom (s obzirom na dio terena: 1, trećina, 2. trećina, 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Distribucija lopte vraćanjem lopte u igru rukom (s obzirom na dio terena: 1., trećina, 2. trećina, 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). Dodavanje suigrača prema vrataru u igri. Suradnja vratara i suigrača u igri primopredajom lopte (s obzirom na vrstu dodavanja: dugo, kratko; s obzirom na dio terena: 1. trećina, 2. trećina , 3. trećina; s obzirom na ishod: zadržan posjed, izgubljen posjed). REZULTATI: Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu razliku između vratara mlađih i starijih pionira u varijablama (DLV 2/3, DLVD, DLI 1/3, DLI 2/3, DLIK, DLRU, DLR+) te između vratara i igrača mlađih pionira (DL(V/)-, DL(V/I)+, DL(V/I)D). ZAKLJUČAK: Vratari da bi postigli maksimalni razvoj u vratarskom i igračkom smislu, trebaju sudjelovati više i samostalnije u fazi napada, posebno što se tiče distribucije lopte iz 16 metara.My graduation thesis deals with the indicators of situation efficiency of young goalkeepers in specific variables during the attack. AIMS: The main aim of this thesis is to describe the engagement of goalkeepers during the attack in junior categories. The second aim is to establish if there is statistically significant difference between young groups of goalkeepers in defined indicators of the performance. The third aim is to establish if there is statistically significant difference between goalkeepers and players in the field in defined indicators of performance. METHODS: Chi squared test was used to define statistically significant difference between goalkeepers in defined variables and t-test was used to get statistically significant difference between players and goalkeepers. SUBJECTS: The research was conducted through 32 matches of the Prva NL Središte U-12 players and U-14 players during season 2016.2017. VARIABLES: The following variables were used for the analysis: The ball distribution of a goalkeeper in his own 16 metres (in consideration of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in consideration of the outcome: kept possesion, lost possesion). The ball distribution of the players from their own 16 meters in regard of the type of the passing: long, short; in regard of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in regard of the outcome: kept possession, lost possession). The ball distribution when returning it with hands (regard of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in regard of the outcome: kept possesion, lost possesion). Team mates passing to the goalkeeper during the match Cooperation of players and the goalkeeper during the match by giving the ball (in regard of the type of passing: long, short; in regard of the part of the field: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; in regard of the outcome: kept possession, lost possession). RESULTS: The results have shown significant difference between the U-12 goalkeepers and U-14 goalkeepers in variables (DLV 2/3, DLVD, DLI 1/3, DLI 2/3, DLIK, DLRU, DLR+) as well between a goalkeepers and the U-12 players (DL(V/)-, DL(V/I)+, DL(V/I)D). CONCLUSION: Goalkeepers should be more independents and engaged during the attack especially when they distribute a ball from their 16 meters if they want to achieve the maximum progress as a goalkeepers and as players

    Budaya Konsumsi Komunitas Lari (Studi Kasus: Komunitas Padang Trial Runners, Kota Padang)

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    Olahraga lari merupakan olahraga sederhana yang dapat dilakukan tanpa peralatan khusus dan bertujuan untuk menjaga kesehatan. Olahraga lari saat ini digemari masyarakat Kota Padang diiringi dengan berdirinya komunitas- komunitas olahraga lari, salah satunya yaitu komunitas Padang Trail Runners. Dalam kegiatannya anggota Komunitas Padang Trail Runnes menampilkan gaya yang fashionable dengan mengunakan perlengkapan bermerek dan anggotanya gemar mengikuti event lari, konsumsi tersebut tentu membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Sehingga olahraga lari yang dilakukan anggota Komunitas Padang Trail Runners bukan hanya aktifitas yang bertujuan untuk kesehatan saja. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan latar belakang anggota bergabung dan mengikuti kegiatan Komunitas Padang Trail Runners serta menjelaskan bagaimana budaya konsumsi yang dilakukan anggota Komunitas Padang Trail Runners terhadap perlengkapan dan event-event lari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Sedangkan pemilihan informan dilakakukan dengan cara purposive sampling dengan membagi informan kunci dan informan biasa. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konsep kebudayaan dan budaya konsumen. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat alasan anggota memilih bergabung dan mengikuti kegiatan komunitas Padang Trail Runners yaitu: (1) Iseng lalu kecanduan. (2) Ajakan teman. (3) Mencari Relasi Pertemanan. Dalam kegiatan anggota komunitas Padang Trail Runners sangat memperhatikan penampilan mereka dengan mengunakan perlengkapan bermerek, selain itu mereka juga gemar mengituki event-event lari. Perlengkapan bermerek dan mengikuti event-event lari tentunya membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Sehingga melalui konsumsi tersebut memberi kesan kedudukan sosial mereka sebagai kelas sosial menengah atas. Konsumsi yang dilakukan bukan hanya sekedar konsumsi dengan nilai guna, seperti perlengkapan yang bertujuan untuk menunjang kegiatan lari dan event lari sebagai kegiatan kesehatan. Lebih dari itu konsumsi tersebut mengedepankan kesan yang terdapat didalamnya

    Pathological perspectives in pilocytic astrocytomas: Extent of resection as the sole critical factor for recurrence-free survival, and the challenge of evaluating conclusions derived from limited data

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    Introduction: Pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) is one of the most common primary intracranial neoplasms in childhood with an overall favorable prognosis. Despite decades of experience, there are still diagnostic and treatment challenges and unresolved issues regarding risk factors associated with recurrence, most often due to conclusions of publications with limited data. We analyzed 499 patients with PA diagnosed in a single institution over 30 years in order to provide answers to some of the unresolved issues. Materials and Methods: We identified pilocytic astrocytomas diagnosed at the University of California, San Francisco, between 1989 and 2019, confirmed the diagnoses using the WHO 2021 essential and desirable criteria, and performed a retrospective review of the demographic and clinical features of the patients and the radiological, pathologic and molecular features of the tumors. Results: Among the patients identified from pathology archives, 499 cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Median age at presentation was 12 years (range 3.5 months – 73 years) and the median follow-up was 78.5 months. Tumors were predominantly located in the posterior fossa (52.6%). There were six deaths, but there were confounding factors that prevented a clear association of death to tumor progression. Extent of resection was the only significant factor for recurrence-free survival. Recurrence-free survival time was 321.0 months for gross total resection, compared to 160.9 months for subtotal resection (log rank, p <0.001). Conclusion: Multivariate analysis was able to identify extent of resection as the only significant variable to influence recurrence-free survival. We did not find a statistically significant association between age, NF1 status, tumor location, molecular alterations, and outcome. Smaller series with apparently significant results may have suffered from limited sample size, limited variables, acceptance of univariate analysis findings as well as a larger p value for biological significance. PA still remains a predominantly surgical disease and every attempt should be made to achieve gross total resection since this appears to be the most reliable predictor of recurrence-free survival

    The hypoxic response of tumors is dependent on their microenvironment

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    AbstractTo reveal the functional significance of hypoxia and angiogenesis in astrocytoma progression, we created genetically engineered transformed astrocytes from murine primary astrocytes and deleted the hypoxia-responsive transcription factor HIF-1α or its target gene, the angiogenic factor VEGF. Growth of HIF-1α- and VEGF-deficient transformed astrocytes in the vessel-poor subcutaneous environment results in severe necrosis, reduced growth, and vessel density, whereas when the same cells are placed in the vascular-rich brain parenchyma, the growth of HIF-1α knockout, but not VEGF knockout tumors, is reversed: tumors deficient in HIF-1α grow faster, and penetrate the brain more rapidly and extensively. These results demonstrate that HIF-1α has differential roles in tumor progression, which are greatly dependent on the extant microenvironment of the tumor