3 research outputs found

    Geotechnical Engineering in Contracts for Civil Projects

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    Geo-Impuls is a Dutch nationwide programme with the aim to reduce geotechnical related failures in projects. During the last 5 years, a large number of teams have been working within three themes (techniques, communications and contracts) on a procedure for coping with the natural uncertainties of the Dutch subsoil. The large variation in the mainly soft subsoil in the Netherlands involves geotechnical risks. These risks need to be managed and controlled. The main focus of one of the themes of Geo-Impuls – theme ‘Geo-Engineering in Contracts’ – is how to deal with these risks during the different phases of a project and especially during the drawing up of the contract. Which party is able to manage geotechnical risks most effectively in which phase of the project? In addition, which party is responsible for which risks? Moreover, how can this responsibility be reduced, allocated and established? These questions are of current interest due to a shift in the methods of contracting. Nowadays the traditional form of contracting changes towards a more integrated form. Several parties are responsible for the project design or realization instead of only one party. Furthermore, the way of selecting the contractors is also changing. All this makes it difficult to make clear-cut agreements on how to deal with the geotechnical risks. It is no longer the responsibility of only the geotechnical consultant, but of the whole project team. Within ‘Geo-Engineering in Contracts’, research has been done on how to determine a method to deal with geotechnical risks in all phases of the project. Eventually, the following topics were identified and researched by different teams. 1. The determination of a risk controlled approach for the executing of soil investigation during all phases of the project. 2. The awareness of geotechnical risks and how to allocate these risks to the parties involved during all phases of the project. 3. The presentation of guidelines on how to successfully integrate geotechnical aspect in different contract forms. The article outlines the activities and results of these three topics of the Contracts-teams

    Realization of a multinode quantum network of remote solid-state qubits

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    The distribution of entangled states across the nodes of a future quantum internet will unlock fundamentally new technologies. Here, we report on the realization of a three-node entanglement-based quantum network. We combine remote quantum nodes based on diamond communication qubits into a scalable phase-stabilized architecture, supplemented with a robust memory qubit and local quantum logic. In addition, we achieve real-time communication and feed-forward gate operations across the network. We demonstrate two quantum network protocols without postselection: the distribution of genuine multipartite entangled states across the three nodes and entanglement swapping through an intermediary node. Our work establishes a key platform for exploring, testing, and developing multinode quantum network protocols and a quantum network control stack.Accepted Author ManuscriptQuTechQID/Hanson LabGeneralBUS/Quantum DelftQID/Wehner GroupQuantum Internet DivisionQuantum Information and SoftwareQN/Hanson La

    Distributed entanglement and teleportation on a quantum network

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    We report on the realization of a multi-node quantum network. Using the network, we have demonstrated three protocols; generation of a entangled state shared by all nodes, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation between non-neighboring nodes.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.QID/Hanson LabQCD/Vandersypen LabALG/GeneralBUS/Quantum DelftQID/Wehner GroupQN/Borregaard groepQuantum Computer ScienceQN/Hanson La