39 research outputs found

    2-Dimensional Dipolar Scattering

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    We characterize the long range dipolar scattering in 2-dimensions. We use the analytic zero energy wavefunction including the dipolar interaction; this solution yields universal dipolar scattering properties in the threshold regime. We also study the semi-classical dipolar scattering and find universal dipolar scattering for this energy regime. For both energy regimes, we discuss the validity of the universality and give physical examples of the scattering.Comment: 4 pages 4 figure

    A Model for Scattering with Proliferating Resonances: Many Coupled Square Wells

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    We present a multichannel model for elastic interactions, comprised of an arbitrary number of coupled finite square-well potentials, and derive semi-analytic solutions for its scattering behavior. Despite the model's simplicity, it is flexible enough to include many coupled short-ranged resonances in the vicinity of the collision threshold, as is necessary to describe ongoing experiments in ultracold molecules and lanthanide atoms. We also introduce a simple, but physically realistic, statistical ensemble for parameters in this model. We compute the resulting probability distributions of nearest-neighbor resonance spacings and analyze them by fitting to the Brody distribution. We quantify the ability of alternative distribution functions, for resonance spacing and resonance number variance, to describe the crossover regime. The analysis demonstrates that the multichannel square-well model with the chosen ensemble of parameters naturally captures the crossover from integrable to chaotic scattering as a function of closed channel coupling strength.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Energy Dependence of Scattering Ground State Polar Molecules

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    We explore the total cross section of ground state polar molecules in an electric field at various energies, focusing on RbCs and RbK. An external electric field polarizes the molecules and induces strong dipolar interactions leading to non-zero partial waves contributing to the scattering even as the collision energy goes to zero. This results in the need to compute scattering problems with many different values of total M to converge the total cross section. An accurate and efficient approximate total cross section is introduced and used to study the low field temperature dependence. To understand the scattering of the polar molecules we compare a semi-classical cross section with quantum unitarity limit. This comparison leads to the ability to characterize the scattering based on the value of the electric field and the collision energy.Comment: Accepted PRA, 10 pages, 5 figure