72 research outputs found

    Cell Tracks: The next step in cell analysis

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    Method and apparatus from imaging target components in a biological sample using permanent magnets

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    The present invention is a method and means for positive selecting and imaging target entities. This includes a coated permanent magnetic device for magnetic manipulation in the system of the present invention. The system immunomagnetically concentrates the target entity, fluorescently labels, identifies and quantifies target cells by positive enumeration. Subsequent statistical analysis enables the clinician to obtain potential diagnostic information. More specifically, the present invention provides the apparatus, methods, and kits for diagnosing disease disorders after immunomagnetic imaging. After obtaining a whole blood sample from a patient, a small permanent magnet is added to the whole blood sample. Unlike previously described magnetic presentation device CELLSPOTTER MAGNEST™ configuration, a small NdFeB magnet is directly added to a sample container, for example the cartridge in the CELLTRACKS® imaging device U.S. Pat. No. 6,861,259 and U.S. Pat. No. 7,011,794 with 100 ul of CD4 immunomagnetically labeled and fluorescently stained AO whole blood. After 10 minutes the small permanent magnet is pulled out of the sample using an iron rod or another magnet. The magnet is positioned within the container to allow for image analysis. A further embodiment of the present invention has the magnet fixed to a floatation device (floater) within the reaction chamber. After addition of the reagents, blood and floater, the immunomagnetically labeled target cells are positioned along a single imaging plane for analysis, all within the reaction chamber
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