189 research outputs found

    ReMasker: Imputing Tabular Data with Masked Autoencoding

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    We present ReMasker, a new method of imputing missing values in tabular data by extending the masked autoencoding framework. Compared with prior work, ReMasker is both simple -- besides the missing values (i.e., naturally masked), we randomly ``re-mask'' another set of values, optimize the autoencoder by reconstructing this re-masked set, and apply the trained model to predict the missing values; and effective -- with extensive evaluation on benchmark datasets, we show that ReMasker performs on par with or outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of both imputation fidelity and utility under various missingness settings, while its performance advantage often increases with the ratio of missing data. We further explore theoretical justification for its effectiveness, showing that ReMasker tends to learn missingness-invariant representations of tabular data. Our findings indicate that masked modeling represents a promising direction for further research on tabular data imputation. The code is publicly available

    Sensory Manipulation as a Countermeasure to Robot Teleoperation Delays: System and Evidence

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    In the field of robotics, robot teleoperation for remote or hazardous environments has become increasingly vital. A major challenge is the lag between command and action, negatively affecting operator awareness, performance, and mental strain. Even with advanced technology, mitigating these delays, especially in long-distance operations, remains challenging. Current solutions largely focus on machine-based adjustments. Yet, there's a gap in using human perceptions to improve the teleoperation experience. This paper presents a unique method of sensory manipulation to help humans adapt to such delays. Drawing from motor learning principles, it suggests that modifying sensory stimuli can lessen the perception of these delays. Instead of introducing new skills, the approach uses existing motor coordination knowledge. The aim is to minimize the need for extensive training or complex automation. A study with 41 participants explored the effects of altered haptic cues in delayed teleoperations. These cues were sourced from advanced physics engines and robot sensors. Results highlighted benefits like reduced task time and improved perceptions of visual delays. Real-time haptic feedback significantly contributed to reduced mental strain and increased confidence. This research emphasizes human adaptation as a key element in robot teleoperation, advocating for improved teleoperation efficiency via swift human adaptation, rather than solely optimizing robots for delay adjustment.Comment: Submitted to Scientific Report

    Brain Functional Connectivity under Teleoperation Latency: a fNIRS Study

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    Objective: This study aims to understand the cognitive impact of latency in teleoperation and the related mitigation methods, using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to analyze functional connectivity. Background: Latency between command, execution, and feedback in teleoperation can impair performance and affect operators mental state. The neural underpinnings of these effects are not well understood. Method: A human subject experiment (n = 41) of a simulated remote robot manipulation task was performed. Three conditions were tested: no latency, with visual and haptic latency, with visual latency and no haptic latency. fNIRS and performance data were recorded and analyzed. Results: The presence of latency in teleoperation significantly increased functional connectivity within and between prefrontal and motor cortexes. Maintaining visual latency while providing real-time haptic feedback reduced the average functional connectivity in all cortical networks and showed a significantly different connectivity ratio within prefrontal and motor cortical networks. The performance results showed the worst performance in the all-delayed condition and best performance in no latency condition, which echoes the neural activity patterns. Conclusion: The study provides neurological evidence that latency in teleoperation increases cognitive load, anxiety, and challenges in motion planning and control. Real-time haptic feedback, however, positively influences neural pathways related to cognition, decision-making, and sensorimotor processes. Application: This research can inform the design of ergonomic teleoperation systems that mitigate the effects of latency.Comment: Submitted to Human Factor

    Nonparametric Generative Modeling with Conditional Sliced-Wasserstein Flows

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    Sliced-Wasserstein Flow (SWF) is a promising approach to nonparametric generative modeling but has not been widely adopted due to its suboptimal generative quality and lack of conditional modeling capabilities. In this work, we make two major contributions to bridging this gap. First, based on a pleasant observation that (under certain conditions) the SWF of joint distributions coincides with those of conditional distributions, we propose Conditional Sliced-Wasserstein Flow (CSWF), a simple yet effective extension of SWF that enables nonparametric conditional modeling. Second, we introduce appropriate inductive biases of images into SWF with two techniques inspired by local connectivity and multiscale representation in vision research, which greatly improve the efficiency and quality of modeling images. With all the improvements, we achieve generative performance comparable with many deep parametric generative models on both conditional and unconditional tasks in a purely nonparametric fashion, demonstrating its great potential.Comment: ICML 202

    Efficient Diffusion Policies for Offline Reinforcement Learning

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    Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to learn optimal policies from offline datasets, where the parameterization of policies is crucial but often overlooked. Recently, Diffsuion-QL significantly boosts the performance of offline RL by representing a policy with a diffusion model, whose success relies on a parametrized Markov Chain with hundreds of steps for sampling. However, Diffusion-QL suffers from two critical limitations. 1) It is computationally inefficient to forward and backward through the whole Markov chain during training. 2) It is incompatible with maximum likelihood-based RL algorithms (e.g., policy gradient methods) as the likelihood of diffusion models is intractable. Therefore, we propose efficient diffusion policy (EDP) to overcome these two challenges. EDP approximately constructs actions from corrupted ones at training to avoid running the sampling chain. We conduct extensive experiments on the D4RL benchmark. The results show that EDP can reduce the diffusion policy training time from 5 days to 5 hours on gym-locomotion tasks. Moreover, we show that EDP is compatible with various offline RL algorithms (TD3, CRR, and IQL) and achieves new state-of-the-art on D4RL by large margins over previous methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/sail-sg/edp.Comment: preprin

    Neural Dynamics of Delayed Feedback in Robot Teleoperation: Insights from fNIRS Analysis

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    As robot teleoperation increasingly becomes integral in executing tasks in distant, hazardous, or inaccessible environments, the challenge of operational delays remains a significant obstacle. These delays are inherent in signal transmission and processing and can adversely affect the operators performance, particularly in tasks requiring precision and timeliness. While current research has made strides in mitigating these delays through advanced control strategies and training methods, a crucial gap persists in understanding the neurofunctional impacts of these delays and the efficacy of countermeasures from a cognitive perspective. Our study narrows this gap by leveraging functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to examine the neurofunctional implications of simulated haptic feedback on cognitive activity and motor coordination under delayed conditions. In a human-subject experiment (N=41), we manipulated sensory feedback to observe its influences on various brain regions of interest (ROIs) response during teleoperation tasks. The fNIRS data provided a detailed assessment of cerebral activity, particularly in ROIs implicated in time perception and the execution of precise movements. Our results reveal that certain conditions, which provided immediate simulated haptic feedback, significantly optimized neural functions related to time perception and motor coordination, and improved motor performance. These findings provide empirical evidence about the neurofunctional basis of the enhanced motor performance with simulated synthetic force feedback in the presence of teleoperation delays.Comment: Submitted to Frontiers in Human Neuroscienc