419 research outputs found

    Rods are less fragile than spheres: Structural relaxation in dense liquids composed of anisotropic particles

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    We perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of dense liquids composed of bidisperse dimer- and ellipse-shaped particles in 2D that interact via repulsive contact forces. We measure the structural relaxation times obtained from the long-time decay of the self-part of the intermediate scattering function for the translational and rotational degrees of freedom (DOF) as a function of packing fraction \phi, temperature T, and aspect ratio \alpha. We are able to collapse the \phi and T-dependent structural relaxation times for disks, and dimers and ellipses over a wide range of \alpha, onto a universal scaling function {\cal F}_{\pm}(|\phi-\phi_0|,T,\alpha), which is similar to that employed in previous studies of dense liquids composed of purely repulsive spherical particles in 3D. {\cal F_{\pm}} for both the translational and rotational DOF are characterized by the \alpha-dependent scaling exponents \mu and \delta and packing fraction \phi_0(\alpha) that signals the crossover in the scaling form {\cal F}_{\pm} from hard-particle dynamics to super-Arrhenius behavior for each aspect ratio. We find that the fragility at \phi_0, m(\phi_0), decreases monotonically with increasing aspect ratio for both ellipses and dimers. Moreover, the results for the slow dynamics of dense liquids composed of dimer- and ellipse-shaped particles are qualitatively the same, despite the fact that zero-temperature static packings of dimers are isostatic, while static packings of ellipses are hypostatic.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figures, and 1 tabl

    Observation of the non-Hermitian skin effect and Fermi skin on a digital quantum computer

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    Non-Hermitian physics has attracted considerable attention in the recent years, in particular the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) for its extreme sensitivity and non-locality. While the NHSE has been physically observed in various classical metamaterials and even ultracold atomic arrays, its highly-nontrivial implications in many-body dynamics have never been experimentally investigated. In this work, we report the first observation of the NHSE on a universal quantum processor, as well as its characteristic but elusive Fermi skin from many-fermion statistics. To implement NHSE dynamics on a quantum computer, the effective time-evolution circuit not only needs to be non-reciprocal and non-unitary, but must also be scaled up to a sufficient number of lattice qubits to achieve spatial non-locality. We show how such a non-unitary operation can be systematically realized by post-selecting multiple ancilla qubits, as demonstrated through two paradigmatic non-reciprocal models on a noisy IBM quantum processor, with clear signatures of asymmetric spatial propagation and many-body Fermi skin accumulation. To minimize errors from inevitable device noise, time evolution is performed using a trainable optimized quantum circuit produced with variational quantum algorithms. Our study represents a critical milestone in the quantum simulation of non-Hermitian lattice phenomena on present-day quantum computers, and can be readily generalized to more sophisticated many-body models with the remarkable programmability of quantum computers.Comment: 24 pages and 13 figure

    A Novel Autonomous Robotics System for Aquaculture Environment Monitoring

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    Implementing fully automatic unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) monitoring water quality is challenging since effectively collecting environmental data while keeping the platform stable and environmental-friendly is hard to approach. To address this problem, we construct a USV that can automatically navigate an efficient path to sample water quality parameters in order to monitor the aquatic environment. The detection device needs to be stable enough to resist a hostile environment or climates while enormous volumes will disturb the aquaculture environment. Meanwhile, planning an efficient path for information collecting needs to deal with the contradiction between the restriction of energy and the amount of information in the coverage region. To tackle with mentioned challenges, we provide a USV platform that can perfectly balance mobility, stability, and portability attributed to its special round-shape structure and redundancy motion design. For informative planning, we combined the TSP and CPP algorithms to construct an optimistic plan for collecting more data within a certain range and limiting energy restrictions.We designed a fish existence prediction scenario to verify the novel system in both simulation experiments and field experiments. The novel aquaculture environment monitoring system significantly reduces the burden of manual operation in the fishery inspection field. Additionally, the simplicity of the sensor setup and the minimal cost of the platform enables its other possible applications in aquatic exploration and commercial utilization

    Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Uplink-Downlink Decoupled Access in C-V2X Networks

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    The uplink (UL)/downlink (DL) decoupled access has been emerging as a novel access architecture to improve the performance gains in cellular networks. In this paper, we investigate the UL/DL decoupled access performance in cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X). We propose a unified analytical framework for the UL/DL decoupled access in C-V2X from the perspective of spectral efficiency (SE). By modeling the UL/DL decoupled access C-V2X as a Cox process and leveraging the stochastic geometry, we obtain the joint association probability, the UL/DL distance distributions to serving base stations and the SE for the UL/DL decoupled access in C-V2X networks with different association cases. We conduct extensive Monte Carlo simulations to verify the accuracy of the proposed unified analytical framework, and the results show a better system average SE of UL/DL decoupled access in C-V2X.Comment: 6pagaes,5 figures, globecom 202

    Quantum Cryptography for the Future Internet and the Security Analysis

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