83 research outputs found

    Group manifold approach to higher spin theory

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    We consider the group manifold approach to higher spin theory. The deformed local higher spin transformation is realized as the diffeomorphism transformation in the group manifold M\textbf{M}. With the suitable rheonomy condition and the torsion constraint imposed, the unfolded equation can be obtained from the Bianchi identity, by solving which, fields in M\textbf{M} are determined by the multiplet at one point, or equivalently, by (Wμ[a(s−1),b(0)],H)(W^{[a(s-1),b(0)]}_{\mu},H) in AdS4⊂MAdS_{4}\subset \textbf{M}. Although the space is extended to M\textbf{M} to get the geometrical formulation, the dynamical degrees of freedom are still in AdS4AdS_{4}. The 4d4d equations of motion for (Wμ[a(s−1),b(0)],H)(W^{[a(s-1),b(0)]}_{\mu},H) are obtained by plugging the rheonomy condition into the Bianchi identity. The proper rheonomy condition allowing for the maximum on-shell degrees of freedom is given by Vasiliev equation. We also discuss the theory with the global higher spin symmetry, which is in parallel with the WZ model in supersymmetry.Comment: 35 pages,v2: revised version, v3: 38 pages, improved discussion on global HS symmetry, clarifications added in appendix B, journal versio

    U-duality transformation of membrane on TnT^{n} revisited

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    The problem with the U-duality transformation of membrane on TnT^{n} is recently addressed in [arXiv:1509.02915 [hep-th]]. We will consider the U-duality transformation rule of membrane on Tn×RT^{n}\times R. It turns out that winding modes on TnT^{n} should be taken into account, since the duality transformation may bring the membrane configuration without winding modes into the one with winding modes. With the winding modes added, the membrane worldvolume theory in lightcone gauge is equivalent to the n+1n+1 dimensional super-Yang-Mills (SYM) theory in T~n\tilde{T}^{n}, which has SL(2,Z)×SL(3,Z)SL(2,Z)\times SL(3,Z) and SL(5,Z)SL(5,Z) symmetries for n=3n=3 and n=4n=4, respectively. The SL(2,Z)×SL(3,Z)SL(2,Z)\times SL(3,Z) transformation can be realized classically, making the on-shell field configurations transformed into each other. However, the SL(5,Z)SL(5,Z) symmetry may only be realized at the quantum level, since the classical 5d5d SYM field configurations cannot form the representation of SL(5,Z)SL(5,Z).Comment: 19 pages; v2: 20 pages, reference corrected, extended discussion in section 5, journal versio

    The Minimal GUT with Inflaton and Dark Matter Unification

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    Giving up the solutions to the fine-tuning problems, we propose the non-supersymmetric flipped SU(5)×U(1)XSU(5)\times U(1)_X model based on the minimal particle content principle, which can be constructed from the four-dimensional SO(10)SO(10) models, five-dimensional orbifold SO(10)SO(10) models, and local F-theory SO(10)SO(10) models. To achieve gauge coupling unification, we introduce one pair of vector-like fermions, which form complete SU(5)×U(1)XSU(5)\times U(1)_X representation. Proton lifetime is around 5×10355\times 10^{35} years, neutrino masses and mixing can be explained via seesaw mechanism, baryon asymmetry can be generated via leptogenesis, and vacuum stability problem can be solved as well. In particular, we propose that inflaton and dark matter particle can be unified to a real scalar field with Z2Z_2 symmetry, which is not an axion and does not have the non-minimal coupling to gravity. Such kind of scenarios can be applied to the generic scalar dark matter models. Also, we find that the vector-like particle corrections to the Bs0B_s^0 masses can be about 6.6%, while their corrections to the K0K^0 and Bd0B_d^0 masses are negligible.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures;V2: published versio

    General No-Scale Supergravity: An F{\cal F}-SU(5)SU(5) Tale

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    We study the grand unification model flipped SU(5)SU(5) with additional vector-like particle multiplets, or F{\cal F}-SU(5)SU(5) for short, in the framework of General No-Scale Supergravity. In our analysis we allow the supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking soft terms to be generically non-zero, thereby extending the phenomenologically viable parameter space beyond the highly constrained one-parameter version of F{\cal F}-SU(5)SU(5). In this initial inquiry, the mSUGRA/CMSSM SUSY breaking terms are implemented. We find this easing away from the vanishing SUSY breaking terms enables a more broad mass range of vector-like particles, dubbed flippons, including flippons less than 1 TeV that could presently be observed at the LHC2, as well as a lighter gluino mass and SUSY spectrum overall. This presents heightened odds that the General No-Scale F{\cal F}-SU(5)SU(5) viable parameter space can be probed at the LHC2. The phenomenology comprises both bino and higgsino dark matter, including a Higgs funnel region. Particle states emerging from the SUSY cascade decays are presented to experimentally distinguish amongst the diverse phenomenological regions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables; Version accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Supergravity inflation on a brane

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    We discuss supergravity inflation in braneworld cosmology for the class of potentials V(ϕ)=αϕnexp(−βmϕm)V(\phi)=\alpha \phi^n\rm{exp}(-\beta^m \phi^m) with m=1, 2m=1,~2. These minimal SUGRA models evade the η\eta problem due to a broken shift symmetry and can easily accommodate the observational constraints. Models with smaller nn are preferred while models with larger nn are out of the 2σ2\sigma region. Remarkably, the field excursions required for 6060 ee-foldings stay sub-planckian Δϕ<1\Delta\phi <1.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Decadal variation of prediction skill for Indian Ocean dipole over the past century

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    Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) is one of the dominant modes of interannual variability in the Indian Ocean, which has global climate impacts and thus is one of the key targets of seasonal predictions. In this study, based on a century-long seasonal hindcast experiment from the Coupled Seasonal Forecasts of the 20th century (CSF-20C), we show that the prediction skill for IOD exhibits remarkable decadal variations, with low skill in the early-to-mid 20th century but high skill in the second half of the 20th century. The decadal variations of prediction skills for IOD are caused by two factors. The first is associated with the decadal variation of the ENSO-IOD relationship. Although individual members of the predictions can simulate the variation of the ENSO-IOD relationship, with amplitude close to that in the observation, the feature is greatly suppressed in the ensemble mean due to the asynchrony of variation phases among individual members. In the ensemble mean, the IOD evolution shows an unrealistic stable and high correlation with ENSO evolution. This causes the prediction to have much higher skill for those periods during which IOD is accompanied by ENSO in the observation. The second factor is associated with the decadal variation of IOD predictability in the prediction system. In the prediction system, the decadal variation of IOD signal strength closely follows that of ENSO signal strength. Meanwhile, the IOD noise strength shows variations opposite to the IOD signal strength. As a result, the signal-to-noise ratio greatly increases in the second half of the 20th century due to the enhancement of the ENSO signal strength, which represents the increase of IOD predictability in the prediction system
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