333 research outputs found

    Attention guided global enhancement and local refinement network for semantic segmentation

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    The encoder-decoder architecture is widely used as a lightweight semantic segmentation network. However, it struggles with a limited performance compared to a well-designed Dilated-FCN model for two major problems. First, commonly used upsampling methods in the decoder such as interpolation and deconvolution suffer from a local receptive field, unable to encode global contexts. Second, low-level features may bring noises to the network decoder through skip connections for the inadequacy of semantic concepts in early encoder layers. To tackle these challenges, a Global Enhancement Method is proposed to aggregate global information from high-level feature maps and adaptively distribute them to different decoder layers, alleviating the shortage of global contexts in the upsampling process. Besides, a Local Refinement Module is developed by utilizing the decoder features as the semantic guidance to refine the noisy encoder features before the fusion of these two (the decoder features and the encoder features). Then, the two methods are integrated into a Context Fusion Block, and based on that, a novel Attention guided Global enhancement and Local refinement Network (AGLN) is elaborately designed. Extensive experiments on PASCAL Context, ADE20K, and PASCAL VOC 2012 datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In particular, with a vanilla ResNet-101 backbone, AGLN achieves the state-of-the-art result (56.23% mean IoU) on the PASCAL Context dataset. The code is available at https://github.com/zhasen1996/AGLN.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Unveiling Single-Bit-Flip Attacks on DNN Executables

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    Recent research has shown that bit-flip attacks (BFAs) can manipulate deep neural networks (DNNs) via DRAM Rowhammer exploitations. Existing attacks are primarily launched over high-level DNN frameworks like PyTorch and flip bits in model weight files. Nevertheless, DNNs are frequently compiled into low-level executables by deep learning (DL) compilers to fully leverage low-level hardware primitives. The compiled code is usually high-speed and manifests dramatically distinct execution paradigms from high-level DNN frameworks. In this paper, we launch the first systematic study on the attack surface of BFA specifically for DNN executables compiled by DL compilers. We design an automated search tool to identify vulnerable bits in DNN executables and identify practical attack vectors that exploit the model structure in DNN executables with BFAs (whereas prior works make likely strong assumptions to attack model weights). DNN executables appear more "opaque" than models in high-level DNN frameworks. Nevertheless, we find that DNN executables contain extensive, severe (e.g., single-bit flip), and transferrable attack surfaces that are not present in high-level DNN models and can be exploited to deplete full model intelligence and control output labels. Our finding calls for incorporating security mechanisms in future DNN compilation toolchains.Comment: Fix typ

    Re-parameterized Low-rank Prompt: Generalize a Vision-Language Model within 0.5K Parameters

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    With the development of large pre-trained vision-language models, how to effectively transfer the knowledge of such foundational models to downstream tasks becomes a hot topic, especially in a data-deficient scenario. Recently, prompt tuning has become a popular solution. When adapting the vision-language models, researchers freeze the parameters in the backbone and only design and tune the prompts. On the one hand, the delicate design of prompt tuning exhibits strong performance. On the other hand, complicated structures and update rules largely increase the computation and storage cost. Motivated by the observation that the evolution pattern of the generalization capability in visual-language models aligns harmoniously with the trend of rank variations in the prompt matrix during adaptation, we design a new type of prompt, Re-parameterized Low-rank Prompt (RLP), for both efficient and effective adaptation. Our method could largely reduce the number of tunable parameters and storage space, which is quite beneficial in resource-limited scenarios. Extensive experiments further demonstrate the superiority of RLP. In particular, RLP shows comparable or even stronger performance than the latest state-of-the-art methods with an extremely small number of parameters. On a series of tasks over 11 datasets, RLP significantly increases the average downstream accuracy of classic prompt tuning by up to 5.25% using merely 0.5K parameters
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