19 research outputs found

    Fast Trainable Projection for Robust Fine-Tuning

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    Robust fine-tuning aims to achieve competitive in-distribution (ID) performance while maintaining the out-of-distribution (OOD) robustness of a pre-trained model when transferring it to a downstream task. Recently, projected gradient descent has been successfully used in robust fine-tuning by constraining the deviation from the initialization of the fine-tuned model explicitly through projection. However, algorithmically, two limitations prevent this method from being adopted more widely, scalability and efficiency. In this paper, we propose a new projection-based fine-tuning algorithm, Fast Trainable Projection (FTP) for computationally efficient learning of per-layer projection constraints, resulting in an average 35%35\% speedup on our benchmarks compared to prior works. FTP can be combined with existing optimizers such as AdamW, and be used in a plug-and-play fashion. Finally, we show that FTP is a special instance of hyper-optimizers that tune the hyper-parameters of optimizers in a learnable manner through nested differentiation. Empirically, we show superior robustness on OOD datasets, including domain shifts and natural corruptions, across four different vision tasks with five different pre-trained models. Additionally, we demonstrate that FTP is broadly applicable and beneficial to other learning scenarios such as low-label and continual learning settings thanks to its easy adaptability. The code will be available at https://github.com/GT-RIPL/FTP.git.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202

    Diffuse, Attend, and Segment: Unsupervised Zero-Shot Segmentation using Stable Diffusion

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    Producing quality segmentation masks for images is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Recent research has explored large-scale supervised training to enable zero-shot segmentation on virtually any image style and unsupervised training to enable segmentation without dense annotations. However, constructing a model capable of segmenting anything in a zero-shot manner without any annotations is still challenging. In this paper, we propose to utilize the self-attention layers in stable diffusion models to achieve this goal because the pre-trained stable diffusion model has learned inherent concepts of objects within its attention layers. Specifically, we introduce a simple yet effective iterative merging process based on measuring KL divergence among attention maps to merge them into valid segmentation masks. The proposed method does not require any training or language dependency to extract quality segmentation for any images. On COCO-Stuff-27, our method surpasses the prior unsupervised zero-shot SOTA method by an absolute 26% in pixel accuracy and 17% in mean IoU. The project page is at \url{https://sites.google.com/view/diffseg/home}

    Polyhistor: Parameter-Efficient Multi-Task Adaptation for Dense Vision Tasks

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    Adapting large-scale pretrained models to various downstream tasks via fine-tuning is a standard method in machine learning. Recently, parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods show promise in adapting a pretrained model to different tasks while training only a few parameters. Despite their success, most existing methods are proposed in Natural Language Processing tasks with language Transformers, and adaptation to Computer Vision tasks with Vision Transformers remains under-explored, especially for dense vision tasks. Further, in multi-task settings, individually fine-tuning and storing separate models for different tasks is inefficient. In this work, we provide an extensive multi-task parameter-efficient benchmark and examine existing parameter-efficient fine-tuning NLP methods for vision tasks. Our results on four different dense vision tasks showed that existing methods cannot be efficiently integrated due to the hierarchical nature of the Hierarchical Vision Transformers. To overcome this issue, we propose Polyhistor and Polyhistor-Lite, consisting of Decomposed HyperNetworks and Layer-wise Scaling Kernels, to share information across different tasks with a few trainable parameters. This leads to favorable performance improvements against existing parameter-efficient methods while using fewer trainable parameters. Specifically, Polyhistor achieves competitive accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art while only using ~10% of their trainable parameters. Furthermore, our methods show larger performance gains when large networks and more pretraining data are used.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 2022; Project Page is at https://ycliu93.github.io/projects/polyhistor.htm

    Trainable Projected Gradient Method for Robust Fine-tuning

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    Recent studies on transfer learning have shown that selectively fine-tuning a subset of layers or customizing different learning rates for each layer can greatly improve robustness to out-of-distribution (OOD) data and retain generalization capability in the pre-trained models. However, most of these methods employ manually crafted heuristics or expensive hyper-parameter searches, which prevent them from scaling up to large datasets and neural networks. To solve this problem, we propose Trainable Projected Gradient Method (TPGM) to automatically learn the constraint imposed for each layer for a fine-grained fine-tuning regularization. This is motivated by formulating fine-tuning as a bi-level constrained optimization problem. Specifically, TPGM maintains a set of projection radii, i.e., distance constraints between the fine-tuned model and the pre-trained model, for each layer, and enforces them through weight projections. To learn the constraints, we propose a bi-level optimization to automatically learn the best set of projection radii in an end-to-end manner. Theoretically, we show that the bi-level optimization formulation could explain the regularization capability of TPGM. Empirically, with little hyper-parameter search cost, TPGM outperforms existing fine-tuning methods in OOD performance while matching the best in-distribution (ID) performance. For example, when fine-tuned on DomainNet-Real and ImageNet, compared to vanilla fine-tuning, TPGM shows 22%22\% and 10%10\% relative OOD improvement respectively on their sketch counterparts. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/PotatoTian/TPGM}.Comment: Accepted to CVPR202

    A Closer Look at Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning

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    Continual learning describes a setting where machine learning models learn novel concepts from continuously shifting training data, while simultaneously avoiding degradation of knowledge on previously seen classes (a phenomenon known as the catastrophic forgetting problem) which may disappear from the training data for extended periods of time. Current approaches for continual learning of a single expanding task (aka class-incremental continual learning) require extensive rehearsal of previously seen data to avoid this degradation of knowledge. Unfortunately, rehearsal comes at a sharp cost to memory and computation, and it may also violate data-privacy. Instead, we explore combining knowledge distillation and parameter regularization in new ways to achieve strong continual learning performance without rehearsal. Specifically, we take a deep dive into common continual learning techniques: prediction distillation, feature distillation, L2 parameter regularization, and EWC parameter regularization. We first disprove the common assumption that parameter regularization techniques fail for rehearsal-free continual learning of a single, expanding task. Next, we explore how to leverage knowledge from a pre-trained model in rehearsal-free continual learning and find that vanilla L2 parameter regularization outperforms EWC parameter regularization and feature distillation. We then highlight the impact of the rehearsal-free continual learning settings with a classifier expansion benchmark, showing that a strategy based on our findings combined with a positive/negative label balancing heuristic can close the performance gap between the upper bound and the existing strategies by up to roughly 50%. Finally, we show that a simple method consisting of pre-training, L2 regularization, and prediction distillation can even outperform rehearsal-based methods on the common CIFAR-100 benchmark