3,729 research outputs found

    Weinstein Conjecture and GW Invariants

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    In this paper, we establish a general relationship between the nonvanishing of GW invariants with the existence of the closed orbits of a Hamiltonian system. As an application, we completely solved the stabilized Weinstein conjecture

    Stability of pairs

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    This is essentially an expository note based on S. Paul's works on the stability of pairs. Its connection to K-stability will be also discussed.Comment: 15 page

    On uniform K-stability of pairs

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    In this paper, we discuss stable pairs, which were first studied by S. Paul, and give a proof for a result I learned from him. As a consequence, we will show that the K-stability implies the CM-stability.Comment: Add an appendix which contains a new proof of our main theorem by Yan Li and Xiaohua Zhu. This proof follows the approach suggested in Section 6 and is more elementar

    Geometry and nonlinear analysis

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    Nonlinear analysis has played a prominent role in the recent developments in geometry and topology. The study of the Yang-Mills equation and its cousins gave rise to the Donaldson invariants and more recently, the Seiberg-Witten invariants. Those invariants have enabled us to prove a number of striking results for low dimensional manifolds, particularly, 4-manifolds. The theory of Gromov-Witten invariants was established by using solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann equation. These solutions are often refered as pseudo-holomorphic maps which are special minimal surfaces studied long in geometry. It is certainly not the end of applications of nonlinear partial differential equations to geometry. In this talk, we will discuss some recent progress on nonlinear partial differential equations in geometry. We will be selective, partly because of my own interest and partly because of recent applications of nonlinear equations. There are also talks in this ICM to cover some other topics of geometric analysis by R. Bartnik, B. Andrew, P. Li and X.X. Chen, etc

    On the structure of almost Einstein manifolds

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    In this paper, we study the structure of the limit space of a sequence of almost Einstein manifolds, which are generalizations of Einstein manifolds. Roughly speaking, such manifolds are the initial manifolds of some normalized Ricci flows whose scalar curvatures are almost constants over space-time in the L1L^1-sense, Ricci curvatures are bounded from below at the initial time. Under the non-collapsed condition, we show that the limit space of a sequence of almost Einstein manifolds has most properties which is known for the limit space of Einstein manifolds. As applications, we can apply our structure results to study the properties of K\"ahler manifolds.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figure

    The log term of Szego Kernel

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    In this paper, we study the relations between the log term of the Szeg\"o kernel of the unit circle bundle of the dual line bundle of an ample line bundle over a compact K\"ahlermanifold. We proved a local rigidity theorem. The result is related to the classical Ramadanov Conjecture.Comment: We corrected a typo in the title in this versio

    Compactness results for triholomorphic maps

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    We consider triholomorphic maps from an almost hyper-Hermitian manifold M4m\mathcal{M}^{4m} into a hyperK\"ahler manifold N4n\mathcal{N}^{4n}. This means that u∈W1,2u \in W^{1,2} satisfies a quaternionic del-bar equation. We work under the assumption that uu is locally strongly approximable in W1,2W^{1,2} by smooth maps: then such maps are almost stationary harmonic (when M\mathcal{M} is hyperK\"ahler as well, then stationary harmonic). We show that in this more general situation the classical Ο΅\epsilon-regularity result still holds. We then address compactness issues for a weakly converging sequence uℓ⇀u∞u_\ell \rightharpoonup u_\infty of strongly approximable triholomorphic maps uβ„“:Mβ†’Nu_\ell:\mathcal{M} \to \mathcal{N} with uniformly bounded Dirichlet energies. The blow up analysis leads, as in the usual stationary setting, to the existence of a rectifiable blow-up set Ξ£\Sigma of codimension 22, away from which the sequence converges strongly. The defect measure Θ(x)H4mβˆ’2⌞Σ\Theta(x) {\mathcal{H}}^{4m-2} \llcorner \Sigma encodes the loss of energy in the limit; we prove that for a.e. point on Ξ£\Sigma the value of Θ\Theta is given by the sum of energies of a (finite) number of smooth non-constant holomorphic bubbles (here the holomorphicity is understood w.r.t. a complex structure on N\mathcal{N} that depends on the chosen point on Ξ£\Sigma). In the case that M\mathcal{M} is hyperK\"ahler this result was established by C. Y. Wang (2003) with a different proof; we rely on Lorentz space estimates. By means of a calibration and a homological argument we further prove that for each portion of Ξ£βˆ–Singu∞\Sigma \setminus \text{Sing}_{u_\infty} contained in a Lipschitz graph we find a unique alm. compl. st. on M\mathcal{M} that makes the portion pseudoholomorphic and smooth, with Θ\Theta constant; moreover the bubbles originating at points of such a smooth piece are holomorphic for a common complex structure.Comment: Revised version, Thm 1.3 improved, Section 7 adde

    Relative volume comparison of Ricci Flow and its applications

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    In this paper, we derive a relative volume comparison estimate along Ricci flow and apply it to studying the Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of K\"ahler-Ricci flow on a minimal manifold. This new estimate generalizes Perelman's no local collapsing estimate and can be regarded as an analogue of the Bishop-Gromov volume comparison for Ricci flow.Comment: 28 pages; minor change in the proof of Lemma 3.

    Virtual Manifolds and Localization

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    In this paper, we explore the virtual technique that is very useful in studying moduli problem from differential geometric point of view. We introduce a class of new objects "virtual manifolds/orbifolds", on which we develop the integration theory. In particular, the virtual localization formula is obtained.Comment: 23 page

    Geometric Structures of Collapsing Riemannian Manifolds II: N*-bundles and Almost Ricci Flat Spaces

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    In this paper we study collapsing sequences M_{i}-> X of Riemannian manifolds with curvature bounded or bounded away from a controlled subset. We introduce a structure over X which in an appropriate sense is dual to the N-structure of Cheeger, Fukaya and Gromov. As opposed to the N-structure, which live over the M_{i} themselves, this structure lives over X and allows for a convenient notion of global convergence as well as the appropriate background structure for doing analysis on X. This structure is new even in the case of uniformly bounded curvature and as an application we give a generalization of Gromov's Almost Flat Theorem and prove new Ricci pinching theorems which extend those known in the noncollapsed setting. There are also interesting topological consequences to the structure.Comment: 36 page
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