6 research outputs found

    What are Alternatives to Traditional Performance Rating Cycles and Processes?

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    The dominant format for performance appraisal systems in large U.S. industrial companies continues to be an objective-based approach such as management by objectives (MBO). Most companies conduct formal performance ratings annually or semi-annually. However, the traditional way of performance rating is receiving more and more doubt. With the development of HR theories, practices and technology, many companies are trying to manage employee performance in new ways

    How do we Bridge the Gap between the Five Generations in the Workforce and Reduce Biases around Age?

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    In today’s organizations, as many as four to five generations work together. The multigenerational workplace is vulnerable to age biases that can lead to lower job and organizational satisfaction. These biases are of particular harm to older employees, whose performance suffers the most under biased managers. However, gaps between generations may be smaller than perceived, with many generations sharing similarities in values and organizational commitment. Even if the “generation gap” is small, eliminating bias and creating a diverse work environment is important for organizational success

    For those Companies that Allow their People to Represent them via External Social Media, What Types of Activities and Level of Scrutiny are Applied?

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    Social media has been lauded for its ability to connect people and quickly disseminate information to large audiences. In the past decade, these technologies have rapidly become more ingrained in the workplace. A recent survey of 1,100 companies revealed that 75% of employees access social media daily on the job with 60% accessing social media outlets several times per day. With this in mind, it becomes paramount that companies develop ways to protect their brand reputation and manage the risk that comes with increased presence on social media through their employees. In the same survey, 24% of companies monitor social media access by employees.(See Appendix A) Given the varied approaches to protecting brand reputation in light of employee social media usage, several key practices have been highlighted below to guide companies in creating non-invasive, protective measures to mitigate risks related to social media usage.For_Those_Companies_That_Allow_Their_People_to_Represent_Them_Via_External_Social_Media_What_Types_of_Activities_Are_Applied.pdf: 199 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    How do we Bridge the Gap between the Five Generations in the Workforce and Reduce Biases around Age?

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    In today’s organizations, as many as four to five generations work together. The multigenerational workplace is vulnerable to age biases that can lead to lower job and organizational satisfaction. These biases are of particular harm to older employees, whose performance suffers the most under biased managers. However, gaps between generations may be smaller than perceived, with many generations sharing similarities in values and organizational commitment. Even if the “generation gap” is small, eliminating bias and creating a diverse work environment is important for organizational success.How_do_we_Bridge_the_Gap_Between_the_Five_Generations_in_the_Workforce_and_Reduce_Biases_Around_Age.pdf: 3118 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    For those Companies that Allow their People to Represent them via External Social Media, What Types of Activities and Level of Scrutiny are Applied?

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    Social media has been lauded for its ability to connect people and quickly disseminate information to large audiences. In the past decade, these technologies have rapidly become more ingrained in the workplace. A recent survey of 1,100 companies revealed that 75% of employees access social media daily on the job with 60% accessing social media outlets several times per day. With this in mind, it becomes paramount that companies develop ways to protect their brand reputation and manage the risk that comes with increased presence on social media through their employees. In the same survey, 24% of companies monitor social media access by employees.(See Appendix A) Given the varied approaches to protecting brand reputation in light of employee social media usage, several key practices have been highlighted below to guide companies in creating non-invasive, protective measures to mitigate risks related to social media usage.For_Those_Companies_That_Allow_Their_People_to_Represent_Them_Via_External_Social_Media_What_Types_of_Activities_Are_Applied.pdf: 199 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020