1,266 research outputs found

    Gravitational Waves from Orphan Memory

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    Gravitational-wave memory manifests as a permanent distortion of an idealized gravitational-wave detector and arises generically from energetic astrophysical events. For example, binary black hole mergers are expected to emit memory bursts a little more than an order of magnitude smaller in strain than the oscillatory parent waves. We introduce the concept of "orphan memory": gravitational-wave memory for which there is no detectable parent signal. In particular, high-frequency gravitational-wave bursts (\gtrsim kHz) produce orphan memory in the LIGO/Virgo band. We show that Advanced LIGO measurements can place stringent limits on the existence of high-frequency gravitational waves, effectively increasing the LIGO bandwidth by orders of magnitude. We investigate the prospects for and implications of future searches for orphan memory.Comment: 5 pages, 4figure

    Suspending test masses in terrestrial millihertz gravitational-wave detectors: a case study with a magnetic assisted torsion pendulum

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    Current terrestrial gravitational-wave detectors operate at frequencies above 10 Hz. There is strong astrophysical motivation to construct low-frequency gravitational-wave detectors capable of observing 10 mHz - 10Hz signals. While space-based detectors provide one means of achieving this end, one may also consider terretrial detectors. However, there are numerous technological challenges. In particular, it is difficult to isolate test masses so that they are both seismically isolated and freely falling under the influence of gravity at millihertz frequencies. We investigate the challenges of low-frequency suspension in a hypothetical terrestrial detector. As a case study, we consider a Magnetically Assisted Gravitational-wave Pendulum Intorsion (MAGPI) suspension design. We construct a noise budget to estimate some of the required specifications. In doing so, we identify what are likely to be a number of generic limiting noise sources for terrestrial millihertz gravitational-wave suspension systems (as well as some peculiar to the MAGPI design). We highlight significant experimental challenges in order to argue that the development of millihertz suspensions will be a daunting task. Any system that relies on magnets faces even greater challenges. Entirely mechanical designs such as Zollner pendulums may provide the best path forward.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring eccentricity in binary black hole inspirals with gravitational waves

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    When binary black holes form in the field, it is expected that their orbits typically circularize before coalescence. In galactic nuclei and globular clusters, binary black holes can form dynamically. Recent results suggest that 5%\approx5\% of mergers in globular clusters result from three-body interactions. These three-body interactions are expected to induce significant orbital eccentricity 0.1\gtrsim 0.1 when they enter the Advanced LIGO band at a gravitational-wave frequency of 10 Hz. Measurements of binary black hole eccentricity therefore provide a means for determining whether or not dynamic formation is the primary channel for producing binary black hole mergers. We present a framework for performing Bayesian parameter estimation on gravitational-wave observations of black hole inspirals. Using this framework, and employing the non-spinning, inspiral-only EccentricFD waveform approximant, we determine the minimum detectable eccentricity for an event with masses and distance similar to GW150914. At design sensitivity, we find that the current generation of advanced observatories will be sensitive to orbital eccentricities of 0.05\gtrsim0.05 at a gravitational-wave frequency of 10 Hz, demonstrating that existing detectors can use eccentricity to distinguish between circular field binaries and globular cluster triples. We compare this result to eccentricity distributions predicted to result from three black hole binary formation channels, showing that measurements of eccentricity could be used to infer the population properties of binary black holes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Sensitivity curves for searches for gravitational-wave backgrounds

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    We propose a graphical representation of detector sensitivity curves for stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds that takes into account the increase in sensitivity that comes from integrating over frequency in addition to integrating over time. This method is valid for backgrounds that have a power-law spectrum in the analysis band. We call these graphs “power-law integrated curves.” For simplicity, we consider cross-correlation searches for unpolarized and isotropic stochastic backgrounds using two or more detectors. We apply our method to construct power-law integrated sensitivity curves for second-generation ground-based detectors such as Advanced LIGO, space-based detectors such as LISA and the Big Bang Observer, and timing residuals from a pulsar timing array. The code used to produce these plots is available at https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-P1300115/public for researchers interested in constructing similar sensitivity curves

    Sensitivity curves for searches for gravitational-wave backgrounds

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    We propose a graphical representation of detector sensitivity curves for stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds that takes into account the increase in sensitivity that comes from integrating over frequency in addition to integrating over time. This method is valid for backgrounds that have a power-law spectrum in the analysis band. We call these graphs “power-law integrated curves.” For simplicity, we consider cross-correlation searches for unpolarized and isotropic stochastic backgrounds using two or more detectors. We apply our method to construct power-law integrated sensitivity curves for second-generation ground-based detectors such as Advanced LIGO, space-based detectors such as LISA and the Big Bang Observer, and timing residuals from a pulsar timing array. The code used to produce these plots is available at https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-P1300115/public for researchers interested in constructing similar sensitivity curves

    Evidence for a correlation between binary black hole mass ratio and black-hole spins

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    The astrophysical origins of the binary black hole systems seen with gravitational waves are still not well understood. However, features in the distribution of black-hole masses, spins, redshifts, and eccentricities, provide clues into how these systems form. Much has been learned by investigating these distributions one parameter at a time, however, we can extract additional information by studying the covariance between pairs of parameters. Previous work has shown preliminary support for an anti-correlation between mass ratio qm2/m1q \equiv m_2/m_1 and effective inspiral spin χeff\chi_\mathrm{eff} in the binary black hole population. In this study, we test for the existence of this anti-correlation using updated data from the third gravitational wave transient catalogue (GWTC-3), and improving our copula-based framework to employ a more robust model for black-hole spins. We find evidence for an anti-correlation in (q,χeff)(q, \chi_\mathrm{eff}) with 99.8\% credibility. This may imply high common-envelope efficiencies, stages of super-Eddington accretion, or a tendency for binary black hole systems to undergo mass-ratio reversal during isolated evolution. Covariance in (q,χeff)(q, \chi_\mathrm{eff}) may also be used to investigate the physics of tidal spin-up as well as the properties of binary-black-hole-forming active galactic nuclei.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl