8 research outputs found

    Islandská filmová tvorba

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    Experimental fisheries catches data for Maurolicus muelleri in the Icelandic basin from 2009 to 2011

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    This data contains the logbook records from fishery vessels reporting pearlside, Maurolicus muelleri, from 2009 to 2011. The data contains all data registered in the logbook, from catch date to position, pearlside catch and by-catch by tow with pelagic trawls. Specifics of the trawls used (mostly modified capelin trawls) are indicated, e.g. circumference and mesh size. The location of the catches, the date of capture, the species IDs in the database of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland, the Latin, English and Icelandic names of species, and the tow time are recorded, too. Fishery vessel IDs are randomized due to data protection and are similar to the IDs mentioned in the associated biological data files for M. muelleri called “Biological data Maurolicus muelleri-Fisheries data and B3-2010 survey”. Associated biological information contains length distribution per trawl stations, trawl information, date, location, length, weight and age of the fish when available

    Maurolicus muelleri nautical area scattering coefficient (NASC) during cruise B3-2010 of RV Bjarni Sæmundsson in Icelandic waters in 2010

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    This dataset contains depth integrated abundance of the pearlside Maurolicus muelleri and total water column backscatter, expressed as nautical area scattering coefficient (NASC) determined from acoustics measurements at 38 kHz collected during the cruise B3-2010 of RV Bjarni Sæmundsson southwest of Iceland from 2010-01-26 to 2010-02-04, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Hafnarfjörður. This survey was conducted during the experimental fisheries that occurred from 2009 to 2011 to estimate the abundance of the species, and here serves the estimation of the biomass of the species. The associated biological information collected during this survey are contained in an associated file called: “Biological data Maurolicus muelleri-Fisheries data and B3-2010 survey”. Associated biological information contains length distribution per trawl stations, trawl information, date, location, length, weight and age of the fish when available. See Jónsson (2010) for further details on the cruise and a methods description of acoustic sampling

    Biological information on samples of Maurolicus muelleri and other species collected during the B3-2010 cruise and during the experimental fishery 2009-2011

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    These data contain biological information (length, weight, age) on samples of Maurolicus muelleri and other species (bycatch) collected respectively during R/V Bjarni Sæmundsson cruise B3-2010 southwest of Iceland (period 2010-01-26/2010-02-04) and from catches in experimental and commercial pearlside fishery in 2009-2011. Fishery vessels IDs are randomized except for Bjarni Sæmundsson (vessel_id 1131). The randomized IDs are the same as in the associated files (Maurolicus_muelleri NASC value survey B3-2010 and Experimental fisheries catches) distributed along with this data set. Trawl specification (mostly modified capelin trawls) such as horizontal and vertical openings, tow depth, tow length, sweep length and mesh size were recorded. Standard weather conditions are also mentioned (wind speed and direction, cloud cover and sea state)

    Volcanic plume height correlated with magma-pressure change at Grímsvötn Volcano, Iceland

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    International audienceMagma flow during volcanic eruptions causes surface deformation that can be used to constrain the location, geometry and internal pressure evolution of the underlying magmatic source(1). The height of the volcanic plumes during explosive eruptions also varies with magma flow rate, in a nonlinear way(2,3). In May 2011, an explosive eruption at Grimsvotn Volcano, Iceland, erupted about 0.27 km(3) dense-rock equivalent of basaltic magma in an eruption plume that was about 20 km high. Here we use Global Positioning System (GPS) and tilt data, measured before and during the eruption at Grimsvotn Volcano, to show that the rate of pressure change in an underlying magma chamber correlates with the height of the volcanic plume over the course of the eruption. We interpret ground deformation of the volcano, measured by geodesy, to result from a pressure drop within a magma chamber at about 1.7 km depth. We estimate the rate of magma discharge and the associated evolution of the plume height by differentiating the co-eruptive pressure drop with time. The time from the initiation of the pressure drop to the onset of the eruption was about 60 min, with about 25% of the total pressure change preceding the eruption. Near-real-time geodetic observations can thus be useful for both timely eruption warnings and for constraining the evolution of volcanic plumes