6 research outputs found

    Long-run consequences of informal elderly care and implications of public long-term care insurance

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    We estimate a dynamic structural model of labor supply, retirement, and informal care supply, incorporating labor market frictions and the German tax and benefit system. We find that in the absence of Germany's public long-term insurance scheme, informal elderly care has adverse and persistent effects on labor market outcomes and, thus, negatively affects lifetime earnings and future pension benefits. These consequences of caregiving are heterogeneous and depend on age, previous earnings, and institutional regulations. Policy simulations suggest that public long-term care insurance policies are fiscally costly and induce negative labor market effects. But we also show that they can offset the personal costs of caregiving to a large extent and increase welfare for those providing care, especially for low-income individuals

    Care choices in Europe: To Each According to His or Her Needs?

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    Growing long-term care (LTC) needs represent a major challenge for our aging societies. Understanding how utilization patterns of different types of care are influenced by LTC policies or changes in the population composition such as age patterns or health can provide helpful insight on how to adequately prepare for this situation. To this aim, this paper explores how individuals choose between different forms of LTC. We exploit variation between countries as well as between individuals within countries using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Using nonlinear decomposition techniques, we break down the difference in utilization rates between countries into differences based on observed sociodemographic and need-related characteristics and differences in the impacts of these characteristics, which allows us to identify the drivers behind differences in the formal-informal care mix. Our results show that a substantial fraction of the observed country differences can be explained by differences in impacts. We argue that this is a result of the different incentives provided by the different LTC systems

    A Service of zbw Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft Leibniz Information Centre for Economics Indirect Fiscal Eff ects of Long-term Care Insurance #584 Ruhr Economic Papers #584 Indirect Fiscal Eff ects of Long-term Care Insurance Bibliografi sche Info

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    Ansätze zur Ressourcenschonung im Kontext von Postwachstumskonzepten : Abschlussbericht

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    Das Vorhaben analysiert 1.) die Argumente verschiedener Positionen im Wachstumsdiskurs und formuliert eine idealtypische "vorsorgeorientierte Postwachstumsposition". Er präsentiert zudem Ursachen von Wirtschaftswachstum und identifiziert gesellschaftliche Bereiche, deren Funktion vom Wirtschaftswachstum abhängen könnte. Darüber hinaus werden Reformvorschläge diskutiert, um diese Wachstumsabhängigkeit zu verringern. Das Vorhaben untersucht 2.) die Relevanz der Postwachstumsdebatte für Ressourcenpolitik und eine entsprechende Instrumentierung. Außerdem werden 3.) konstitutive Kernelemente einer nachhaltigen (Postwachstums-)Gesellschaft bestimmt. Das Vorhaben setzt damit Impulse zur gesellschaftlichen Debatte über die Ausgestaltung und Instrumentierung von Transformationspfaden für "gesellschaftliches Wohlergehen innerhalb planetarer Grenzen"