240 research outputs found

    Burial depth and post-Early Cretaceous uplift of Lower–Middle Jurassic strata in the Fennoscandian Border Zone based on organic maturity

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    The burial depth and the magnitude of Late Cretaceous – Early Cenozoic and Neogene–Pleistocene uplift of Lower–Middle Jurassic strata in the Fennoscandian Border Zone are estimated from measurements of huminite reflectance and comparison with a regional coalification gradient. The regional coalification curve is constructed by plotting uplift-corrected sample depths against more than 300 huminite/vitrinite reflectance values from Upper Triassic – Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Danish Basin and the Fennoscandian Border Zone. The present sample depths are corrected for Late Cretaceous inversion in the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone and for Neogene–Pleistocene regional uplift. A coalification curve is erected; it cuts the abscissa at 0.2 %Ro corresponding to the reflectance of peat. This curve is considered to approximate to a reliable coalification profile over much of the study area. The Jurassic coals from the Fennoscandian Border Zone are of low rank and, based on the regional coalification curve, they have been buried to c. 625–2450 m. In the eastern part of the Rønne Graben, in the Kolobrzeg Graben and in the Arnager–Sose Fault Block, the Jurassic strata were subsequently uplifted c. 290–1400 m, corresponding to the amount of Late Cretaceous – Early Cenozoic inversion observed on seismic sections. Thus, it appears that Neogene–Pleistocene uplift did not influence the Bornholm area significantly. The data from the Höganäs Basin and Fyledal indicate a total uplift of c. 1450–2450 m, corresponding to estimates from the inversion zone in the Kattegat. The data from Anholt, on the eastern margin of the inversion zone, indicate c. 975 m of uplift

    Sustainable bioethanol production combining biorefinery principles using combined raw materials from wheat undersown with clover-grass

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    To obtain the best possible net energy balance of the bioethanol production the biomass raw materials used need to be produced with limited use of non-renewable fossil fuels. Intercropping strategies are known to maximize growth and productivity by including more than one species in the crop stand, very often with legumes as one of the components. In the present study clover-grass is undersown in a traditional wheat crop. Thereby, it is possible to increase input of symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into the cropping systems and reduce the need for fertilizer applications. Furthermore, when using such wheat and clover-grass mixtures as raw material, addition of urea and other fermentation nutrients produced from fossil fuels can be reduced in the whole ethanol manufacturing chain. Using second generation ethanol technology mixtures of relative proportions of wheat straw and clover-grass (15:85, 50:50, and 85:15) were pretreated by wet oxidation. The results showed that supplementing wheat straw with clover-grass had a positive effect on the ethanol yield in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation experiments, and the effect was more pronounced in inhibitory substrates. The highest ethanol yield (80% of theoretical) was obtained in the experiment with high fraction (85%) of clover-grass. In order to improve the sugar recovery of clover-grass, it should be separated into a green juice (containing free sugars, fructan, amino acids, vitamins and soluble minerals) for direct fermentation and a fibre pulp for pretreatment together with wheat straw. Based on the obtained results a decentralized biorefinery concept for production of biofuel is suggested emphasizing sustainability, localness, and recycling principle

    Muscle fat content and abdominal adipose tissue distribution investigated by magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging in obese children and youths

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    The degree of fat deposition in muscle and its implications for obesity-related complications in children and youths are not well understood. One hundred and fifty-nine patients (mean age: 13.3 years; range: 6–20) with a body mass index (BMI) >90th percentile for age and sex were included. Muscle fat content (MFC) was measured in the psoas muscle by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The patients were assigned to two groups: MFC <5% or ≥5%. Visceral adipose tissue volume (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue volume (SAT) were measured by magnetic resonance imaging. The data were analysed to detect associations between MFC and BMI standard deviation scores, VAT and SAT, blood values, pubertal stages, and physical activity scores. The mean BMI standard deviation score (SDS) was 3.04 (range 1.32–5.02). The mean MFC was 8.9% (range 0.8–46.7), and 118 (74.2%) of 159 patients had an MFC ≥5%. Children with an MFC ≥5%, compared with children with an MFC <5%, had a higher BMI SDS (P=0.03), a higher VAT (P=0.04), and elevated intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) and extramyocellular lipid (EMCL) contents (both P<0.0001). SAT, SAT/VAT ratio, blood values, pubertal stages and physical activity scores did not differ between the two groups. Severely obese children and youths tend to have a high MFC, which is associated with elevated VAT, IMCL, and EMCL contents. An increased MFC may be associated with impaired metabolic processes, which may predispose these young people to obesity-related complications

    Use of biomarkers in the discovery of novel anti-schizophrenia drugs

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    Schizophrenia is characterized by a diverse symptomatology that often includes positive, cognitive and negative symptoms. Current anti-schizophrenic drugs act at multiple receptors, but little is known about how each of these receptors contributes to their mechanisms of action. Screening of novel antischizophrenic drug candidates targeting single receptors will be based on biomarker assays that measure signalling pathways, transcriptional factors, epigenetic mechanisms and synaptic function and translate these effects to behavioural effects in animals and humans. This review discusses current states of the validity of biomarkers in the identification of novel anti-schizophrenic drug candidates

    Preoperative CT versus diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the liver in patients with rectal cancer:a prospective randomized trial

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    Introduction. Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent cancers in the world and liver metastases are seen in up to 19% of patients with colorectal cancers. Detection of liver metastases is not only vital for sufficient treatment and survival, but also for a better estimation of prognosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of diffusion weighted MRI of the liver as part of a combined MR evaluation of patients with rectal cancers and compare it with the standard preoperative evaluation of the liver with CT.Methods. Consecutive patients diagnosed with rectal cancers were asked to participate in the study. Preoperative CT and diffusion weighted MR (DWMR) were compared to contrast enhanced laparoscopic ultrasound (CELUS).Results. A total of 35 patients were included, 15 patients in Group-1 having the standard CT evaluation of the liver and 20 patients in Group-2 having the standard CT evaluation of the liver and DWMR of the liver. Compared with CELUS, the per-patient sensitivity/specificity was 50/100% for CT, and for DWMR: 100/94% and 100/100% for Reader 1 and 2, respectively. The per-lesion sensitivity of CT and DWMR were 17% and 89%, respectively compared with CELUS. Furthermore, one patient had non-resectable metastases after DWMR despite being diagnosed with resectable metastases after CT. Another patient was diagnosed with multiple liver metastases during CELUS, despite a negative CT-scan.Discussion. DWMR is feasible for preoperative evaluation of liver metastases. The current standard preoperative evaluation with CT-scan results in disadvantages like missed metastases and futile operations. We recommend that patients with rectal cancer, who are scheduled for MR of the rectum, should have a DWMR of the liver performed at the same time

    Safety and EEG data quality of concurrent high-density EEG and high-speed fMRI at 3 Tesla

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    Concurrent EEG and fMRI is increasingly used to characterize the spatial-temporal dynamics of brain activity. However, most studies to date have been limited to conventional echo-planar imaging (EPI). There is considerable interest in integrating recently developed high-speed fMRI methods with high-density EEG to increase temporal resolution and sensitivity for task-based and resting state fMRI, and for detecting interictal spikes in epilepsy. In the present study using concurrent high-density EEG and recently developed high-speed fMRI methods, we investigate safety of radiofrequency (RF) related heating, the effect of EEG on cortical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in fMRI, and assess EEG data quality.The study compared EPI, multi-echo EPI, multi-band EPI and multi-slab echo-volumar imaging pulse sequences, using clinical 3 Tesla MR scanners from two different vendors that were equipped with 64- and 256-channel MR-compatible EEG systems, respectively, and receive only array head coils. Data were collected in 11 healthy controls (3 males, age range 18-70 years) and 13 patients with epilepsy (8 males, age range 21-67 years). Three of the healthy controls were scanned with the 256-channel EEG system, the other subjects were scanned with the 64-channel EEG system. Scalp surface temperature, SNR in occipital cortex and head movement were measured with and without the EEG cap. The degree of artifacts and the ability to identify background activity was assessed by visual analysis by a trained expert in the 64 channel EEG data (7 healthy controls, 13 patients).RF induced heating at the surface of the EEG electrodes during a 30-minute scan period with stable temperature prior to scanning did not exceed 1.0° C with either EEG system and any of the pulse sequences used in this study. There was no significant decrease in cortical SNR due to the presence of the EEG cap (p > 0.05). No significant differences in the visually analyzed EEG data quality were found between EEG recorded during high-speed fMRI and during conventional EPI (p = 0.78). Residual ballistocardiographic artifacts resulted in 58% of EEG data being rated as poor quality.This study demonstrates that high-density EEG can be safely implemented in conjunction with high-speed fMRI and that high-speed fMRI does not adversely affect EEG data quality. However, the deterioration of the EEG quality due to residual ballistocardiographic artifacts remains a significant constraint for routine clinical applications of concurrent EEG-fMRI
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