535 research outputs found

    On the presence of nonjet "higher harmonic" components in 2D angular correlations from high energy heavy ion collisions

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    It is conjectured that several higher harmonic flows vmv_m may result from initial-state geometry fluctuations in \aa collisions coupled to a radially-expanding medium. But as with "elliptic flow" v2v_2 measurements, non-hydrodynamic mechanisms such as jet production may contribute to other higher azimuth multipoles vmv_m as biases. Careful distinctions should be maintained between jet-related and nonjet (possibly hydrodynamic) contributions to vmv_m (e.g., "nonflow" and "flow"). In this study we consider several questions: (a) To what extent do jet-like structures in two-dimensional (2D) angular correlations contribute to azimuth multipoles inferred from various vmv_m methods? (b) If a multipole element is added to a 2D fit model is a nonzero amplitude indicative of a corresponding flow component? and (c) Can 2D correlations establish the necessity of nonjet contributions to some or all higher multipoles? Model fits to 2D angular correlations are used to establish the origins of azimuth multipoles inferred from 1D projections onto azimuth or from nongraphical numerical methods. We find that jet-like angular correlations, and specifically a 2D peak at the angular origin consistent with jet production, constitute the dominant contribution to inferred higher multipoles, and the data do not {\em require} higher multipoles in isolation from the jet-like 2D peak. Inference of "higher harmonic flows" results from identifying certain nominally jet-like structure as flow manifestations through unjustified application of 1D Fourier series analysis. Although the peak structure at the angular origin is strongly modified in more-central collisions some properties remain compatible with relevant pQCD theory expectations for jet production.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Transverse Momentum Correlations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions

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    From the correlation structure of transverse momentum ptp_t in relativistic nuclear collisions we observe for the first time temperature/velocity structure resulting from low-Q2Q^2 partons. Our novel analysis technique does not invoke an {\em a priori} jet hypothesis. ptp_t autocorrelations derived from the scale dependence of fluctuations reveal a complex parton dissipation process in RHIC heavy ion collisions. We also observe structure which may result from collective bulk-medium recoil in response to parton stopping.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, proceedings, MIT workshop on fluctuations and correlations in relativistic nuclear collision

    The equivalence of fluctuation scale dependence and autocorrelations

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    We define optimal per-particle fluctuation and correlation measures, relate fluctuations and correlations through an integral equation and show how to invert that equation to obtain precise autocorrelations from fluctuation scale dependence. We test the precision of the inversion with Monte Carlo data and compare autocorrelations to conditional distributions conventionally used to study high-ptp_t jet structure.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, proceedings, MIT workshop on correlations and fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collision