9 research outputs found

    The homeobox gene Hex is required in definitive endodermal tissues for normal forebrain, liver and thyroid formation

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    The homeobox gene Hex is expressed in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and rostral definitive endoderm of early mouse embryos. Later, Hex transcripts are detected in liver, thyroid and endothelial precursor cells. A null mutation was introduced into the Hex locus by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Hex mutant embryos exhibit varying degrees of anterior truncation as well as liver and thyroid dysplasia. The liver diverticulum is formed but migration of hepatocytes into the septum transversum fails to occur. Development of the thyroid is arrested at the thyroid bud stage at 9.5 dpc. Brain defects are restricted to the rostral forebrain and have a caudal limit at the zona limitans intrathalamica, the boundary between dorsal and ventral thalamus. Analysis of Hex(−/−) mutants at early stages shows that the prospective forebrain ectoderm is correctly induced and patterned at 7.5 days post coitum (dpc), but subsequently fails to develop. AVE markers are expressed and correctly positioned but development of rostral definitive endoderm is greatly disturbed in Hex(−/−) embryos. Chimeric embryos composed of Hex(−/−) cells developing within a wild-type visceral endoderm show forebrain defects indicating that Hex is required in the definitive endoderm. All together, these results demonstrate that Hex function is essential in definitive endoderm for normal development of the forebrain, liver and thyroid gland

    Tbx6 Regulates Left/Right Patterning in Mouse Embryos through Effects on Nodal Cilia and Perinodal Signaling

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    Background: The determination of left/right body axis during early embryogenesis sets up a developmental cascade that coordinates the development of the viscera and is essential to the correct placement and alignment of organ systems and vasculature. Defective left-right patterning can lead to congenital cardiac malformations, vascular anomalies and other serious health problems. Here we describe a novel role for the T-box transcription factor gene Tbx6 in left/right body axis determination in the mouse. Results: Embryos lacking Tbx6 show randomized embryo turning and heart looping. Our results point to multiple mechanisms for this effect. First, Dll1, a direct target of Tbx6, is down regulated around the node in Tbx6 mutants and there is a subsequent decrease in nodal signaling, which is required for laterality determination. Secondly, in spite of a lack of expression of Tbx6 in the node, we document a profound effect of the Tbx6 mutation on the morphology and motility of nodal cilia. This results in the loss of asymmetric calcium signaling at the periphery of the node, suggesting that unidirectional nodal flow is disrupted. To carry out these studies, we devised a novel method for direct labeling and live imaging cilia in vivo using a genetically-encoded fluorescent protein fusion that labels tubulin, combined with laser point scanning confocal microscopy for direct visualization of cilia movement. Conclusions: We conclude that the transcription factor gene Tbx6 is essential for correct left/right axis determination in th

    Otx1 and Otx2 in the development and evolution of the mammalian brain.

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    In the last decade, a number of genes related to the induction, specification and regionalization of the brain were isolated and their functional properties currently are being dissected. Among these, Otx1 and Otx2 play a pivotal role in several processes of brain morphogenesis. Findings from several groups now confirm the importance of Otx2 in the early specification of neuroectoderm destined to become fore-midbrain, the existence of an Otx gene dosage-dependent mechanism in patterning the developing brain, and the involvement of Otx1 in corticogenesis. Some of these properties appear particularly fascinating when considered in evolutionary terms and highlight the central role of Otx genes in the establishment of the genetic program defining the complexity of a vertebrate brain. This review deals with the major aspects related to the roles played by Otx1 and Otx2 in the development and evolution of the mammalian brain

    Patterning the vertebrate heart

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    Mechanisms of Development

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