119 research outputs found

    Red-Shifted Voltage-Sensitive Fluorescent Proteins

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    SummaryElectrical signals generated by nerve cells provide the basis of brain function. Whereas single or small numbers of cells are easily accessible using microelectrode recording techniques, less invasive optogenetic methods with spectral properties optimized for in vivo imaging are required for elucidating the operation mechanisms of neuronal circuits composed of large numbers of neurons originating from heterogeneous populations. To this end, we generated and characterized a series of genetically encoded voltage-sensitive fluorescent proteins by molecular fusion of the voltage-sensing domain of Ci-VSP (Ciona intestinalis voltage sensor-containing phosphatase) to red-shifted fluorescent protein operands. We show how these indicator proteins convert voltage-dependent structural rearrangements into a modulation of fluorescence output and demonstrate their applicability for optical recording of individual or simultaneous electrical signals in cultured hippocampal neurons at single-cell resolution without temporal averaging

    Optical Imaging as a Link Between Cellular Neurophysiology and Circuit Modeling

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    The relatively simple and highly modular circuitry of the cerebellum raised expectations decades ago that a realistic computational model of cerebellar circuit operations would be feasible, and prove insightful for unraveling cerebellar information processing. To this end, the biophysical properties of most cerebellar cell types and their synaptic connections have been well characterized and integrated into realistic single cell models. Furthermore, large scale models of cerebellar circuits that extrapolate from single cell properties to circuit dynamics have been constructed. While the development of single cell models have been constrained by microelectrode recordings, guidance and validation as these models are scaled up to study network interactions requires an experimental methodology capable of monitoring cerebellar dynamics at the population level. Here we review the potential of optical imaging techniques to serve this purpose

    Renal localization and regulation by dietary phosphate of the MCT14 orphan transporter

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    MCT14 is an orphan transporter belonging to the SLC16 transporter family mediating the transport of monocarboxylates, aromatic amino acids, creatine, and thyroid hormones. The expression, tissue localization, regulation, and function of MCT14 are unknown. In mouse MCT14 mRNA abundance is highest in kidney. Using a newly developed and validated antibody, MCT14 was localized to the luminal membrane of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle colocalizing in the same cells with uromodulin and NKCC2. MCT14 mRNA and protein was found to be highly regulated by dietary phosphate intake in mice being increased by high dietary phosphate intake at both mRNA and protein level. In order to identify the transport substrate(s), we expressed MCT14 in Xenopus laevis oocytes where MCT14 was integrated into the plasma membrane. However, no transport was discovered for the classic substrates of the SLC16 family nor for phosphate. In summary, MCT14 is an orphan transporter regulated by phosphate and highly enriched in kidney localizing to the luminal membrane of one specific nephron segment

    Engineering of a Genetically Encodable Fluorescent Voltage Sensor Exploiting Fast Ci-VSP Voltage-Sensing Movements

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    Ci-VSP contains a voltage-sensing domain (VSD) homologous to that of voltage-gated potassium channels. Using charge displacement (‘gating’ current) measurements we show that voltage-sensing movements of this VSD can occur within 1 ms in mammalian membranes. Our analysis lead to development of a genetically encodable fluorescent protein voltage sensor (VSFP) in which the fast, voltage-dependent conformational changes of the Ci-VSP voltage sensor are transduced to similarly fast fluorescence read-outs

    Engineering and Characterization of an Enhanced Fluorescent Protein Voltage Sensor

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    BACKGROUND: Fluorescent proteins have been used to generate a variety of biosensors to optically monitor biological phenomena in living cells. Among this class of genetically encoded biosensors, reporters for membrane potential have been a particular challenge. The use of presently known voltage sensor proteins is limited by incorrect subcellular localization and small or absent voltage responses in mammalian cells. RESULTS: Here we report on a fluorescent protein voltage sensor with superior targeting to the mammalian plasma membrane and high responsiveness to membrane potential signaling in excitable cells. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: This biosensor, which we termed VSFP2.1, is likely to lead to new methods of monitoring electrically active cells with cell type specificity, non-invasively and in large numbers, simultaneously

    Impaired phosphate transport in SLC34A2 variants in patients with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis

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    Background: Variants in SLC34A2 encoding the sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2b (NaPi-IIb) cause the rare lung disease pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (PAM). PAM is characterised by the deposition of calcium-phosphate concretions in the alveoli usually progressing over time. No effective treatment is available. So far, 30 allelic variants in patients have been reported but only a few have been functionally characterised. This study aimed to determine the impact of selected SLC34A2 variants on transporter expression and phosphate uptake in cellular studies. Methods: Two nonsense variants (c.910A > T and c.1456C > T), one frameshift (c.1328delT), and one in-frame deletion (c.1402_1404delACC) previously reported in patients with PAM were selected for investigation. Wild-type and mutant c-Myc-tagged human NaPi-IIb constructs were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The transport function was investigated with a 32Pi uptake assay. NaPi-IIb protein expression and localisation were determined with immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Results: Oocytes injected with the wild-type human NaPi-IIb construct had significant 32Pi transport compared to water-injected oocytes. In addition, the protein had a molecular weight as expected for the glycosylated form, and it was readily detectable in the oocyte membrane. Although the protein from the Thr468del construct was synthesised and expressed in the oocyte membrane, phosphate transport was similar to non-injected control oocytes. All other mutants were non-functional and not expressed in the membrane, consistent with the expected impact of the truncations caused by premature stop codons. Conclusions: Of four analysed SLC34A2 variants, only the Thr468del showed similar protein expression as the wild-type cotransporter in the oocyte membrane. All mutant transporters were non-functional, supporting that dysfunction of NaPi-IIb underlies the pathology of PAM

    Neurogenic and pericytic plasticity of conditionally immortalized cells derived from renal erythropoietin‐producing cells

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    In adult mammals, the kidney is the main source of circulating erythropoietin (Epo), the master regulator of erythropoiesis. In vivo data in mice demonstrated multiple subtypes of interstitial renal Epo-producing (REP) cells. To analyze the differentiation plasticity of fibroblastoid REP cells, we used a transgenic REP cell reporter mouse model to generate conditionally immortalized REP-derived (REPD) cell lines. Under nonpermissive conditions, REPD cells ceased from proliferation and acquired a stem cell-like state, with strongly enhanced hypoxia-inducible factor 2 (HIF-2α), stem cell antigen 1 (SCA-1), and CD133 expression, but also enhanced alpha-smooth muscle actin (αSMA) expression, indicating myofibroblastic signaling. These cells maintained the “on-off” nature of Epo expression observed in REP cells in vivo, whereas other HIF target genes showed a more permanent regulation. Like REP cells in vivo, REPD cells cultured in vitro generated long tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) that aligned with endothelial vascular structures, were densely packed with mitochondria and became more numerous under hypoxic conditions. Although inhibition of mitochondrial oxygen consumption blunted HIF signaling, removal of the TNTs did not affect or even enhance the expression of HIF target genes. Apart from pericytes, REPD cells readily differentiated into neuroglia but not adipogenic, chondrogenic, or osteogenic lineages, consistent with a neuronal origin of at least a subpopulation of REP cells. In summary, these results suggest an unprecedented combination of differentiation features of this unique cell type

    Single-Neuron Level One-Photon Voltage Imaging With Sparsely Targeted Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators

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    Voltage imaging of many neurons simultaneously at single-cell resolution is hampered by the difficulty of detecting small voltage signals from overlapping neuronal processes in neural tissue. Recent advances in genetically encoded voltage indicator (GEVI) imaging have shown single-cell resolution optical voltage recordings in intact tissue through imaging naturally sparse cell classes, sparse viral expression, soma restricted expression, advanced optical systems, or a combination of these. Widespread sparse and strong transgenic GEVI expression would enable straightforward optical access to a densely occurring cell type, such as cortical pyramidal cells. Here we demonstrate that a recently described sparse transgenic expression strategy can enable single-cell resolution voltage imaging of cortical pyramidal cells in intact brain tissue without restricting expression to the soma. We also quantify the functional crosstalk in brain tissue and discuss optimal imaging rates to inform future GEVI experimental design