225 research outputs found

    Ethnic entrepreneurs as agents of social change: Entrepreneurs, clans, social obligations and ethnic resources: the case of the Liangshan Yi in Sichuan

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    The following contribution is concerned with the entrepreneurship among on of the major ethnic minorities. It goes into the effects of Yi entrepreneurship on the social structures of Yi society, particularly the clans and their changing role and function. We adress central components of social resources of Yi entrepreneurs, for instance ethnic resources; moral obligations of entrepreneurs towards their clan or lineage; social impacts in the form of entrepreneurs becoming clan or lineage headmen; the growing significance of non-kinship relations, and processes of individualization. We conclude that entrepreneurs on the one side are still embedded in a framework of social morality and social and ethnic obligations, yet, on the other side, impact upon the change of the social structure of Yi society. --

    China, the European Union and the United States of America: Partners or competitors?

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    This working paper brings together assessments of the trilateral relations between China, the EU und the US from the disciplines of political science and economics. The first paper primarily addresses the following three issues: a) China's current development and prospects b) EU-China relations, and c) recommendations in terms of EU policies towards China. The second paper applies a three tier analysis looking first at changes in the Chinese and global economic setting caused by China's WTO accession. It then takes a look at the bilateral economic relations between China and the EU and US respectively. Finally the scored goals and competing interests of the USA and the EU vis-Ă -vis China are analysed. --EU-US-China relations,China's domestic development,EU policies,China's external economic relations,China's WTO accession,structural change,World economy

    Some considerations on China's minorities in the 21st century: conflict or conciliation?

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    "On a global scale, there has been a significant increase of ethnic conflicts in the last decade. They constitute one of the main sources of domestic political instability in multi-national countries. Recent opinion polls among Chinese citizens point to growing ethnic conflicts even in China. This paper addresses primarily five sources of conflict: collective memory, political conflicts, economic conflicts, cultural conflicts and new conflicts arising from economic and social change. It explores various forms of ethnic resistance (active and passive ones, violent and peaceful ones, formal and informal patterns) and suggests possible measures of conflict prevention and reduction of conflicts. Finally it argues that China may provide a good basis for such measures, as ethnic minorities are not only recognized as nationalities, but also are respected by public law and - according to this law - enjoy the same rights as the ethnic majority." (author's abstract)Im internationalen Maßstab ist das Ausmaß ethnischer Konflikte in der vergangenen Dekade stark angestiegen. Ethnische Konflikte gehören zu den wichtigsten Ursachen politischer Instabilität in multiethnischen Gesellschaften. Wie jüngste Meinungsumfragen zeigen, gibt es sogar in China wachsende ethnische Konflikte. Der Verfasser diskutiert fünf Quellen solcher Konflikte: kollektives Gedächtnis, politische Konflikte, wirtschaftliche Konflikte sowie neue Konflikte, die Ergebnis des wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wandels sind. Er behandelt verschiedene Formen ethnischen Widerstands (aktive wie passive, gewaltförmige und friedliche, formelle und informelle) und schlägt Möglichkeiten der Konfliktprävention und -bewältigung vor. China bietet nach Einschätzung des Verfassers hierfür gute Perspektiven, da China ethnische Minderheiten nicht nur als Nationalitäten anerkennt, sondern ihnen auch die gleichen Rechte wie der Majorität zuerkennt. (ICEÜbers

    Ethnic entrepreneurs as agents of social change: entrepreneurs, clans, social obligations and ethnic resources ; the case of the Liangshan Yi in Sichuan

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    "The contribution is concerned with the entrepreneurship among on of the major ethnic minorities. It goes into the effects of Yi entrepreneurship on the social structures of Yi society, particularly the clans and their changing role and function. We adress central components of social resources of Yi entrepreneurs, for instance ethnic resources; moral obligations of entrepreneurs towards their clan or lineage; social impacts in the form of entrepreneurs becoming clan or lineage headmen; the growing significance of non-kinship relations, and processes of individualization. We conclude that entrepreneurs on the one side are still embedded in a framework of social morality and social and ethnic obligations, yet, on the other side, impact upon the change of the social structure of Yi society." (author's abstract)In seinem Forschungsbericht erörtert der Autor das Unternehmertum unter den größten ethnischen Minoritäten am Beispiel der ethnischen Gruppe der Liangshan Yi in der chinesischen Präfektur Sichuan. Dabei stehen die Auswirkungen des Unternehmertums der Yi auf deren Sozialstruktur, insbesondere die Klans und ihre wechselnde Funktion und Rolle, im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Die zentralen Komponenten der sozialen Ressourcen von Yi-Unternehmern umfassen (1) ethnische Ressourcen, (2) moralische Verpflichtungen von Unternehmern gegenüber ihrem Klan oder ihrer Verwandtschaftsgruppe, (3) soziale Einflüsse in Form der Übernahme einer Führungsrolle innerhalb des Klans bzw. der Verwandtschaftsgruppe durch den Unternehmer, (4) die wachsende Bedeutung von Beziehungen außerhalb der Verwandtschaft sowie (5) den Individualisierungsprozess. In einem Resümee stellt der Autor fest, dass die Unternehmer der Yi einerseits in den Rahmen sozialer Moralität sowie sozialer und ethnischer Verpflichtungen eingebettet sind. Des Weiteren macht sich der Einfluss der veränderten Sozialstruktur in der Yi-Gesellschaft bemerkbar. (ICGÜbers

    Institutional change and legitimacy via urban elections? People's awareness of elections and participation in urban neighbourhoods (shequ)

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    "This paper analyses institutional reforms and political participation, most notably indirect and direct elections of residential committees (RC), in China's urban neighbourhoods and communities (shequ). It shows that these elections at present are not meaningful to the majority of city dwellers as the RCs have little decision-making power and no revenues generated by a collective economy as in most of China's villages. RCs are primarily important to those weaker strata of society who depend on the state to be provided with social services and financial support - tasks that the RCs are forced to assume on behalf of higher government authorities. Nevertheless, the author finds that as limited the significance of - and knowledge about - RC elections in the daily lives of China's urban dwellers still are, they still have some influence on political awareness and participation. For instance, they make people voice more opinions in their shequ, which may be a good starting point for more direct interference in local political affairs soon to come. The paper emphasizes that RC elections have been introduced in order to enhance regime legitimacy but suggests that they may spur democratization by the rise of accountability as a conditioning factor of this legitimacy and by electoral 'habituation' as a transition to full democratic commitment. Whilst 'security first, participation second' seems to be the order of the day and the 'freedom of politics' is still more important than a concern for RC elections and shequ affairs, it remains to be seen if those elections may not soon trigger off a meaningful drive for political participation in China's cities." (author's abstract)Content: 1 Introduction; 2 The reorganization of urban residential areas and the emerging of the Shequ; 3 Elections as political phenomena; 4 Three types of urban elections; 5 Elections in the Shequs investigated; 6 Attitudes towards elections; 7 Attitudes towards the Mode of Election; 8 Electoral effects; 9 Why elections?; 10 Conclusion; Appendix

    Falungong - Religion, Sekte oder Kult? Eine Heilsgmeinschaft als Manifestation von Modernisierungsproblemen und sozialen Entfremdungsprozessen

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    This paper discusses the ideological contents, and the social background of Falungong, a sect suppressed and persecuted by the Chinese state since several years. It focuses not on violations of human rights and torture of sect members, but tries to identify the character and features of Falungong. Therefore, it particularly analyses the teachings of Li Hongzhi, its founder and master. Moreover, sects like Falungong and their suppression have to be comprehended from a historical perspective that suppressed religion and religious movements in the case that they challenged the state. The problems that arose during the processes of modernization and social change and the reaction from parts of the population (e.g. religious revival) have to be understand in the context of developments in recent years. --Sekten,Kulte,Religion,Qigong,Modernisierungsprozesse

    China, the European Union and the United States of America: partners or competitors?

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    "This working paper brings together assessments of the trilateral relations between China, the EU und the US from the disciplines of political science and economics. The first paper primarily addresses the following three issues: a) China's current development and prospects b) EU-China relations, and c) recommendations in terms of EU policies towards China. The second paper applies a three tier analysis looking first at changes in the Chinese and global economic setting caused by China's WTO accession. It then takes a look at the bilateral economic relations between China and the EU and US respectively. Finally the scored goals and competing interests of the USA and the EU vis-a-vis China are analysed." (author's abstract)Die Verfasser behandeln die trilateralen Beziehungen zwischen China, der EU und den USA aus politik- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Der erste Beitrag greift folgende Themen auf: (1) Chinas aktuelle Entwicklung und Perspektiven; (2) Beziehungen zwischen der EU und China; (3) Empfehlungen für die Chinapolitik der EU. Der zweite Beitrag setzt sich zunächst mit Veränderungen auseinander, die sich im Zuge von Chinas Beitritt zur WTO ergeben haben. Sodann werden die bilateralen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen China und der EU sowie zwischen China und den USA behandelt. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Analyse der konkurrierenden Interessen der EU und der USA in Bezug auf China. (ICEÜbers
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