978 research outputs found

    Approaches to the Extrateritoriality Issue

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    Approaches to the Extrateritoriality Issue

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    Сравнительный анализ методов измерения газовых сред и организация технического контроля качества нефтепродуктов

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    Газовая промышленность – наиболее молодая отрасль топливного комплекса. Применяется газ в качестве топлива в промышленности и в быту, а качестве сырья для химической промышленности.Gas industry - the youngest branch of the fuel complex. Suitable gas as fuel in industry and in everyday life, as well as raw material for the chemical industry

    Supporting Academic Integrity in a Fully-Online Degree Completion Program Through the Use of Synchronous Video Conferences

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    Since 2012, we have used synchronous, web-based video conferences in our fully-online degree completion program. Students are required to participate in four live video conferences with their professor and a small group of peers in all upper division online courses as a minimum requirement for passing the class. While these synchronous video conferences create some challenges in implementation, they address concerns about academic integrity in three important ways. First, they provide a structured space for faculty to be present with students in a face-to-face manner. Second, they provide important checks to avoid impersonation schemes which are a common concern with online coursework. Third, they assist students in keeping up on the course material, which may mitigate the temptation to cheat. As distance learning courses and online programs have exploded in number, the issue of academic integrity has taken center stage for program design. In this paper, we share a case of a program built to address academic integrity issues through the regular and highly structured use of small group video conferencing as a requirement for all courses. We describe the video conferencing protocol of our online program and suggest best practices for using video conferencing to address concerns about online coursework/programs. We examine this protocol from a theoretical perspective of the Social Shaping of Technology in order to highlight the importance of viewing video conferencing as a social and technical practice

    Проект установки синтеза метанола

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    Объектом исследования является действующее производство метанола производительностью 750 тыс. тонн в год. Цель работы – рассчитать возможность замены реактора синтеза метанола на более ресурсоэффективный с сохранением производительности. В процессе исследования проводился расчёт основного и вспомогательного оборудования, а также выполнены материальные и тепловые расчеты, технологический, гидравлический, механический расчет. В результате исследования выявлена возможность замены установки синтеза метанола с сохранением прежней производительности.The object of research is applicable methanol production capacity of 750 th. Tons per year. Purpose - to calculate the possibility of replacing the methanol synthesis reactor to a more resource efficient while maintaining performance. The research was conducted calculation of basic and auxiliary equipment, as well as made the material and thermal calculations, technology, hydraulic, mechanical calculation. As result of the research, we have revealed the possibility of replacing synthesis plant menthanols maintaining the same performance

    Effect of the Heat Flux Density on the Evaporation Rate of a Distilled Water Drop

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    This paper presents the experimental dependence of the evaporation rate of a nondeaerated distilled water drop from the heat flux density on the surfaces of non-ferrous metals (copper and brass). A drop was placed on a heated substrate by electronic dosing device. To obtain drop profile we use a shadow optical system; drop symmetry was controlled by a high-speed video camera. It was found that the evaporation rate of a drop on a copper substrate is greater than on a brass. The evaporation rate increases intensively with raising volume of a drop. Calculated values of the heat flux density and the corresponding evaporation rates are presented in this work. The evaporation rate is found to increase intensively on the brass substrate with raising the heat flux density