134 research outputs found

    Health and Early Retirement: Evidence from French Data for individuals

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    Health status during the working life plays a major role in the retirement decision. Significant links between professional paths, retirement age and retirement conditions (disability pension, inability pension, reduced-rate pension, or full rate by age) can be highlighted by logistic models regressions and a typology of the professional careers of the 1940-generation of the French Social Security insured, whose the insurance period is insufficient to fulfill the full-rate pension criterion.health status, incomplete careers, retirement timing, Social Security

    Health and Early Retirement: Evidence from French Data for individuals

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    health status, incomplete careers, retirement timing, Social Security

    Unemployment and Invalidity after 50: Two Alternative Routes for Senior Citizens in Poor Health to Leave the Labour Market? ,

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    Among the 55-64 year olds, poor health is a reason for leaving the labour market early within the framework of schemes such as Early Retirement for Certain Employees (CATS) or Early Retirement for Asbestos Workers (CAATA), but also by way of an absence from the workforce (sick pay and invalidity pensions respectively). It is interesting to single out the controlling factors for participation in or absence from the labour market after 50 and the link between poor health and occupational status. The prevalence of functional limitations in everyday activities leads to a more pronounced exclusion of the over-50s from the labour market. Some of those aged between 55 and 59 on disability benefits become unemployed and do not look for work, in other words they are potentially exempted from job-seeking. This would confirm the hypothesis that some of those exempted from job-seeking are in poor health.Disability, Employment, Retirement Behaviors


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    L’Association d’économie sociale (AES), crĂ©Ă©e en 1979, s’est donnĂ©e pour objet de « favoriser la production et la diffusion des travaux de recherche en Ă©conomie sociale ». Elle a su depuis trouver une place originale dans le paysage de la recherche en sciences sociales en France. L’association est un espace ouvert de rencontres entre chercheurs qui s’intĂ©ressent, Ă  partir de dĂ©marches empiriques et analytiques diverses, Ă  des objets en gĂ©nĂ©ral peu Ă©tudiĂ©s par les approches classiques ou ortho..

    L’économie de la santé : inĂ©galitĂ©s, prĂ©vention et offre de soins

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    À partir d’une sĂ©lection des communications prĂ©sentĂ©es lors des 31e JournĂ©es des Ă©conomistes de la santĂ© français Ă  Rennes en dĂ©cembre 2009, ce numĂ©ro spĂ©cial, coordonnĂ© par le CollĂšge des Économistes de la SantĂ©, prĂ©sente des travaux originaux en Ă©conomie de la santĂ©. Comme Ă  l’accoutumĂ©e, la revue Économie Publique - Public Ă©conomies propose trois rubriques (« Panorama », « Dossier » et « Recherches »). Alain Trannoy (Ehess, Greqam-Idep) offre au lecteur tout d’abord un vĂ©ritable « panorama..

    L’effet du vieillissement et de l’évolution de la morbiditĂ© sur les dĂ©penses de mĂ©dicaments remboursables en ville. Une micro simulation quinquennale (2004-2029)

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    Nous proposons une mĂ©thode de microsimulation, mise au point par l’Inserm SE4S Ă  partir de la littĂ©rature mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique, de l’évolution des dĂ©penses de mĂ©dicaments remboursables (en mĂ©decine de ville) sous l’effet du vieillissement et de l’évolution de l’état de santĂ© de la population française Ă  l’horizon 2029. À partir de l’appariement de l’EnquĂȘte sur la santĂ© et la protection sociale (ESPS) 2004 de l’Irdes et l’Échantillon permanent d’assurĂ©s sociaux (EPAS), nous construisons 3 scenarii Ă©pidĂ©miologiques. Nous obtenons ainsi pour les 25 ans et plus des taux de croissance annuels de dĂ©penses en mĂ©dicaments, imputables uniquement au vieillissement de la population et aux Ă©volutions de l’état de santĂ©, situĂ©s entre 1,14% et 1,77 %.We propose a method of microsimulation, developed by INSERM SE4S from the medico-economic literature, to estimate the evolution in reimbursable outpatient (non-hospital) drug expenditure by 2029 attributable to the changing age structure and health status of the French population. To this end, three epidemiological scenarios were constructed using matched data from the Health and Social Protection Survey 2004 IRDES and the Permanent Sample of persons insured by the Social Security (EPAS). The resulting estimates, which account for annual growth in drug spending by persons aged 25+, predict an increase in reimbursable drug expenditure between 1.14% and 1.77%, attributable solely to the ageing population and changes in health status

    L’effet du vieillissement et de l’évolution de la morbiditĂ© sur les dĂ©penses de mĂ©dicaments remboursables en ville. Une micro simulation quinquennale (2004-2029)

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    Nous proposons une mĂ©thode de microsimulation, mise au point par l’Inserm SE4S Ă  partir de la littĂ©rature mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique, de l’évolution des dĂ©penses de mĂ©dicaments remboursables (en mĂ©decine de ville) sous l’effet du vieillissement et de l’évolution de l’état de santĂ© de la population française Ă  l’horizon 2029. À partir de l’appariement de l’EnquĂȘte sur la santĂ© et la protection sociale (ESPS) 2004 de l’Irdes et l’Échantillon permanent d’assurĂ©s sociaux (EPAS), nous construisons 3 scenarii Ă©pidĂ©miologiques. Nous obtenons ainsi pour les 25 ans et plus des taux de croissance annuels de dĂ©penses en mĂ©dicaments, imputables uniquement au vieillissement de la population et aux Ă©volutions de l’état de santĂ©, situĂ©s entre 1,14% et 1,77 %.We propose a method of microsimulation, developed by INSERM SE4S from the medico-economic literature, to estimate the evolution in reimbursable outpatient (non-hospital) drug expenditure by 2029 attributable to the changing age structure and health status of the French population. To this end, three epidemiological scenarios were constructed using matched data from the Health and Social Protection Survey 2004 IRDES and the Permanent Sample of persons insured by the Social Security (EPAS). The resulting estimates, which account for annual growth in drug spending by persons aged 25+, predict an increase in reimbursable drug expenditure between 1.14% and 1.77%, attributable solely to the ageing population and changes in health status


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    Using an administrative data set (Hygie), we apply a difference-in differences with dynamic matching estimation method to the onset of breast cancer. The employment probability decreases by 10 percentage points (pp) one year after the onset of cancer compared to the not-treated group. The detrimental effect of breast cancer on employment increases significantly over time, by up to 12 pp after five years. Another aim of our study is to identify some socio-demographic and work-related protective factors against the adverse effects of breast cancer on labour market outcomes. We stress four potential protective factors related to the negative effect of breast cancer. First, a young age at occurrence reduces this deleterious effect. Second, a high first job wage also appears to be a protective factor. Third, having faced less unemployment in the past is associated with a weaker negative effect of breast cancer on employment in the short run. Finally, we find a moderate “generational effect” after stratification by year of cancer onset
