102 research outputs found

    The Orbit of the Eclipsing X-ray Pulsar EXO 1722-363

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    With recent and archival Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) X-ray measurements of the heavily obscured X-ray pulsar EXO 1722-363 (IGR J17252-3616), we carried out a pulse timing analysis to determine the orbital solution for the first time. The binary system is characterized by a_x sin(i) = 101 +/- 3 lt-s and P_orb = 9.7403 +/- 0.0004 days (90% confidence), with the precision of the orbital period being obtained by connecting datasets separated by more than 7 years (272 orbital cycles). The orbit is consistent with circular, and e < 0.19 at the 90% confidence level. The mass function is 11.7 +/- 1.2 M_sun and confirms that this source is a High Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) system. The orbital period, along with the previously known ~414 s pulse period, places this system in the part of the Corbet diagram populated by supergiant wind accretors. Using previous eclipse time measurements by Corbet et al. and our orbital solution, combined with the assumption that the primary underfills its Roche lobe, we find i > 61 degrees at the 99% confidence level, the radius of the primary is between 21 R_sun and 37 R_sun, and its mass is less than about 22 M_sun. The acceptable range of radius and mass shows that the primary is probably a supergiant of spectral type B0I-B5I. Photometric measurements of its likely counterpart are consistent with the spectral type and luminosity if the distance to the system is between 5.3 kpc and 8.7 kpc. Spectral analysis of the pulsar as a function of orbital phase reveals an evolution of the hydrogen column density suggestive of dense filaments of gas in the downstream wake of the pulsar, with higher levels of absorption seen at orbital phases 0.5-1.0, as well as a variable Fe K_alpha line.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 11 pages, 11 figure

    Geometrical Distance Determination using Type I X-ray Bursts

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    With the excellent angular resolution of the Chandra X-ray Observatory, it is possible to geometrically determine the distance to variable Galactic sources, based on the phenomenon that scattered radiation appearing in the X-ray halo has to travel along a slightly longer path than the direct, unscattered radiation. By measuring the delayed variability, constraints on the source distance can be obtained if the halo brightness is large enough to dominate the point spread function (PSF) and to provide sufficient statistics. The distance to Cyg X-3, which has a quasi-sinusoidal light curve, has been obtained with this approach by Predehl et al. Here we examine the feasibility of using the delayed signature of type I X-ray bursts as distance indicators. We use simulations of delayed X-ray burst light curves in the halo to find that the optimal annular region and energy band for a distance measurement with a grating observation is roughly 10-50" and 1-5 keV respectively, assuming Chandra's effective area and PSF, uniformly distributed dust, the input spectrum and optical depth to GX 13+1, and the Weingartner & Draine interstellar grain model. We find that the statistics are dominated by Poisson noise rather than systematic uncertainties, e.g., the PSF contribution to the halo. Using Chandra, a distance measurement to such a source at 4 (8) kpc could be made to about 23% (30%) accuracy with a single burst with 68% confidence. By stacking many bursts, a reasonable estimate of systematic errors limit the distance measurement to about 10% accuracy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Reflection Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Binary XTE J1752-223 in its Long-Stable Hard State

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    We present a detailed spectral analysis of the Black Hole Binary XTE J1752-223 in the hard state of its 2009 outburst. Regular monitoring of this source by RXTE provided high signal-to-noise spectra along the outburst rise and decay. During one full month this source stalled at ∼\sim30\% of its peak count rate at a constant hardness and intensity. By combining all the data in this exceptionally-stable hard state, we obtained an aggregate PCA spectrum (3-45 keV) with 100 million counts, and a corresponding HEXTE spectrum (20-140 keV) with 5.8 million counts. Implementing a version of our reflection code with a physical model for Comptonization, we obtain tight constraints on important physical parameters for this system. In particular, the inner accretion disk is measured very close in, at Rin=1.7±0.4R_\mathrm{in}=1.7\pm0.4 RgR_g. Assuming Rin=RISCOR_\mathrm{in}=R_\mathrm{ISCO}, we find a relatively high black hole spin (a∗=0.92±0.06a_*=0.92\pm0.06). Imposing a lamppost geometry, we obtain a low inclination (i=35±4i=35\pm4 deg), which agrees with the upper limit found in the radio (i<49i<49 deg). However, we note that this model cannot be statistically distinguished from a non-lamppost model with free emissivity index, for which the inclination is markedly higher. Additionally, we find a relatively cool corona (57−7057-70 keV), and large iron abundance (3.3−3.73.3-3.7 solar). We further find that properly accounting for Comptonization of the reflection emission improves the fit significantly and causes an otherwise low reflection fraction (∼0.2−0.3\sim 0.2-0.3) to increase by an order of magnitude, in line with geometrical expectations for a lamppost corona. We compare these results with similar investigations reported for GX 339-4 in its bright hard state.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 11 pages, 7 figure

    Evidence for Returning Disk Radiation in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary XTE J1550–564

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    We explore the accretion properties of the black hole X-ray binary XTE J1550−564 during its outbursts in 1998/99 and 2000. We model the disk, corona, and reflection components of X-ray spectra taken with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, using the relxill suite of reflection models. The key result of our modeling is that the reflection spectrum in the very soft state is best explained by disk self-irradiation, i.e., photons from the inner disk are bent by the strong gravity of the black hole and reflected off the disk surface. This is the first known detection of thermal disk radiation reflecting off the inner disk. There is also an apparent absorption line at ~6.9 keV, which may be evidence of an ionized disk wind. The coronal electron temperature (kT_e) is, as expected, lower in the brighter outburst of 1998/99, explained qualitatively by more efficient coronal cooling due to irradiating disk photons. The disk inner radius is consistent with being within a few times the innermost stable circular orbit throughout the bright-hard-to-soft states (10 s of r_g in gravitational units). The disk inclination is low during the hard state, disagreeing with the binary inclination value, and very close to 90° in the soft state, recovering to a lower value when adopting a blackbody spectrum as the irradiating continuum

    Chandra and RXTE Spectra of the Burster GS 1826-238

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    Using simultaneous observations from Chandra and RXTE, we investigated the LMXB GS 1826-238 with the goal of studying its spectral and timing properties. The uninterrupted Chandra observation captured 6 bursts (RXTE saw 3 of the 6), yielding a recurrence time of 3.54 +/- 0.03 hr. Using the proportional counter array on board RXTE, we made a probable detection of 611 Hz burst oscillations in the decaying phases of the bursts with an average rms signal amplitude of 4.8%. The integrated persistent emission spectrum can be described as the dual Comptonization of ~ 0.3 keV soft photons by a plasma with kT_e ~ 20 keV and an optical depth of about 2.6 (interpreted as emission from the accretion disk corona), plus the Comptonization of hotter ~ 0.8 keV seed photons by a ~ 6.8 keV plasma (interpreted as emission from or near the boundary layer). We discovered evidence for a neutral Fe K\alpha emission line, and we found interstellar Fe L_II and Fe L_III absorption features. The burst spectrum can be fit by fixing the disk Comptonization parameters to the persistent emission best-fit values, and adding a blackbody. The blackbody/seed photon temperature at the peak of the burst is ~ 1.8 keV and returns to ~ 0.8 keV over 200 s. The blackbody radius is consistent with R_bb = 10.3-11.7 km assuming a distance of 6 kpc; however, by accounting for the fraction of the surface that is obscured by the disk as a function of binary inclination, we determined the source distance must actually be near 5 kpc in order for the stellar radius to lie within the commonly assumed range of 10-12 km.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 13 pages, 6 figure
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