6 research outputs found

    Abortion and Moral Repugnancy

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    Most arguments concerning abortion center around the issue of rights. This short essay argues that there can be important considerations regarding the matter that have nothing whatsoever to do with rights. In general, the issue of moral decency has never been entirely settled by reference to rights. It can be morally repugnant to do some thing even if one would be acting perfectly within one's rights. I argue that with advances in technology this will turn out to be the case with abortion, given the possibility of transferring a fetus from one womb to another

    Autonomy, Behavior, & Moral Goodness

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    In this essay, the view that autonomy is always a good is challenged. Numerous examples of autonomous people who committed quite immoral acts are offered. It is further argued that many people who have behaved in quite admirable ways have not been autonomou

    Autonom, Behavior, & Moral Goodness

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    In this essay, the view that autonomy is always a good is challenged. Numerous examples of autonomous people who committed quite immoral acts are offered. It is further argued that many people who have behaved in quite admirable ways I have not been autonomou

    "Friendship". To appear in the Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics.

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    The essay discusses the nature of friendship and the role of parental love in the development of what Aristotle refers to as perfect friendship. I also conclude with some remarks regarding the influence of technology upon the significance of friendship