9,657 research outputs found

    Boundary element methods in the prediction of the acoustic damping of ship whipping vibrations

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    Damping of ship whipping vibrations following a slam due to wave impact is traditionally assumed to be primarily of material or structural origin. However, several mechanisms of energy dissipation to the surrounding water exist, including gravity and acoustic waves. Neither transports much energy for the lowest frequency modes, in which the acoustic wavelength may be an order or magnitude greater than the ship length whereas the gravity wavelength is at least an order of magnitude shorter than the ship beam. However, the acoustic damping ratio increases as the fourth power of frequency, becoming significant for higher frequency modes

    Wave excited motion of a body floating on water confined between two semi-infinite ice sheets

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    The wave excited motion of a body floating on water confined between two semi-infinite ice sheets is investigated. The ice sheet is treated as an elastic thin plate and water is treated as an ideal and incompressible fluid. The linearized velocity potential theory is adopted in the frequency domain and problems are solved by the method of matched eigenfunctions expansion. The fluid domain is divided into sub-regions and in each sub-region the velocity potential is expanded into a series of eigenfunctions satisfying the governing equation and the boundary conditions on horizontal planes including the free surface and ice sheets. Matching is conducted at the interfaces of two neighbouring regions to ensure the continuity of the pressure and velocity, and the unknown coefficients in the expressions are obtained as a result. The behaviour of the added mass and damping coefficients of the floating body with the effect of the ice sheets and the excitation force are analysed. They are found to vary oscillatorily with the wave number, which is different from that for a floating body in the open sea. The motion of the body confined between ice sheets is investigated, in particular its resonant behaviour with extremely large motion found to be possible under certain conditions. Standing waves within the polynya are also observed

    Slam excitation scales for a large wave piercing catamaran and the effect on structural response

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    A unique slamming process is observed on high speed wave piercing catamarans (WPCs) such as those manufactured by INCAT Tasmania (shown in Fig. 1). For conventional catamarans, wet-deck slamming constitutes a significant design load and is managed through proper design of the tunnel height for the proposed operating conditions. While methods have been developed for prediction of wet-deck slam occurrence and slam magnitude in conventional catamarans (for example Ge et al., 2005) the significant differences in geometry limit application to wave piercing catamarans. Although slamming of wave piercing catamarans may be categorised as a wet-deck slam, the INCAT Tasmania wave piercing catamarans include a forward centre bow to prevent deck diving which significantly alters the water entry and slamming characteristics

    The influence of turbulence model and two and three-dimensional domain selection on the simulated performance characteristics of vertical axis tidal turbines

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    The influence of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling techniques on the accuracy of vertical axis turbine power output predictions was investigated. Using Two-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D) models, as well as the Baseline-Reynolds Stress Models (BSL-RSM) model and the k-ω Shear Stress Transport (k-ω SST) model in its fully turbulent and laminar-to-turbulent formulation, differences in power output modeling accuracy were evaluated against experimental results from literature. The highest correlation with experimental power output was found using a 3D domain model that fully resolved the boundary layer combined with the k-ω SST laminar-to-turbulent model. The turbulent 3D fully resolved boundary layer k-ω SST model also accurately predicted power output for most rotational rates, at a significantly reduced computational cost when compared to its laminar-to-turbulent formulation. The 3D fully resolved BSL-RSM model and 3D wall function boundary layer k-ω SST model were found to poorly simulate power output. Poor output predictions were also obtained using 2D domain k-ω SST models, as they were unable to account for blade tip and strut effects. The authors suggest that 3D domain fully turbulent k-ω SST models with fully resolved boundary layer modeling are used for predicting turbine power output given their accuracy and computational efficiency

    The influence of the centre bow and wet-deck geometry on motions of wave piercing catamarans

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    The effects of tunnel height and centre bow length on the motions of a 112-m wave-piercer catamaran with an above-water centre bow were investigated through model tests. Five alternative centre bow configurations were considered, and multiple series of model tests were conducted in regular head sea waves. The results showed that both heave and pitch increased over a wide range of wave encounter frequency as the wet-deck height of the catamaran model increased. However, increasing the length of the centre bow showed an increase in the pitch but a decrease in the heave for a limited range of wave encounter frequency near the heave and pitch resonance frequencies of the catamaran model. The positions of minimum vertical displacement were found to be aft of the longitudinal centre of gravity, between 20% and 38% of the overall length from the transom. Increase in the wet-deck height and consequently the archway clearance between the main hulls and centre bow also resulted in an increase in the vertical displacement relative to the undisturbed water surface in the centre bow area. The results also indicated the vulnerability to wet-deck slamming for the different bow and wet-deck designs
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