2,698 research outputs found

    Generating the Johnson filtration

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    For k >= 1, let Torelli_g^1(k) be the k-th term in the Johnson filtration of the mapping class group of a genus g surface with one boundary component. We prove that for all k, there exists some G_k >= 0 such that Torelli_g^1(k) is generated by elements which are supported on subsurfaces whose genus is at most G_k. We also prove similar theorems for the Johnson filtration of Aut(F_n) and for certain mod-p analogues of the Johnson filtrations of both the mapping class group and of Aut(F_n). The main tools used in the proofs are the related theories of FI-modules (due to the first author together with Ellenberg and Farb) and central stability (due to the second author), both of which concern the representation theory of the symmetric groups over Z.Comment: 32 pages; v2: paper reorganized. Final version, to appear in Geometry and Topolog

    On finite generation of the Johnson filtrations

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    We prove that every term of the lower central series and Johnson filtrations of the Torelli subgroups of the mapping class group and the automorphism group of a free group is finitely generated in a linear stable range. This was originally proved for the second terms by Ershov and He.Comment: 32 pages. v2: very minor edits. Weaker versions of the results of this paper previously appeared in arXiv:1704.01529 and arXiv:1703.04190v

    Integrality in the Steinberg module and the top-dimensional cohomology of SL_n(O_K)

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    We prove a new structural result for the spherical Tits building attached to SL_n(K) for many number fields K, and more generally for the fraction fields of many Dedekind domains O: the Steinberg module St_n(K) is generated by integral apartments if and only if the ideal class group cl(O) is trivial. We deduce this integrality by proving that the complex of partial bases of O^n is Cohen-Macaulay. We apply this to prove new vanishing and nonvanishing results for H^{vcd}(SL_n(O_K); Q), where O_K is the ring of integers in a number field and vcd is the virtual cohomological dimension of SL_n(O_K). The (non)vanishing depends on the (non)triviality of the class group of O_K. We also obtain a vanishing theorem for the cohomology H^{vcd}(SL_n(O_K); V) with twisted coefficients V.Comment: 36 pages; final version; to appear in Amer. J. Mat

    A stability conjecture for the unstable cohomology of SL_n Z, mapping class groups, and Aut(F_n)

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    In this paper we conjecture the stability and vanishing of a large piece of the unstable rational cohomology of SL_n Z, of mapping class groups, and of Aut(F_n).Comment: 18 pages. v2: final version, to appear in Algebraic Topology: Applications and New Directions, AMS Contemporary Mathematics Serie

    On the geometric nature of characteristic classes of surface bundles

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    Each Morita--Mumford--Miller (MMM) class e_n assigns to each genus g >= 2 surface bundle S_g -> E^{2n+2} -> M^{2n} an integer e_n^#(E -> M) := in Z. We prove that when n is odd the number e_n^#(E -> M) depends only on the diffeomorphism type of E, not on g, M, or the map E -> M. More generally, we prove that e_n^#(E -> M) depends only on the cobordism class of E. Recent work of Hatcher implies that this stronger statement is false when n is even. If E -> M is a holomorphic fibering of complex manifolds, we show that for every n the number e_n^#(E -> M) only depends on the complex cobordism type of E. We give a general procedure to construct manifolds fibering as surface bundles in multiple ways, providing infinitely many examples to which our theorems apply. As an application of our results we give a new proof of the rational case of a recent theorem of Giansiracusa--Tillmann that the odd MMM classes e_{2i-1} vanish for any surface bundle which bounds a handlebody bundle. We show how the MMM classes can be seen as obstructions to low-genus fiberings. Finally, we discuss a number of open questions that arise from this work.Comment: 26 pages. v2: added examples to final section; v3: improved main theorem for complex fiberings; v4: final version, to appear in Journal of Topolog
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