14 research outputs found

    Entangling two defects via a surrounding crystal

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    We theoretically show how two impurity defects in a crystalline structure can be entangled through coupling with the crystal. We demonstrate this with a harmonic chain of trapped ions in which two ions of a different species are embedded. Entanglement is found for sufficiently cold chains and for a certain class of initial, separable states of the defects. It results from the interplay between localized modes which involve the defects and the interposed ions, it is independent of the chain size, and decays slowly with the distance between the impurities. These dynamics can be observed in systems exhibiting spatial order, viable realizations are optical lattices, optomechanical systems, or cavity arrays in circuit QED.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    ABYSSAL Database: an integrated WebGIS platform for deep-sea information from the South Atlantic

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    South Atlantic deep waters provide a huge diversity of habitats, with variations in areas such as geology, macrofauna, microbiology, physics, and chemistry. However, most of the data lacks central organization, important for subsequent deep-sea research, especially considering the multidisciplinary approaches and comparisons of the South Atlantic with other oceanic basins. Given the rising interest in commercial exploration off the deep-sea, especially with respect to hydrocarbon extraction and mining, there is an urgent need for a centralized repository of information with tools to collect and share geospatial data to support the conservation of this important oceanographic region. The main objective of this manuscript is to present an integrative database in WebGIS format for South Atlantic deep waters, open to further development in terms of data input, reliant on researcher collaboration, and with tools for ongoing maintenance and usability improvement driven by user feedback. The WebGIS format provides an open access, cost-free, feature-rich, and easy to use database through any Internet browser to reach the greatest number of researchers and students possible. The ABYSSAL database can be accessed at http://abyssal.io.usp.br

    Macrobenthic assemblages across deep-sea pockmarks and carbonate mounds at Santos Basin, SW Atlantic

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    The SE Brazilian continental margin is rich in geomorphological features that create different seascapes, where diverse benthic communities thrive. The seafloor is composed of a mixture of pockmarks of different sizes and shapes and tall carbonate mounds that may form extensive chains. Mounds are colonized by deep-water corals which are the main responsible organisms promoting growth over geological time. Depressions and mounds affect the benthic ecosystem in multiple ways owing to water flow, sedimentation rates and food availability. This paper presents new data on macrofaunal composition and community structure associated with deep-sea coral habitats and pockmark areas along the upper continental slope of Santos Basin. Ten sites were sampled using a 0.25 m2 box corer on board R/V Alpha-Crucis, totaling 27 sediment samples. A total of 182 taxa were found, including new records for the Southwestern Atlantic, as well as several potential new species to science. In general, we observed an association of the macrobenthic fauna with the geomorphology of the area and the most important variables, mainly substrate composition and water flux. The abundance, taxonomic composition and also the feeding modes varied across the deep-water coral sites and pockmarks, reflecting in a mosaic of benthic habitats. As deep-sea corals and pockmarks are extremely sensitive to anthropogenic influence and natural shifts, in addition to the economic value associated to fisheries, this study provides baseline information on these special habitats in Santos Basin that can be used for future research, monitoring activities, and conservation strategies

    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of harmonically trapped bosons

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    We apply the framework of non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics to the physics of quenched small-sized bosonic quantum gases in a one-dimensional harmonic trap. We show that dynamical orthogonality can occur in these few-body systems with strong interactions after a quench and we find its occurrence analytically for an infinitely repulsive pair of atoms. We further show this phenomena is related to the fundamental excitations that dictate the dynamics from the spectral function. We establish a clear qualitative link between the amount of (irreversible) work performed on the system and the establishment of entanglement. We extend our analysis to multipartite systems by examining the case of three trapped atoms. We show the initial (pre-quench) interactions play a vital role in determining the dynamical features, while the qualitative features of the two particle case appear to remain valid. Finally, we propose the use of the atomic density profile as a readily accessible indicator of the non-equilibrium properties of the systems in question.Comment: Short supplementary section available in source files. Close to published version. v4 included an omitted referenc

    Modelos teóricos de promoción de la salud en la práctica habitual en atención primaria de salud

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    Objetivo: Comprender a qué modelos teóricos se ajusta la práctica actual de la prevención primaria ypromoción de la salud en atención primaria de salud en diferentes centros de salud de siete comunidadesautónomas de España, según los/las profesionales de distintas disciplinas de este ámbito asistencial. Método: Investigación cualitativa descriptiva en la que participaron 145 profesionales de 14 centros desalud de siete comunidades autónomas de España. El muestreo fue teórico. Se realizaron 14 grupos dediscusión. El análisis de datos se realizó siguiendo procedimientos del análisis de contenido temático y de acuerdo con siete modelos teóricos de promoción de la salud a nivel micro, meso y macro. Resultados: Las prácticas de los profesionales de los centros participantes en relación con las actividadesde prevención primaria y promoción de la salud se adhieren principalmente a modelos intrapersonales, centrándose en ayudar a que las personas se empoderen aumentando la conciencia de riesgo y de los beneficios del cambio en los comportamientos, y guiándolas en la implementación de un comportamientosaludable. Algunos/as profesionales realizan actividades que encajan en modelos interpersonales, implicando a la familia y al propio profesional en las estrategias. Solo en algunos casos las prácticas actualesencajan en modelos comunitarios de promoción de la salud. Conclusiones: Las prácticas de prevención primaria y promoción de la salud de los profesionales de atención primaria siguen principalmente modelos intrapersonales, en algunos casos modelos interpersonalesy más puntualmente modelos comunitarios. Es necesario potenciar la participación de la ciudadanía y laorientación comunitaria de los servicios de atención primaria de salud. Objective: To understand which theoretical models apply to current primary care practice of primary prevention and health promotion in a sample of primary health centres of seven autonomous regions in Spain according to the various professionals involved. Method: Descriptive qualitative research with the participation of 145 professionals from 14 primary health centres of seven autonomous regions in Spain. Theoretical sampling was used and 14 discussion groups were carried out. Data analysis followed thematic contents analysis procedures and was based on seven health promotion theoretical models at micro-, meso- and macro-level. Results: Current practice of primary prevention and health promotion activities mainly follow intrapersonal models, which focus on assisting the empowerment of patients by means of raising awareness of risk and benefits of behavioural change and on guiding the adoption of the new healthy behaviour. To a lesser degree, the activities of some professionals adhere to interpersonal models, which involve also the family and the health professional. In only a few instances community models of health promotion were used. Conclusions: Primary prevention and health promotion practice of primary healthcare professionals follow mainly intrapersonal models, few cases use interpersonal models and community models are only occasionally employed. Advance of public participation and community orientation in primary healthcare services is needed

    Seep hunting in the Santos Basin, Southwest Atlantic: sampling strategy and employed methods of the multidisciplinary cruise BIOIL 1

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    The continental margin off the southeastern Brazilian coast is punctuated by a series of geological-geomorphological features, such as subsurface saline diapirs and pockmarks at the seafloor interface, which evidence the abundant presence of oil and gas in the region. In several of these sites, hydrocarbons can be naturally released into the water column, areas are cold seep areas. These are marked by the presence of oil- and gas-dependent ecosystems, where specific organisms are able to fix carbon from hydrocarbon chemosynthesis. In addition, light hydrocarbon fluid flow through the sediment may build up authigenic carbonates that can be further colonized by cold-water corals, generating large carbonate mounds over geological time, normally positioned at the border of these pockmark features. The present work reports on a multidisciplinary oceanographic cruise carried out in the Santos Basin, SW Atlantic, to seek, map, and collect geological, chemical, and biological data from different deep-sea habitats. The cruise occurred in November 2019 on the R/V Alpha Crucis of the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (IOUSP). We intended to discover and detail different geomorphological features, characterize free-living and symbiotic microorganisms, determine the chemosynthetic rates in relation to heterotrophic microbial production, and characterize the fauna and study their ecological and evolutionary links within and across ocean basins. All discoveries made during the cruise and their respective results will be presented separately in several papers that comprise this special volume

    The use of robustness analysis for planning actions in a poor Brazilian community

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    This paper reports on the use of Robustness Analysis for planning actions in a poor Brazilian community. The focus is on food and agricultural production and the project is based on a participatory approach incorporating both community-driven development and sustainability in food production. A comparison is made with other soft Operations Research (OR) methodologies and first actions and results are reported

    Diario de Campo: Boletín Interno de los investigadores del área de Antropología. 82 (2006) febrero. Diario de Campo

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    - Festín para fotógrafos por Juan Llano Rocamora. - El atlas etnográfico de los pueblos originarios por Teresa Mora Vázquez. - Música, Evolución e Identidad por Thomas Stanford. - El mobbing: Problema emergente para la investigación antropológica de las sociedades complejas por Florencia Peña Saint Martin, Arturo Luis Alonzo Padilla y Rolando Javier González Arias. - Los nombres y las cosas en lenguas de clasificadores numerales por Saúl Morales Lara. - Arquitectura, nacionalismos y contrarrevolución por Carlos Mariano Tur Donati. - El lienzo de Tlaxcala por Nazario A. Sánchez Mastranzo. - La colección Espino Barros por María Hernández Ramírez. - Matemática indígena: cazadores-recolectores por Irene Jiménez. - Haciendas y comunidades en el siglo XVIII: un panorama en la jurisdicción de Tlalnepantla, México por José Antonio González Gómez. - Fricassée et Fricandeau. Los primeros pasos de la cocina francesa en México por José Luis Juárez López. - Conflicto social y gestión del patrimonio cultural por Jesús Antonio Machuca Ramírez. - El patrimonio cultural en peligro: a propósito de la nueva Ley de Fomento y Difusión de la Cultura por Victor Joel Santos Ramírez