8 research outputs found

    The Impact of Covid-19 on Nigerian Education System

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    At a time when the Nigerian schools are on a temporary closure following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper looked inwards and reflected on the nature of the education system and revealed its myriads of problems. The COVID-19 pandemic indeed had a huge impact on the educational system in Nigeria. It brought about the cessation of all learning activities in Nigeria except for private universities and secondary schools that swiftly switched to virtual learning platforms. It also illuminated the digital divide between the Nigerian student and his counterparts in other climes. COVID-19 pandemic outbreak also offered an opportunity for the nation to realise the poor status of its educational system. Some of the major problems that have confronted the Nigerian education system, as revealed by this paper, include poor funding, inadequate and dilapidating infrastructure, inadequate teaching facilities, poor teachers' welfare, poor research funding, poor quality of teachers, unconducive learning environment, and the like. The study recommends for the exhibition of sufficient political will by the political leadership for the transformation of the education system as well as the sustained commitment of other stakeholders such policymakers and educational administrators for the transformation of the system to give it its rightful place in our national life

    The perceived impact of a global pandemic on a provincial department’s organisational structure

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    Orientation: Several existing studies examine the effect organisational structures have on businesses, but there is limited research that considers the effects unforeseen crises have on organisational structures. Research purpose: The study sought to determine the effects that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and lockdown had on the organisational structure of a provincial health department, specifically relating to performance management, employee productivity and organisational citizenship behaviour. Motivation for the study: Additional pressure on health workers, who were seen as ‘essential workers’ during the pandemic, motivated the investigation of how organisational structure affects employees’ ability to perform their duties during crises. Research approach/design and method: The study employed a quantitative research approach, using surveys. A non-experimental research method and convenience sampling were employed and a sample of 207 respondents (n = 207) was achieved. Main findings: The respondents agreed that the pandemic did not cause a decline in their performance due to effective workload management. They also agreed that they still felt passionate about their work during the pandemic. They further posited that the pandemic emphasised the importance of teamwork. Practical/managerial implications: The study offers insights into some factors that produced successful outcomes when handling the pandemic, which can inform organisational strategy during any similar future crises. Contribution/value-add: The study adds to the limited literature linking human resources management and change or crisis management, which is critical when navigating a rapidly changing present and an increasingly uncertain workplace future