4 research outputs found

    Symmetry analysis and exact solutions of modified Brans-Dicke cosmological equations

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    We perform a symmetry analysis of modified Brans-Dicke cosmological equations and present exact solutions. We discuss how the solutions may help to build models of cosmology where, for the early universe, the expansion is linear and the equation of state just changes the expansion velocity but not the linearity. For the late universe the expansion is exponential and the effect of the equation of state on the rate of expansion is just to change the constant Hubble parameter.Comment: LaTeX2e source file, 14 pages, 7 reference

    Can hyperbolic phase of Brans-Dicke field account for Dark Matter?

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    We show that the introduction of a hyperbolic phase for Brans-Dicke (BD) field results in a flat vacuum cosmological solution of Hubble parameter H and fractional rate of change of BD scalar field, F which asymptotically approach constant values. At late stages, hyperbolic phase of BD field behaves like dark matter

    Chiral spinors and gauge fields in noncommutative curved space-time

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    The fundamental concepts of Riemannian geometry, such as differential forms, vielbein, metric, connection, torsion and curvature, are generalized in the context of non-commutative geometry. This allows us to construct the Einstein-Hilbert-Cartan terms, in addition to the bosonic and fermionic ones in the Lagrangian of an action functional on non-commutative spaces. As an example, and also as a prelude to the Standard Model that includes gravitational interactions, we present a model of chiral spinor fields on a curved two-sheeted space-time with two distinct abelian gauge fields. In this model, the full spectrum of the generalized metric consists of pairs of tensor, vector and scalar fields. They are coupled to the chiral fermions and the gauge fields leading to possible parity violation effects triggered by gravity.Comment: 50 pages LaTeX, minor corrections and references adde

    On the ADM decomposition of the 5-D Kaluza-Klein model

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    Our purpose is to recast KK model in terms of ADM variables. We examine and solve the problem of the consistency of this approach, with particular care about the role of the cylindricity hypothesis. We show in details how the KK reduction commutes with the ADM slicing procedure and how this leads to a well defined and unique ADM reformulation. This allows us to consider the hamiltonian formulation of the model and can be the first step for the Ashtekar reformulation of the KK scheme. Moreover we show how the time component of the gauge vector arises naturally from the geometrical constraints of the dynamics; this is a positive check for the autoconsistency of the KK theory and for an hamiltonian description of the dynamics which wants to take into account the compactification scenario: this result enforces the physical meaning of KK model.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, to appear on IJMP