9 research outputs found

    A review of nutrient management studies involving finger millet in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa Annex 7

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    We thank Vijay Bhosekhar (University of Guelph, Canada) for providing an initial framework for this review, and Kirit Patel (Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Canada) for inspiring our interest in finger millet. We thank Travis Goron (University of Guelph) for his helpful comments, Jaclyn Clark (University of Guelph) for editorial assistance, and our Nepalese partner organization, LI-BIRD, especially Kamal Khadka, for generously providing photos of finger millet cropping systems. This research was supported by a grant to MNR from the CIFSRF program, jointly funded by the International Food Development Centre (IDRC, Ottawa) and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) is a staple food crop grown by subsistence farmers in the semi-arid tropics of South Asia and Africa. It remains highly valued by traditional farmers as it is nutritious, drought tolerant, short duration, and requires low inputs. Its continued propagation may help vulnerable farmers mitigate climate change. Unfortunately, the land area cultivated with this crop has decreased, displaced by maize and rice. Reversing this trend will involve achieving higher yields, including through improvements in crop nutrition. The objective of this paper is to comprehensively review the literature concerning yield responses of finger millet to inorganic fertilizers (macronutrients and micronutrients), farmyard manure (FYM), green manures, organic by-products, and biofertilizers. The review also describes the impact of these inputs on soils, as well as the impact of diverse cropping systems and finger millet varieties, on nutrient responses. The review critically evaluates the benefits and challenges associated with integrated nutrient management, appreciating that most finger millet farmers are economically poor and primarily use farmyard manure. We conclude by identifying research gaps related to nutrient management in finger millet, and provide recommendations to increase the yield and sustainability of this crop as a guide for subsistence farmers

    A biosensor-based leaf punch assay for glutamine correlates to symbiotic nitrogen fixation measurements in legumes to permit rapid screening of rhizobia inoculants under controlled conditions

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    This research was supported by CIFSRF grant 107791 to MR from the International development Research Centre (IDRC, Ottawa) and Global Affairs Canada.Legumes are protein sources for billions of humans and livestock. These traits are enabled by symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF), whereby root nodule-inhabiting rhizobia bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen (N) into usable N. Unfortunately, SNF rates in legume crops suffer from undiagnosed incompatible/suboptimal interactions between crop varieties and rhizobia strains. There are opportunities to test much large numbers of rhizobia strains if cost/labor-effective diagnostic tests become available which may especially benefit researchers in developing countries. Inside root nodules, fixed N from rhizobia is assimilated into amino acids including glutamine (Gln) for export to shoots as the major fraction (amide-exporting legumes) or as the minor fraction (ureide-exporting legumes). Here, we have developed a new leaf punch based technique to screen rhizobia inoculants for SNF activity following inoculation of both amide exporting and ureide exporting legumes. The assay is based on measuring Gln output using the GlnLux biosensor, which consists of Escherichia coli cells auxotrophic for Gln and expressing a constitutive lux operon. Subsistence farmer varieties of an amide exporter (lentil) and two ureide exporters (cowpea and soybean) were inoculated with different strains of rhizobia under controlled conditions, then extracts of single leaf punches were incubated with GlnLux cells, and light-output was measured using a 96-well luminometer. In the absence of external N and under controlled conditions, the results from the leaf punch assay correlated with 15N-based measurements, shoot N percentage, and shoot total fixed N in all three crops. The technology is rapid, inexpensive, high-throughput, requires minimum technical expertise and very little tissue, and hence is relatively nondestructive. We compared and contrasted the benefits and limitations of this novel diagnostic assay to methods

    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation, growth and yield response of common bean and cowpea for Rhizobia inoculation and micronutrients (B and Mo) application in mid-hill regions of Nepal

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    This is a CIFSIRF funded project.Challenges associated with legume production in Nepal include: lack of high yielding varieties and crop specific management (e.g., disease/pest management) practices, loss of soil fertility including micronutrients, poor access to agricultural inputs and services, shortage of irrigation water, lack of mechanization, and labour shortages which led to poor yields and low economic returns to farmers (Chapagain and Gurung, 2010; Chapagain and Raizada, 2017). Farmers mostly used untreated seeds from previous season harvest to cultivate these crops and very little attention has been given to study the effects of bacterial inoculation on the crop performance and soil health through systemic on-farm trials. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of 3 legumes can be improved by introducing efficient rhizobia strains for N fixation (Thilakarathna and Raizada, 2017), and also through application of soil deficient micronutrients which are important for different stages of SNF (Weisany et al., 2013). This research explores the opportunities to use different rhizobia strains (native as well as exotic) along with micronutrients (Boron and Molybdenum) on two legume crops (e.g., cowpea and common bean) to enhance SNF, crop yields (grain and plant biomass), plant and grain N content, and offers the most productive combination(s) for each crop

    Liming remediates soil acidity and improves crop yield and profitability - a meta-analysis

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    Soil acidity reduces base cations required for plant growth and may result in phytotoxic concentrations of soluble aluminum. Liming acidic soils is generally promoted as an effective management practice to increase soil pH, base cation concentrations, and ameliorate toxicity caused by aluminum and manganese. Through a global literature review using data published from field experiments on liming, the objective of this paper is to understand the effects of liming on soil pH, crop yields, and economic profitability. The results show that liming positively influenced crop yields and soil pH, implying that various lime sources can increase soil pH and crop productivity. The effect sizes of liming on crop yields when lime was incorporated into soils were higher than surface application irrespective of tillage practice. Liming under no-tillage (NT) compared to conventional tillage (CT) management showed higher effect sizes for crop yields. Liming increased effect sizes for crop yields in fertilized compared with unfertilized trials. Gypsum, calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate showed higher effect sizes when compared with Cement Klin Dust (CKD), dolomite and wood ash. The results show that liming increased yields for all crops except potatoes and oats. Liming generally increases soil pH and changes in soil pH increased with higher lime application rates and yield increases were proportional to the magnitude of increases in soil pH. The profitability of liming differed with crop type and liming rate, being more profitable at lower liming rates. Overall, this meta-analysis shows that liming decreases soil acidity and improves crop yields. Attaining maximum gains from liming agricultural crops under acidic soil conditions requires an understanding of the appropriate lime rates required for specific crops and soil types to ensure overall profitability for producers and sustainable improvement of soil health

    Challenges in Using Precision Agriculture to Optimize Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Legumes: Progress, Limitations, and Future Improvements Needed in Diagnostic Testing

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    Precision agriculture (PA) has been used for ≥25 years to optimize inputs, maximize profit, and minimize negative environmental impacts. Legumes play an important role in cropping systems, by associating with rhizobia microbes that convert plant-unavailable atmospheric nitrogen into usable nitrogen through symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF). However, there can be field-level spatial variability for SNF activity, as well as underlying soil factors that influence SNF (e.g., macro/micronutrients, pH, and rhizobia). There is a need for PA tools that can diagnose spatial variability in SNF activity, as well as the relevant environmental factors that influence SNF. Little information is available in the literature concerning the potential of PA to diagnose/optimize SNF. Here, we critically analyze SNF/soil diagnostic methods that hold promise as PA tools in the short–medium term. We also review the challenges facing additional diagnostics currently used for research, and describe the innovations needed to move them forward as PA tools. Our analysis suggests that the nitrogen difference method, isotope methods, and proximal and remote sensing techniques hold promise for diagnosing field-level variability in SNF. With respect to soil diagnostics, soil sensors and remote sensing techniques for nitrogen, phosphorus, pH, and salinity have short–medium term potential to optimize legume SNF under field conditions

    A Review of Nutrient Management Studies Involving Finger Millet in the Semi-Arid Tropics of Asia and Africa

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    Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) is a staple food crop grown by subsistence farmers in the semi-arid tropics of South Asia and Africa. It remains highly valued by traditional farmers as it is nutritious, drought tolerant, short duration, and requires low inputs. Its continued propagation may help vulnerable farmers mitigate climate change. Unfortunately, the land area cultivated with this crop has decreased, displaced by maize and rice. Reversing this trend will involve achieving higher yields, including through improvements in crop nutrition. The objective of this paper is to comprehensively review the literature concerning yield responses of finger millet to inorganic fertilizers (macronutrients and micronutrients), farmyard manure (FYM), green manures, organic by-products, and biofertilizers. The review also describes the impact of these inputs on soils, as well as the impact of diverse cropping systems and finger millet varieties, on nutrient responses. The review critically evaluates the benefits and challenges associated with integrated nutrient management, appreciating that most finger millet farmers are economically poor and primarily use farmyard manure. We conclude by identifying research gaps related to nutrient management in finger millet, and provide recommendations to increase the yield and sustainability of this crop as a guide for subsistence farmers

    A Simple, Semi-Automated, Gravimetric Method to Simulate Drought Stress on Plants

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    Drought is a major constraint of global crop production. Given that drought-induced crop losses can threaten world food security, it has been and continues to be the focus of a large body of interdisciplinary research. Most drought experiments are conducted under controlled environmental conditions, where maintaining accurate soil moisture content is critical. In this study, we developed a simple, Arduino microcontroller-based, semi-automated, lysimeter that uses the gravimetric method to adjust soil moisture content in pot experiments. This method employs an Arduino microcontroller interfaced with a balance as part of a portable lysimeter and irrigation system which can weigh and record the mass of plants growing in pots, determine water loss due to evapotranspiration, and adjust soil moisture automatically to a desired relative soil water content. The system was validated with a greenhouse pot experiment using a panel of 50 early-maturity Canadian soybean varieties. Drought was induced in the experiment by adjusting soil moisture content to 30% field capacity while maintaining control pots at 80%. Throughout the experiment, the two moisture levels were efficiently maintained using the Arduino-based lysimeter. Plant physiological responses confirmed that plants in the drought treatment were under physiological stress. This semi-automated lysimeter is low-cost, portable, and easy to handle, which allows for high-throughput screening

    Frost Seeding Increases Spring Cereal Yield

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    Short growing season and mid-summer heat and drought are limiting factors for spring cereal production in Canada, suggesting that higher and more stable yields may be possible if seeding date occurred earlier in the spring. Field trials were conducted in southern Ontario, Canada, in 2003 and 2004 to compare development and yield potential of frost (early April) and conventional (late April â early May) seeded hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), and oat (Avena sativa L.) established using commercially available no-till planting equipment. Frost seeding had lower plant populations than conventional seeding with pre-tillering plant population reductions for frost seeding averaging 44 pl m-2 (12%) for wheat and 27 pl m-2 (10%) for oats. In spite of lower plant population, frost seeding yields were higher than conventional seeding with yield increases averaging 0.66 Mg ha-1 (24%) for wheat, 0.72 Mg ha-1 (20%) for oats, and 0.36 Mg ha-1 (11%-2004 only) for barley. Frost seeded cereals had earlier occurrence of key phenological stages with average heading dates for frost seeded wheat and barley occurring 5d earlier. Frost seeded cereals also had a longer vegetative period, which along with earlier heading dates, contributed to increased yields for frost seeded cereals.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Red Clover Varieties with Nitrogen Fixing Advantage During the Early Stages of Seedling Development

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    Plant and environmental factors affect root nitrogen (N) exudation dynamics in legumes. To better understand the genotypic variability and plant factors affecting root N release nodulation, plant growth, tissue N content, and root N exudation of six (three diploid and three tetraploid) red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) varieties were evaluated under controlled environmental conditions during the first eight weeks of plant growth after rhizobia inoculation. Genotypic differences were found for nodulation, plant dry weight, leaf area, root attributes (root length, surface area, volume, and diameter), shoot and root N concentration, and N content. Genotypic differences were found for root exudate N content in terms of NO3--N, NH4+-N, and dissolved organic N (DON). In general, root exudate inorganic N content was greater in tetraploid varieties than in the diploids throughout the growth period. Root exudate DON content was greater than the inorganic N content. The NO3--N content in root exudate was positively correlated with root growth attributes and root N concentration while, NH4+-N content was positively correlated with nodule number. Root exudate DON positively correlated with shoot N concentration and average nodule dry weight. These results highlight the existence of genotypic differences among red clover varieties for plant morphological factors affecting root N release during the early stages of plant development.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author