19 research outputs found

    The changing culture of silviculture

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    Changing climates are altering the structural and functional components of forest ecosystems at an unprecedented rate. Simultaneously, we are seeing a diversification of public expectations on the broader sustainable use of forest resources beyond timber production. As a result, the science and art of silviculture needs to adapt to these changing realities. In this piece, we argue that silviculturists are gradually shifting from the application of empirically derived silvicultural scenarios to new sets of approaches, methods and practices, a process that calls for broadening our conception of silviculture as a scientific discipline. We propose a holistic view of silviculture revolving around three key themes: observe, anticipate and adapt. In observe, we present how recent advances in remote sensing now enable silviculturists to observe forest structural, compositional and functional attributes in near-real-time, which in turn facilitates the deployment of efficient, targeted silvicultural measures in practice that are adapted to rapidly changing constraints. In anticipate, we highlight the importance of developing state-of-the-art models designed to take into account the effects of changing environmental conditions on forest growth and dynamics. In adapt, we discuss the need to provide spatially explicit guidance for the implementation of adaptive silvicultural actions that are efficient, cost-effective and socially acceptable. We conclude by presenting key steps towards the development of new tools and practical knowledge that will ensure meeting societal demands in rapidly changing environmental conditions. We classify these actions into three main categories: reexamining existing silvicultural trials to identify key stand attributes associated with the resistance and resilience of forests to multiple stressors, developing technological workflows and infrastructures to allow for continuous forest inventory updating frameworks, and implementing bold, innovative silvicultural trials in consultation with the relevant communities where a range of adaptive silvicultural strategies are tested. In this holistic perspective, silviculture can be defined as the science of observing forest condition and anticipating its development to apply tending and regeneration treatments adapted to a multiplicity of desired outcomes in rapidly changing realities

    Biogéochimie des procédés de récolte forestière dans la zone boréale du Québec

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    Sustainability Impact Assessment of Forest Bioenergy Value Chains in Quebec (Canada)—A ToSIA Approach

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    Forest bioenergy value chains can offer attractive opportunities to promote economic development and mitigate climate change. However, implementing profitable and efficient forest biomass value chains requires overcoming barriers that continue to hinder the development of bioenergy systems in several jurisdictions. The objective of this study was to compare the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of various potential configurations of forest bioenergy value chains, including forest biomass supply and bioenergy production chains, in the Capitale-Nationale region of Quebec (Canada), which is a jurisdiction that has considerable forest resources but makes little use of bioenergy. We based our study on the ToSIA model parameterization and compared various policy measures, biomass supply, and logistics scenarios for 2008 and 2030. Our results showed that wood chip and pellet value chains in the Capitale-Nationale region would positively contribute to the regional economy in 2030, even in the absence of subsidies. Moreover, actions to increase biomass feedstock mobilization in 2030 would lead to an increase in gross value added, employment, and energy production in the region compared with 2008 and a greater increase than other considered policy or logistical measures. However, increased biomass feedstock mobilization would also mean higher relative GHG emissions and more fossil fuel energy input per unit of bioenergy than in the other scenarios. Conversely, optimizing biomass feedstock and combustion technologies could help minimize the fossil fuel energy input needed and GHG and some non-GHG pollutant emissions. Overall, our study suggested that implementing policy and logistical measures for forest biomass value chains could make the significant mobilization of forest bioenergy attainable and, in turn, Quebec’s 2030 bioenergy target of 17 petajoules realistic

    Sustainability Impact Assessment of Forest Bioenergy Value Chains in Quebec (Canada)—A ToSIA Approach

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    Forest bioenergy value chains can offer attractive opportunities to promote economic development and mitigate climate change. However, implementing profitable and efficient forest biomass value chains requires overcoming barriers that continue to hinder the development of bioenergy systems in several jurisdictions. The objective of this study was to compare the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of various potential configurations of forest bioenergy value chains, including forest biomass supply and bioenergy production chains, in the Capitale-Nationale region of Quebec (Canada), which is a jurisdiction that has considerable forest resources but makes little use of bioenergy. We based our study on the ToSIA model parameterization and compared various policy measures, biomass supply, and logistics scenarios for 2008 and 2030. Our results showed that wood chip and pellet value chains in the Capitale-Nationale region would positively contribute to the regional economy in 2030, even in the absence of subsidies. Moreover, actions to increase biomass feedstock mobilization in 2030 would lead to an increase in gross value added, employment, and energy production in the region compared with 2008 and a greater increase than other considered policy or logistical measures. However, increased biomass feedstock mobilization would also mean higher relative GHG emissions and more fossil fuel energy input per unit of bioenergy than in the other scenarios. Conversely, optimizing biomass feedstock and combustion technologies could help minimize the fossil fuel energy input needed and GHG and some non-GHG pollutant emissions. Overall, our study suggested that implementing policy and logistical measures for forest biomass value chains could make the significant mobilization of forest bioenergy attainable and, in turn, Quebec’s 2030 bioenergy target of 17 petajoules realistic

    Comparison of carbon balance and climate change mitigation potential of forest management strategies in the boreal forest of Quebec (Canada).

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    Management of the world’s forests can play a role for climate change mitigation by increasing CO2 storage in vegetation biomass and harvested wood products, and by displacing CO2-intensive materials such as steel or concrete. This study aimed to determine how management of boreal forest stands could contribute to climate change mitigation in the context of ecosystem-based management. The study was based on the comparison of different strategies applied to a balsam fir-white birch stand in the Eastern boreal forest of Quebec (Canada). Five scenarios were simulated over a 199-year period at the stand level: a reference scenario involving clearcut at 50-year intervals, and four alternative scenarios clearcut with longer rotation length (70 and 80 years), partial cut, and a no harvest scenario. The study included an appropriate sensitivity analysis of the results. Overall, scenarios with longer clearcut rotations and, to a lesser extent, partial cut resulted in a higher potential to mitigate climate change. The substitution effect of wood products was revealed as a key aspect, suggesting that wood product manufacturing and utilization on the markets, and not only forest management, need to be carefully considered

    Élaboration d’un modèle de table de concertation pour une gestion participative de la biomasse solide en République démocratique du Congo

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    En cette époque où la planète est davantage préoccupée par les externalités négatives dues au changement climatique, beaucoup de dirigeants à travers le monde essaient de se projeter vers des énergies plus vertes et à moindre cout. Ceux de la RDC emboitent les pas en offrant une fenêtre d’opportunités des ressources forestières immenses vers une transition énergétique par l’exploitation de la biomasse solide (BS). Cependant, les défis à relever sont innombrables avec l’exemple de formalisation d’une option politique collective d’exploitation de la biomasse solide qui exige entre autres que le périmètre d’intervention des différentes parties prenantes à la gestion de la BS soit déterminé. Au regard de cette préoccupation de base, nous formulons l’hypothèse d’intégrer tous les autres aspects techniques, règlementaires et organisationnels des politiques environnementales. Ainsi, il faut élaborer un modèle de table de concertation pour la biomasse solide et utiliser la méthode de gestion participative des parties prenantes en intégrant les facteurs de la durabilité identifiés comme un levier déterminant dans la gestion durable de la biomasse solide en RDC.La RDC possède une table ronde multiacteurs sur la foresterie communautaire. Le but de cette table est d’échanger sur la mise sur pied effective de la foresterie communautaire congolaise dans une approche participative entrainant de facto la cohabitation du droit coutumier avec le droit moderne.Alors que les dysfonctionnements administratifs et la gouvernance politique mettent en péril l’ensemble du système forestier, la Loi n° 14/018 du 2 août 2014 donne espoir et représente un atout réel dans les orientations d’attribution des concessions aux communautés locales de la RDC. Dans l’optique de créer les conditions de synergie entre les différents acteurs, cet article propose une table de concertation pour les parties prenantes de la BS.In this moment, el planeta corre el peligro de preocupare por las externalidades negatives debidas a los climáticos cambios, una gran cantidad de líderes en all el mundo try to project themselves towards greener energies and at lower cost. Those of the DRC are following in the footsteps of offering a ventana de oportunidad para inmensos recursos forestales ante una transición energética para la explotación de biomasa sólida (BS). Without embargo, the challenges to meet its innumerable con el example of the formalization of a collective political option for the improvement of the solid biomass that requires among other things that the scope of intervention of the various stakeholders in the management of the BS sea determined. As a basic preoccupation, we formulate the hypothesis of integrating all the other technical, regulatory and organizational aspects of environmental policies. Además, it is necessary to develop a model of consultation table for the solid biomasa and use the participatory management method of the stakeholders by integrating the factors of sustainability identified as a decisive lever in the management of the solid biomasa in the DRC.The DRC has a mesa redonda of multiple actors under the silvicultura comunitaria. The purpose of this table is to discuss the eficaz establishment of Congolese community forestry in a participatory approach leading de facto to the coexistence of customary law with modern law.While administrative dysfunctions and political governance jeopardize the entire forest system, Law no. Republica Democratica del Congo. With a view to creating the conditions for synergy between the different actors, this article proposes a mesa de concertación para las embarazadas de la BS.En este momento, el planeta corre el peligro de preocuparse por las externalidades negativas debidas a los cambios climáticos, una gran cantidad de líderes en todo el mundo intentan proyectarse hacia energías más ecológicas ya menor costo. Los de la RDC están siguiendo los pasos de ofrecer una ventana de oportunidad para enormes recursos forestales ante una transición energética para la explotación de biomasa sólida (BS). Sin embargo, los desafíos para cumplir con sus innumerables con el ejemplo de la formalización de una opción política colectiva por el mejoramiento de la biomasa sólida que requiere entre otras cosas que se determine el ámbito de intervención de los distintos actores en la gestión del mar BS. Como preocupación básica formulamos la hipótesis de integrar todos los demás aspectos técnicos, normativos y organizativos de las políticas ambientales. Además, es necesario desarrollar un modelo de mesa de consulta para la biomasa sólida y utilizar el método de gestión participativa de las partes interesadas integrando los factores de sostenibilidad identificados como palanca decisiva en la gestión de la biomasa sólida en la RDC.La RDC tiene una mesa redonda de múltiples actores bajo la silvicultura comunitaria. El propósito de esta mesa es discutir el establecimiento eficaz de la silvicultura comunitaria congoleña en un enfoque participativo que conduzca de facto a la coexistencia del derecho consuetudinario con el derecho moderno.Si bien las disfunciones administrativas y la gobernanza política ponen en peligro todo el sistema forestal, la Ley núm. República Democrática del Congo. Con miras a crear las condiciones para la sinergia entre los diferentes actores, este artículo propone una mesa de concertación para las embarazadas de la BS

    Élaboration d’un modèle de table de concertation pour une gestion participative de la biomasse solide en République démocratique du Congo

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    In this moment, el planeta corre el peligro de preocupare por las externalidades negatives debidas a los climáticos cambios, una gran cantidad de líderes en all el mundo try to project themselves towards greener energies and at lower cost. Those of the DRC are following in the footsteps of offering a ventana de oportunidad para inmensos recursos forestales ante una transición energética para la explotación de biomasa sólida (BS). Without embargo, the challenges to meet its innumerable con el example of the formalization of a collective political option for the improvement of the solid biomass that requires among other things that the scope of intervention of the various stakeholders in the management of the BS sea determined. As a basic preoccupation, we formulate the hypothesis of integrating all the other technical, regulatory and organizational aspects of environmental policies. Además, it is necessary to develop a model of consultation table for the solid biomasa and use the participatory management method of the stakeholders by integrating the factors of sustainability identified as a decisive lever in the management of the solid biomasa in the DRC.The DRC has a mesa redonda of multiple actors under the silvicultura comunitaria. The purpose of this table is to discuss the eficaz establishment of Congolese community forestry in a participatory approach leading de facto to the coexistence of customary law with modern law.While administrative dysfunctions and political governance jeopardize the entire forest system, Law no. Republica Democratica del Congo. With a view to creating the conditions for synergy between the different actors, this article proposes a mesa de concertación para las embarazadas de la BS

    Diagnostic du contexte et pratique de la gestion actuelle de la biomasse solide et de son utilisation en République Démocratique du Congo

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    This article, which deals with the diagnosis of the management and use of solid biomass in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has made it possible to make a documentary analysis to determine the viability of forest management in the production of solid biomass in DRC. The analysis was made following the ‘Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats’ (SWOT) approach of the BS sector in the DRC. This approach including the analysis tool is intended to facilitate reflection on new strategies for organizing information from the documents consulted. To this must be added the combination of analysis of internal and external factors as well as the evaluation of economic systems.This study highlights the activities of solid biomass which are generally informal while highlighting the results from internal and external factors. Positive internal factors are considered positive internal forces and qualities that positively influence the system in place. It is for this reason that the endogenous factors are identified as being the others of the forest sector as the solid biomass (David, 2005). The existence of certain legal and regulatory texts apprehends de facto a positive internal factor and also registers weaknesses which are internal negative factors, unfavorable for the achievement of the objectives of a system linked to the household and the company. The weaknesses listed relate to technological aspects, to the knowledge of resources and to the governance of forestry management. Positive external factors exist in the ecosystem such as the ecological opportunity such as the energy plantation on the Batéké plateau in Kinshasa. These factors are available to all actors internal to the environment in which the economic model can generate benefits and sustain the use of forest ecosystems. As a result, the DRC should promote the rational management of SB to minimize its negative impacts, reforest for the production of wood energy, electrify the country through hydroelectric power stations and promote the use of improved cooking stoves. To obtain the expected results, the fraud reinforces the legal and regulatory framework governing BS

    Caractérisation des modèles types de chaînes de valeur de la biomasse forestière

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    Bioenergy produced from forest biomass is considered as a critical tool for energy transition and the fight against climate change. The forest bioenergy sector has very strong positions in some jurisdictions across the world, especially for heating; However, it is still at an early stage of development in regions that nevertheless have an important forest sector, including Quebec. In order to document the development of forest bioenergy in these emerging regions, this study analyzes typical models of forest biomass value chains for the heating of institutional and commercial buildings in Quebec. It has been possible to discover five typical value of chain models. Currently, within the region, wood chips are the most widely used fuel after conventional wood pellets. Despite their calorific value, torrefied wood pellets are little used and rather destined for export. That said, the prices currently observed in the study area are those of a still very limited market, in which only the most affordable sources of biomass are currently being mobilized. Supply costs should therefore evolve with additional mobilization of the raw material, but also with technological and institutional learning. This study reveals the importance of the behaviour and harmonization of the actors within the value chains, but also the influence of the external environment on the efficiency of the chains and the competitiveness of bioenergy products