131 research outputs found

    Local Determinants of Crime: Distinguishing between Resident and Non-Resident Offenders

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    The paper revisits the local determinants of crime using a spatial model distinguishing between resident and non-resident offenders. Employing data for German municipalities, the model is estimated by means of a spatial GMM approach. Focusing on resident offenders legal earnings opportunities and the expected gain from offenses are found to be important determinants of crime. Also the socio-economic background in terms of unemployment, poverty, and inequality proves significant for both property and violent crime. Whereas local inequality only shows an effect on crime committed by resident offenders, crime committed by non-resident offenders is shown to be significantly related to the characteristics in adjacent municipalities such as unemployment and income.Crime, Causes of Crime, Cross-Sectional Study, Spatial Econometrics, Crime Spillovers, Neighborhood Effects, Instrumental Variables

    Spatial Implications of Minimum Wages

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    This paper addresses possible consequences of a minimum wage in a spatial context. An empirical analysis utilizing German data shows that a signifcant spatial wage structure exists and that, as a consequence, the share of workers earning wages below a minimum wage will be particularly high in rural counties even if we control for educational and occupational differences. A theoretical analysis discusses the implications for the spatial structure of the economy and shows that while the wages in the countryside will be affected positively, wages will decline in the city, where employment and population rise. Workers in the city will further suffer from an increase in housing costs. This supports concerns that urban poverty might increase as a result of the introduction of a minimum wage.Minimum Wages; Urban Poverty; Spatial Wage Structure; Mobility; Economies of Agglomeration

    Tax Incentives and the Location of FDI: Evidence from a Panel of German Multinationals

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    Using a firm-level dataset this paper investigates the impact of taxation on the decision of German multinationals to hold direct investments in other European countries or abroad. Controlling for firm-specific differences in the valuation of potential locations, the results confirm significant effects of tax incentives, market size, and of labor cost on cross-border location decisions. In accordance with Devereux and Griffith (1998) we find that the marginal tax rate has no predictive power for location decisions whereas effective average and statutory tax rates exert significant effects. In particular, the statutory tax rate has strong predictive power for the likelihood of direct investment holdings at a location. The results indicate that an increase in the statutory tax rate by 10 percentage points reduces the odds of observing some positive direct investment by approximately 20 %. --

    The Incentive Effect of Fiscal Equalization Transfers on Tax Policy

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    A theoretical analysis considers the impact of a typical system of redistributive "fiscal equalization" transfers on the taxing effort of local jurisdictions. More specifically, it shows that the marginal contribution rate, i.e. the rate at which an increase in the tax base is reducing those transfers, might be positively associated with the local tax rate while the volume of grants received is likely to be inversely related to the tax base. These predictions are tested in an empirical analysis of the tax policy of German municipalities. In order to identify the incentive effect the analysis exploits discontinuities in the rules of the fiscal equalization system as well as policy changes. The empirical results support the existence of an incentive effect, suggesting that the high marginal contribution rates induce the municipalities to raise their business tax rates significantly

    Reform der Gemeindefinanzen

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    Zentraler Gegenstand der Reformdiskussion ist die gemeindliche Steuerautonomie, diegegenwärtig vor allem durch die Wahl des Hebesatzes bei der Gewerbesteuer ausgeübtwird. Trotz aller Kritik halten die Gemeinden an der Gewerbesteuer fest. Wie der Vortragzeigt, ist dies letztlich durch den Finanzausgleich zu erklären. Im gegenwärtigenSystem ist der Steuerwettbewerb durch den kommunalen Finanzausgleich austariert.Die Substitution durch eine Einkommensteuer würde das System fundamental ändernund erforderte eine Anpassung aller Finanzausgleichssysteme, die für die Gemeindenmit erheblichen Risiken verbunden ist. Als sinnvolle Reformalternative bietet sich dieRevitalisierung der Grundsteuer an

    Labor Market Effects of Economic Integration - The Impact of Re-Unification in German Border Regions

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    The paper argues that economic integration causes problems for the labor market of high-wage countries due to cross-border labor mobility and the accompanying increase in labor supply. Empirical evidence is provided from an analysis of regional labor market effects of German re-unification. In the aftermath of the re-unification shock, despite some gain in employment, border regions situated on the former German-German border are found to have experienced a fall in the relative wage position and an increase in unemployment relative to other West-German regions. As this points to adverse labor supply effects for resident workers due to cross-border labor mobility, this result is bad news for EU regions situated on the border with the Accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe.economic integration, border regions, EU enlargement, German re-unification, differences in differences estimation

    Regional Stabilization by Fiscal Equalization? Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence from Germany

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    In the context of EMU fiscal equalization schemes have been proposed as a means to stabilize regions against asymmetric shocks. A theoretical analysis shows that besides reducing the cross-sectional income variance the redistributive element of fiscal equalization causes incentive effects for regional governments, undermining the efficient supply of public goods. Yet, this objection is shown to be less important in a situation of insufficient demand, where interregional redistribution actually favors stabilization. In an empirical analysis for Germany, the paper adds support for the finding of significant regional stabilization by fiscal flows. The results indicate that about 17 % of GDP variation across West Germany's states has been removed by fiscal flows during the last two decades. Thus, in Germany where the fiscal federalism is criticised for its heavy equalization the extent of regional stabilization provided by fiscal flows is quite similar to other federal countries

    Commercial Land Use and Interjurisdictional Competition

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    Commercial Land Use and Interjurisdictional Competitio

    Quality of Life in the Regions - Results for German Counties

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    In order to assess differences in living conditions across German regions we apply the hedonic approach of Rosen (1979) and Roback (1982) to land-price and wage differences across Germany’s counties. Employing a recent survey of more than half a million Germans on a wide range of social and political issues we confirm that differences in amenities give rise to substantial differences in land prices. With regard to wages, however, we find only little effects of amenities. Relying on the land-price effects we assess the quality of life in each of the German counties and provide a comprehensive ranking.Land prices; regional income differentials; hedonic regression; quality of life; compensating wage differentials

    Steuerwettbewerb und Finanzausgleich

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    Angesichts der unvermindert anhaltenden Steuerkonkurrenz in der EU wird im politischen Raum vermehrt gefordert, die Zuteilung der Strukturfonds an eine Mindestbesteuerung zu knüpfen. Ungeachtet ihrer strategischen Natur lassen sich diese Forderungen im Prinzip durchaus im Rahmen der Theorie des Fiskalföderalismus rechtfertigen. Sie entsprechen der Logik eines Finanzausgleichs. Ein entsprechender europäischer Finanzausgleich würde allerdings so gravierende Probleme aufwerfen, dass an einer Reduktion der tariflichen Steuersätze in Deutschland kein Weg vorbeiführt. Ohnehin eignen sich die Strukturfonds nicht als Druckmittel, da sie aufgrund der Kofinanzierung die Mitgliedsländer der EU eher dazu veranlassen, ihre Steuersätze zu erhöhen