16 research outputs found
Anthropometric and motor characteristics of senegalese children with different nutritional histories
The effects of protein energy malnutrition (PEM) on the motor performance of 4.5-6.5-year-old Senegalese children were studied. Body dimensions included weight, lengths, circumferences, and four skinfolds. Motor performance tests included a 3-min endurance run, 4 X 10 m shuttle-run, distance throw, standing long jump and grip strength. The sample consisted of 147 children : 52 children who were hospitalized for severe undernutrition (severe UN group) during infancy but who had been nutritionally rehabilited ; 63 children who were never severely malnourished but who were chronically exposed to mild-to-moderate undernutrition up to the time of study (chronic UN group) ; and 32 well nourished children (well nourished group) from well-off households. After adjusting for sex and age, the well nourished group performed better than the severe UN and chronic UN groups. Principal components analysis resulted in two factors which explained 65% of the variance in anthropometry and motor performance. One was related to body size and the second to body composition. The three nutritional groups differed significantly in principal component scores for the two factors ; chronic UN and severe UN children also differed for the second factor. Body composition, especially low fat mass appeared to be an important feature for motor performance in chronically undernourished children. (Résumé d'auteur
Flow process and heating conditions modulate the characteristics of whey protein aggregates.
Whey protein fractal aggregates reveal different texturizing properties depending on their size. This studycharacterize the effect of three process parameters (flow regime, heating residence time (RTh) and heatingtemperature) on the size and shape of aggregates formed at a semi-industrial scale using a dynamic tubular heatexchanger, and identify the mechanisms involved in their formation. The study showed that physicochemicalparameters are not the unique levers to modulate agregates properties but process parameters are also efficient.Asymetrical-Flow-Field-Flow-Fractionation was used to highlight the significant increase of aggregate sizeproduced under transient regime conditions compared to laminar and turbulent regimes. Even larger aggregateswere obtained while increasing the heating temperature from 80 to 85 °C since the unfolding aggregation ofprotein was controlled by the aggregation step. Moreover, RTh showed no effect on aggregate formation. Thisstudy paves the way to the control of aggregate properties obtained in a continuous dynamic mode
Early nutritional history and motor performance of Senegalese children, 4-6 years of age
On a étudié les effets de la sous nutrition sur les performances de coordination motrice de 139 enfants sénégalais âgés de 4,0 à 6,5 ans. L'effectif a été fractionné en trois groupes d'histoires nutritionneles distinctes : 54 enfants chroniquement exposés à une sous nutrition faible à modérée (groupe A), 52 enfants hospitalisés pour sous nutrition sévère pendant la rime enfance et réhabilités, puis exposés par la suite à une sous nutrition modérée (Groupe B) et 33 enfants de foyers aisés (Groupe C). Les tests incluaient six épreuves des échelles de McCarthy (coordination du bras) et de Charlop-Atwell (coordination motrice générale) et quatre épreuves d'efficacité motrice (course d'endurance, course en navette, longueur de lancer, saut en longueur sans élan, force dynamométrique). Les performances progressèrent avec l'âge et les garçons obtinrent de meilleurs résultats que les filles pour tous les tests d'efficacité motrice sauf pour le saut, mais non pour les épreuves de coordination. En général, le groupe C obtint de meilleurs résultats que les groupes A et B pour la plupart des épreuves. Les dimensions corporelles expliquent une part significative de la variance des performances motrices, la stature étant le principal déterminant. Après élimination des effets de l'âge et du format corporel, les différences entre groupes nutritionnels disparaissent pour les performances motrices mais persistent dans certaines épreuves de coordination motrice. On conclut que la sous nutrition chronique reflétée par un format corporel réduit et peut être par la masses musculaire, est un important déterminant des performances motrices des enfants sénégalais d'âge préscolaire. (Résumé d'auteur
Anthropometric and motor characteristics of senegalese children with different nutritional histories
The effects of protein energy malnutrition (PEM) on the motor performance of 4.5-6.5-year-old Senegalese children were studied. Body dimensions included weight, lengths, circumferences, and four skinfolds. Motor performance tests included a 3-min endurance run, 4 X 10 m shuttle-run, distance throw, standing long jump and grip strength. The sample consisted of 147 children : 52 children who were hospitalized for severe undernutrition (severe UN group) during infancy but who had been nutritionally rehabilited ; 63 children who were never severely malnourished but who were chronically exposed to mild-to-moderate undernutrition up to the time of study (chronic UN group) ; and 32 well nourished children (well nourished group) from well-off households. After adjusting for sex and age, the well nourished group performed better than the severe UN and chronic UN groups. Principal components analysis resulted in two factors which explained 65% of the variance in anthropometry and motor performance. One was related to body size and the second to body composition. The three nutritional groups differed significantly in principal component scores for the two factors ; chronic UN and severe UN children also differed for the second factor. Body composition, especially low fat mass appeared to be an important feature for motor performance in chronically undernourished children. (Résumé d'auteur
Prévalence de la carence en iode et du goitre endémique au Sénégal Oriental et en Casamance
Une enquête épidémiologique concernant 9544 sujets âgés de 10 à 50 ans menée dans 2 régions du Sénégal en 1996 et 1997 a montré une prévalence globale des goitres de 33,5% au Sénégal Oriental et de 23,4% en Casamance. Les dosages de l'iodurie font apparaître une carence iodée sévère chez 21% de la population, une carence modérée chez 24% et légère chez 18% de la population. Les données recueillies permettront le suivi et l'évaluation de la campagne de commercialisation de sel iodé mise en place récemment au Sénégal. (Résumé d'auteur