12 research outputs found


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    The presence of loan words in a language shows the long-standing interactions between that particular language as a recepient and its donors. Over time, these loan words are absorbed into the recipient language and they become a part of the linguistic identity of its speakers. Very often the speakers no longer realize that these words originally came from another language. This essay looks at seventeenth-century texts of Christian songs in Malay that were first introduced to the East Indies by the VOC. By looking at the presence of several loan words, mostly coming from Arabic, Sanskrit, and Dutch this essay seeks to explain how these loan words form the identity of speakers of Malay, not just among Christians who sang these songs, but also the speakers of this lingua franca who lived all over the East Indies archipelago

    A Diachronic Linguistics Study of Imperative Forms: From Seventeenth-Century Malay to Modern-day Indonesian

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    This article studies provides an example of how a research in diachronic linguistics can be carried out. By looking at imperative sentences written in Sourat ABC, a seventeenth-century Malay text this study reveals that there are elements in the Malay language that continues to be used in the Indonesian language today, and there are also elements that are no longer in use. One of the reasons why certain forms are dropped is for the sake of simplification. Cumbersome and clunky affixations morphed into more simplified construction as the language underwent changes and adaptation

    The Significance Of Psalm Singing In Calvin's Liturgy Of The Lord's Supper And Its Relevance Today

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    In this article, the author argues of the significance of Psalm singing in Calvin's Liturgy of the Lord's Supper. Metrical psalm singing is one of Calvin's contributions towards the changes in reformation worship. Furthermore, his emphasis on its use in the Liturgy of the Lord's Supper is an important retrieval from the wider diversity in many contemporary church worship. Throughout the article, the author endorses a creative use of psalm singing in the church. Such practice must not be forgotten that has been formative to the reformation in the past


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    Studying the development of a Christian religious text commonly known as the “Lord’s Prayer,” this essay will serve as a prime example of how historical linguistics serves our knowledge of the development of the language we now call Bahasa Indonesia. Tracing the text from its earliest Malay translation in 1611, through three stages of development in 1688, 1733, 1938, until its current form affirmed in 1974, this essay will demonstrate that while the surface structure the text underwent significant changes and modifications over time, its deep structure remains the same


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    This paper analyzes the development of the use of pronouns in Malay in the seventeenth century. Employing a diachronic linguistics methodology, this paper studies some shifts in the way in which pronouns were employed in some educational primers published by the Dutch to teach children in the East Indies how to read and write. Particularly, the paper focuses its attention in the two editions of such primer, entitled Sourat ABC (or ABC Letter), first published in 1611 and then republished in 1682. The reading texts included in the primer are taken from standard Christian teaching material and prayers. A study of different editions of such standard texts is beneficial for a diachronic linguistics research because they give the researcher contained, identifiable source to investigate. A closer look at these two editions reveals that there are significant changes and shifts in the use of Pronouns in Malay within the span of 7 decades. These changes reflect the influence of the Dutch language in Malay, as the two languages coexisted at the time when the Dutch colonized the archipelago

    Reformasi, Teologi dan Kehidupan Sehari-Hari : Ajaran Calvin dan Konsistori di Geneva tentang Pernikahan

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    Setiap kali kita membicarakan Reformasi yang terjadi pada abad keenam belas, sering kali perhatian kita hanya tertuju pada formulasiformulasi teologis dengan segala pernik-perniknya serta kompleksitas pemahaman dogmatika dari para reformator. Pandangan seperti ini menyebabkan kita lupa bahwa Reformasi itu sendiri terjadi karena para reformator berupaya untuk memaparkan pemikiran teologis mereka dengan tujuan agar jemaat umum bisa menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. … Melalui tulisan ini penulis berupaya untuk memaparkan bagaimana Calvin menerapkan pandangan reformasi mengenai pernikahan, baik dari sudut pandang teologis, aturan tata gereja Geneva dan dalam praktek seharihari. Penelitian ini dipusatkan pada masa dekade pertama sejak Calvin menerbitkan edisi pertama Institutio pada tahun 1536 sampai pada penerbitan Peraturan Tata Cara Pernikahan yang dikeluarkan oleh para pemimpin di Geneva pada tahun 1547. Dekade pertama ini memiliki peran penting dalam sejarah Reformasi di Geneva, sebab pada masa ini ajaran Reformasi dari Calvin berada pada masa ujian untuk meneguhkan dasardasar pemikiran teologisnya; pada saat yang sama juga mengubah cara berpikir jemaat dari cara lama yang berdasarkan ajaran gereja dan kepausan yang berpusat di Roma dengan segala penekanannya tentang sakramen yang dicampur dengan ajaran mistis dan penuh takhyul. Dari hasil penelitian ini penulis berharap agar para pembaca bisa melihat bahwa upaya yang dilakukan oleh Calvin untuk menerapkan teologi Reformasi dalam kehidupan jemaatnya tidaklah mengalami jalan yang mudah. Di satu sisi Calvin harus berdiri di atas ajaran Alkitab dan menyampaikan ajaran Alkitab ini bagi jemaatnya. Di sisi lain, jemaat yang pada umumnya belum terpelajar dan cara berpikirnya sangat dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan dan adat yang dibentuk oleh gereja di Roma dengan segala pemikiran takhyul dari abad pertengahan, masih sulit berubah apa lagi dalam hal pernikahan. Dari catatan konsistori Geneva yang penulis akan ketengahkan di sini, pembaca dapat melihat bagaimana orang-orang di Geneva menghadapi problema pernikahan mereka, dan bagaimana Calvin serta para pendeta lainnya menerapkan ajaran Reformasi mereka

    Gereja Sebagai Umat Pilihan Allah dalam Pandangan Clemens Romanus

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    Surat 1 Clement yang ditulis oleh Clemens Romanus (Clement of Rome) adalah salah satu naskah gereja abad permulaan yang dianggap memegang peranan penting dalam sejarah gereja mula-mula. Surat ini ditulis pada akhir abad pertama Masehi, sekitar tahun 95-96, dan merupakan tulisan Kristen paling awal sesudah penutupan kanon Perjanjian Baru yang kita miliki. Naskah ini berbentuk surat kiriman dan dicantumkan bersama-sama dengan salinan naskah Perjanjian Baru yang dimuat dalam Codex Alexandrianus, yang selalu dinilai memiliki bobot yang tinggi dalam analisa tekstual untuk salinan kitab-kitab Perjanjian Baru. Kenyataan bahwa surat ini dicantumkan bersama-sama dengan salinan Perjanjian Baru membuktikan bahwa gereja abad mula-mula sangat menghargai surat ini. Selain itu, surat ini juga diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Latin, Syriac, dan Coptic, sehingga isinya dapat dibaca oleh lebih banyak umat Kristen di wilayah yang lebih luas lagi, yakni di sekitar Yunani, Siria, Palestina dan Mesir pada akhir abad pertama dan awal abad kedua Masehi. …Tujuan penulisan artikel ini ialah untuk menunjukkan bahwa bagi Clement, pemahaman mengenai gereja sebagai umat pilihan Allah yang diikat erat dengan tali kasih satu dengan yang lain, adalah cara terpenting untuk mengatasi dan mencegah perpecahan di antara orang percaya. Menurut Clement gereja sebagai umat pilihan Allah memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar untuk menunjukkan kasih satu kepada yang lain

    Biblical Scholarship

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    Calvin’s Friends: Farel, Viret, and Beza

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    John Calvin did not create the French Reformed movement alone. At every step of the way, he was assisted by close friends and allies. Guillaume Farel preceded Calvin and established many of the key doctrines and practices that would come to define Calvinism. Pierre Viret was perhaps Calvin’s closest friend and worked steadily to implement Calvin’s vision of reform first in Lausanne and later in France, while also popularizing Calvinist theology in his many vernacular dialogues. And Theodore Beza emerged as an important theologian in his own right before taking over as Calvin’s successor as head of the Geneva Company of Pastors, from which position he helped to guide the French Reformed churches during the Wars of Religion and to unify the Swiss Reformed churches behind a common theology

    The Council of Trent and the Augsburg \u3cem\u3eInterim\u3c/em\u3e

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    The Augsburg Interim (“Declaration of His Roman Imperial Majesty on the Observance of Religion within the Holy Empire Until the Decision of the General Council”) was adopted at the 1548 Diet of Augsburg, marking the victory of Emperor Charles V (r. 1516–1556) in the Schmalkaldic War (1546–1547) by attempting to impose a religious reconciliation between followers of Martin Luther and the Catholic Church. Charles, also king of Spain, was beset by problems throughout his European possessions, stemming largely from the Reformation. The Interim was one effort to control these problems. The purpose of the document was to create a temporary compromise, to promote religious and political stability while waiting for a more definitive statement from the Council of Trent (which was in session at the time). The provisional nature did nothing to lessen Protestant fears of attempting to suppress dissent or to dampen concerns on the part of some Catholics that heresy was going unpunished; instead, it hardened divisions. Its failures contributed to a breakdown in Habsburg authority in central Europe