21 research outputs found

    Site selection, structural design, construction, management and production of floating cage culture system in Malaysia

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    The success of cage culture system is largely determined by correct selection of favourable sites, suitable cage size and facilities and management of the system. These three elements are considered in this paper in relation to culture systems in Malaysia

    IDRC Cage Culture Project in Sri Lanka

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    Isolation, identification of causative agent of "red boil disease" in grouper (Epinephelus salmoides) and its possible control by vaccination

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    This report presents the initial results of studies on the isolation and identification of the causative agent as well as possible immunization of the estuary groupers. It is hoped that by a vaccination programme, fish could be made immune to such disease. Results indicate: (1) Vibrio parahaemolyticus is pathogenic to estuary grouper (2) that the vaccines did not seem to protect the fish against the vibrio when challenged one week after vaccination, but that this was due to slow antibody production of the fish as salmonids challenged about 30-35 days after vaccination reported good protection against Vibrio anguillarum and other bacterial diseases. Experiments are now in progress to challenge the vaccinated groupers at a later stage

    Our coastal areas at risk: what can we do about it?

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    Essential elements of integrated coastal zone management

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    The coastal zone comprises a narrow strip of coastal lowlands and a vast area of coastal waters. While the coastal zone represents approximately 10% of the earth's surface, its coastal lowlands are inhabited by more than 50% of the world population. The coastal zone has become the major site for extensive and diverse economic activities. Many of the coastal developing countries depend heavily on the scarce coastal resources for their economic growth


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