41 research outputs found

    Provision & Wealth Overview

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    God\u27s Original Intentions: Blessing, Provision, Abundance The Effects of a Fallen World Many People Are Unable To Obtain Even Basic Provision Many People Find Provision and Even Become Wealthy—But Cause Great Harm Wealth Gained Through Unjust Means is Harmful Legitimate Wealth Can Still be Harmful Redeeming the Economic Sphere We Are To Develop And Model Right Attitudes To Provision And Wealth From an Attitude of Ownership to Trusteeship From an Attitude of Ingratitude to Gratitude From an Attitude of Discontentment to Contentment We Are To Change Our Personal Lifestyles From a Lifestyle of Self-Sufficient Individualism to Community From a Lifestyle of Isolationism to Personal Engagement From a Lifestyle of Compulsive Work to a Rhythm of Work and Rest We Are To Use Our Wealth For The Aid Of Those In Poverty Aiding the Poor Through Giving Aiding the Poor Through Investing Aiding the Poor Through Spending We Are to Change the Organizations and Structures of Society We Are to Work With Non-believers to Increase Provision and Reduce Poverty Nehemiah - A Positive Role Model Hope and Help in God\u27s Provision We Can Seek Guidance About Provision From God... We Are Meant to Depend on God for Provision... We Are Meant to Work Diligently and Wisely... God Does Not Promise That Christians Will Escape the Effects of the Fallen World Wealth is No Indication of God\u27s Favor or Blessing The Final Hope Conclusion

    Colossians & Philimon and Work

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    Introduction to Colossians and Philemon Background on Colossae and the Colossians God at Work, Jesus at Work (Col 1:15-20) God Worked in Creation, Making Humans Workers in His Image (Col 1:1-14) Jesus, the Image of the Invisible God (Col 1:15-29) I\u27m Doing Alright by Myself (Col 2:1-23) Heavenly Living for Earthly Good: The Shape of our Reorientation (Col 3:1-16) Doing our Work as for the Lord (Col 3:17 & 3:23) Of Slaves and Masters, Ancient and Contemporary (Col 3:18-4:1) Philemon Conclusions to Colossians and Philemon Key Verses and Themes in Colossians and Philemo

    John and Work

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    Introduction to John The Word\u27s Work in the World (John 1:1-18) Calling Disciples/Friends (John 1:35-51) The Wedding Planner (John 2:1-11) Jesus\u27 Hand in All Things (John 3:1-36) Water Works (John 4) Who Works When, and Why? (John 5) Bread of Life (John 6) Seeing and Believing (John 9) Life, and Looming Death (John 10-12) Servant Leadership (John 13) Farewell Words (John 14-17) Work and Relationships (John 14-17) Work and Productivity (John 14-17) Stranger in a Strange Land (John 18-20) Beloved Disciples (John 21

    Daniel and Work

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    Introduction to Daniel Is Daniel a Model for Christians Today? The Big Picture of the Book of Daniel Introduction: In Exile at Babylon U. (Daniel 1) Theme A: God will Overthrow Pagan Kingdoms and Replace Them with His Own Kingdom (Daniel 2) Theme B: Sufferings, Yet Rewards, for Faithful Witnesses to God in the Meantime (Daniel 3) Theme C: Humbling and Overthrow of the Pagan King (Daniel 4) Theme C Revisited: Humbling and Overthrow of the Pagan King (Daniel 5) Theme B Revisited: Sufferings, Yet Rewards, for Faithful Witnesses to God in the Meantime (Daniel 6) Theme A Revisited: God will Overthrow Pagan Kingdoms and Replace Them with His Own Kingdom (Dan 7) Conclusion to Daniel Key Verses and Themes in Danie

    Truth & Deception Overview

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    Truthtelling in the Bible Truthtelling is the Norm in the Bible Exceptions to Truthtelling in the Bible Why Truthtelling is Important Authentic Communication Requires Truthtelling Trust and Cooperation Require Truthtelling Human Dignity Requires Truthtelling Truthtelling in the Workplace Financial Statements Must Tell the Truth There May be Exceptions to Truthtelling in the Workplace Puffery/exaggeration White lies Bluffing When Someone Has No Right to the Truth Deception to obtain information you have a right to know Information you have no right to know Social implications of protecting information others have no right to know Conclusions About Truth & Deception Key Biblical Texts on Truth & Deceptio

    Mark and Work

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    Introduction to Mark Kingdom and Discipleship (Mark 1-4, 6, 8) The Beginning of the Gospel (Mark 1:1-13) The Calling of the First Disciples (Mark 1:16-20) The Paralytic Man (Mark 2:1-12) The Calling of Levi (Mark 2:13-17) The Twelve (Mark 3:13-19) Discipleship in Process (Mark 4:35-41; 6:45-52; 8:14-21) Rhythms of Work, Rest and Worship (Mark 1-4, 6, 13) The First Days of the Movement (Mark 1:21-45) The Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-3:6) Jesus the Builder (Mark 6:1-6) Parables at Work (Mark 4:26-29 and 13:32-37) Economic Issues (Mark 10-12) The Rich Young Man and Attitudes to Wealth and Status (Mark 10:17-31) Wealth (Mark 10:17-22) Status (Mark 10:13-16, 22) The Grace of God (Mark 10:23-31) The Temple Incident (Mark 11:15-18) Taxes and Caesar (Mark 12:13-17) The Cross and Resurrection (Mark 14:32-16:8) Conclusions: Drawing Together Some Threads (Mark) Key Verses and Themes in Mar

    Competition and Work (Overview)

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    Competition Is Essential in Work Competition Gives People the Choice That Empowers Economic Productivity Competition Has a Place in the Bible Competition Can Hurt People and Societies Competition as Cooperation Is the Solution Competition as Cooperation Serves Customers Competition as Cooperation Serves Society Competition as Cooperation Serves Competitors Competition as Cooperation Sometimes Requires Self-Sacrifice Competition as Cooperation Requires Formation Loving Our Neighbors Through Competition as Cooperatio